Progs: Kissing Cuban Commie Culo

seriously only a left-wing loser could say something so stupid. what is there to be buttthurt about? it isnt right-wingers embarrassing themselves kissing Cuban ass

did you clowns even get them to free any pollitical prisoners first before kerry went down on them?
seriously only a left-wing loser could say something so stupid. what is there to be buttthurt about? it isnt right-wingers embarrassing themselves kissing Cuban ass

did you clowns even get them to free any pollitical prisoners first before kerry went down on them?
Quit whining puta
I don't think there is a commie this administration and Obama especially hasn't bowed down to. He's succeeded in making everyone more important over us. but that was his plan to begin with.

who wants to Transform a country they supposedly love? so many were duped.
seriously only a left-wing loser could say something so stupid. what is there to be buttthurt about? it isnt right-wingers embarrassing themselves kissing Cuban ass

did you clowns even get them to free any pollitical prisoners first before kerry went down on them?

Who freed Batista's political prisoners? Oh wait, they were all dead. Never mind.
it's really awkward watching left-wing losers actually smug in their embarrassing kissing cuban ass routine
seriously only a left-wing loser could say something so stupid. what is there to be buttthurt about? it isnt right-wingers embarrassing themselves kissing Cuban ass

did you clowns even get them to free any pollitical prisoners first before kerry went down on them?

Who freed Batista's political prisoners? Oh wait, they were all dead. Never mind.


what year is it leftard?

did i just see a left-wing nutjob rationalizing kissing commie cuban ass on account of a dictator 50-something years ago?
Cocksuckertives are upset because this means the end of Cuban Republicanism, the old Cubans are dying off and the young are flocking to Democrats. Castro is dying and there is money to be made in Cuba. It's a new day and Republicans can't stand Obama getting credit. LOL
Cocksuckertives are upset because this means the end of Cuban Republicanism, the old Cubans are dying off and the young are flocking to Democrats. Castro is dying and there is money to be made in Cuba. It's a new day and Republicans can't stand Obama getting credit. LOL

"flocking to democrats"??

really leftard?

then maybe Dems wont have to attempt another coup in florida like they did in 2000?

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