[PROOF] Egyptian Foreign Minister: "Obama Told Me, 'I Am A Muslim.'”


Silver Member
Oct 26, 2012
United States
Some of you may remember this from back in 2010. I actually just found out about it now.

As I looked around, a lot of liberal sites are saying that this is a made-up story, as there's no proof to corroborate the story. The "supposed" May 2010 publication from Israel Today which contains the interview has been removed from the internet. Link:

Not Working -> http://www.israeltoday.co.il/Portals/0/May2010.pdf

Not sure why it was removed, but it was. Luckily for us, what was once on the internet, even if taken down, can almost always be recovered. Here's a web archive of the May 2010 issue of Israel Today:

Working -> http://web.archive.org/web/20100821045517/http://www.israeltoday.co.il/Portals/0/May2010.pdf

The interview in question is on page 3, "Obama, a 'Strategic Catastrophe.'"

“The American President told me in confidence that
he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian
Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul
Gheit on Nile TV. That could
explain why Obama has instructed that the term
“Islamic extremism” no longer be used in official government documents and statements.

Enjoy. :redface:
Merely being a muslim doesn't mean much. obama is a muslim brotherhood muslim. If he was in Egypt he'd be under arrest right now.
Some of you may remember this from back in 2010. I actually just found out about it now.

As I looked around, a lot of liberal sites are saying that this is a made-up story, as there's no proof to corroborate the story. The "supposed" May 2010 publication from Israel Today which contains the interview has been removed from the internet. Link:

Not Working -> http://www.israeltoday.co.il/Portals/0/May2010.pdf

Not sure why it was removed, but it was. Luckily for us, what was once on the internet, even if taken down, can almost always be recovered. Here's a web archive of the May 2010 issue of Israel Today:

Working -> http://web.archive.org/web/20100821045517/http://www.israeltoday.co.il/Portals/0/May2010.pdf

The interview in question is on page 3, "Obama, a 'Strategic Catastrophe.'"

“The American President told me in confidence that
he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian
Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul
Gheit on Nile TV. That could
explain why Obama has instructed that the term
“Islamic extremism” no longer be used in official government documents and statements.

Enjoy. :redface:

not this again?......
Merely being a muslim doesn't mean much. obama is a muslim brotherhood muslim. If he was in Egypt he'd be under arrest right now.


Obama is not a Muslim, Obama is a virulent Islamic extremist, there is a big difference!

I am still flabbergasted that he is the President of US.:mad: It's almost unbelievable.
Honestly I don't give a ratts ass what Obama thinks he is. Any and all organized religions are scams ment to control man. Christian, Muslim, makes no difference. They all demand your money and obedience OR ELSE.
Honestly I don't give a ratts ass what Obama thinks he is. Any and all organized religions are scams ment to control man. Christian, Muslim, makes no difference. They all demand your money and obedience OR ELSE.

You have religion confused with government.
Obama says whatever he thinks is politically expedient at the time. He said that islam was one of the worlds great religions - no real Christian would ever say that. I don't know if he is muslim or not, but he has showed great empathy for them. He won't acknowledge that major hasan is a terrorist. Why?
Some of you may remember this from back in 2010. I actually just found out about it now.

As I looked around, a lot of liberal sites are saying that this is a made-up story, as there's no proof to corroborate the story. The "supposed" May 2010 publication from Israel Today which contains the interview has been removed from the internet. Link:

Not Working -> http://www.israeltoday.co.il/Portals/0/May2010.pdf

Not sure why it was removed, but it was. Luckily for us, what was once on the internet, even if taken down, can almost always be recovered. Here's a web archive of the May 2010 issue of Israel Today:

Working -> http://web.archive.org/web/20100821045517/http://www.israeltoday.co.il/Portals/0/May2010.pdf

The interview in question is on page 3, "Obama, a 'Strategic Catastrophe.'"

“The American President told me in confidence that
he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian
Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul
Gheit on Nile TV. That could
explain why Obama has instructed that the term
“Islamic extremism” no longer be used in official government documents and statements.

Enjoy. :redface:

Maybe we ought to save that for the next time Lakhota breaks out that fake quote where President G. W. Bush was to have said that he didn't care about the Constitution, it was only a peice of paper..

That ought to get her goat.
Merely being a muslim doesn't mean much. obama is a muslim brotherhood muslim. If he was in Egypt he'd be under arrest right now.


Obama is not a Muslim, Obama is a virulent Islamic extremist, there is a big difference!

I am still flabbergasted that he is the President of US.:mad: It's almost unbelievable.

At least it's not as unbelievable as Romney being President. :D
Merely being a muslim doesn't mean much. obama is a muslim brotherhood muslim. If he was in Egypt he'd be under arrest right now.


Obama is not a Muslim, Obama is a virulent Islamic extremist, there is a big difference!

I am still flabbergasted that he is the President of US.:mad: It's almost unbelievable.

At least it's not as unbelievable as Romney being President. :D

It couldn't have been any worse. Everything is is just l8mping along despite DC and the idiots that work there.

Obama is not a Muslim, Obama is a virulent Islamic extremist, there is a big difference!

I am still flabbergasted that he is the President of US.:mad: It's almost unbelievable.

At least it's not as unbelievable as Romney being President. :D

It couldn't have been any worse. Everything is is just l8mping along despite DC and the idiots that work there.


The Deficit and Debt have been going down.

Romney was talking about making Bush tax cuts permanent. He also wanted to bump up military spending and invade Iran.

I thought you guys cared about spending?
At least it's not as unbelievable as Romney being President. :D

It couldn't have been any worse. Everything is is just l8mping along despite DC and the idiots that work there.


The Deficit and Debt have been going down.

Romney was talking about making Bush tax cuts permanent. He also wanted to bump up military spending and invade Iran.

I thought you guys cared about spending?

Iran is a problem is it not? I'm not suggesting we invade, nor was Romney, but pretending everything is okay doesn't make our problems just dissappear.
In fact Romney called Russia for what they are and you lefties mocked him. Now look at us....... Snowden, the little twerp, has made our countey look foolish.
It couldn't have been any worse. Everything is is just l8mping along despite DC and the idiots that work there.


The Deficit and Debt have been going down.

Romney was talking about making Bush tax cuts permanent. He also wanted to bump up military spending and invade Iran.

I thought you guys cared about spending?

Iran is a problem is it not? I'm not suggesting we invade, nor was Romney, but pretending everything is okay doesn't make our problems just dissappear.
In fact Romney called Russia for what they are and you lefties mocked him. Now look at us....... Snowden, the little twerp, has made our countey look foolish.

It's not a problem.

Any country that builds this kinda shit and calls it a weapons system..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTIoezhRS3g]Iran unveils 'Bavar 2' stealth flying boat with machine gun and camera - 28 Sept. 2010 - YouTube[/ame]

Is definitely not a problem.

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