Proof-of-citizenship voting bill push could threaten government shutdown

Where do illegal people vote?

Ya know, some facts.
If they aren't, what difference will it make? On the other hand, if the Democrats are depending on those votes, it certainly explains why they would shut the government down in an attempt to continue to get those votes.
If they aren't, what difference will it make? On the other hand, if the Democrats are depending on those votes, it certainly explains why they would shut the government down in an attempt to continue to get those votes.
Are you stupid or just lower educated?

You seem both.

Can mawmaw yell down the holler an answer!
Are you stupid or just lower educated?

You seem both.

Can mawmaw yell down the holler an answer!
Are you so retarded you can't understand simple logic? The Democrats won't shut the country down over something that doesn't exist. Why are they fighting so hard to make sure the illegals can vote?
Are you so retarded you can't understand simple logic? The Democrats won't shut the country down over something that doesn't exist. Why are they fighting so hard to make sure the illegals can vote?
Dude, where are they fighting to make a legal vote. Are you that stupid?
Are you so retarded you can't understand simple logic? The Democrats won't shut the country down over something that doesn't exist. Why are they fighting so hard to make sure the illegals can vote?
They don't. It's already illegal. What they are against is giving weight to the premise that it actually happens at any scale. Because supporting it implies that the idea of Democrats wanting illegals to vote has merit. Because then you would argue. "See it's a problem, why else would legislation be required?" Of course, by opposing it, it also gives weight to the idea that illegals vote. It's a catch-22. Precisely the point of course.

What it is in actuality is risking millions of people's paychecks, so Republicans can question the validity of elections some more. Playing Russian Roulette with people's livelihood for a half of a percentage point.
They don't. It's already illegal. What they are against is giving weight to the premise that it actually happens at any scale. Because supporting it implies that the idea of Democrats wanting illegals to vote has merit. Because then you would argue. "See it's a problem, why else would legislation be required?" Of course, by opposing it, it also gives weight to the idea that illegals vote. It's a catch-22. Precisely the point of course.

What it is in actuality is risking millions of people's paychecks, so Republicans can question the validity of elections some more. Playing Russian Roulette with people's livelihood for a half of a percentage point.
There were over 150 million votes cast in the 2020 election.

That " half percent" amounts to over 3/4 MILLION VOTES!!!

So, the question is: Are those illegal votes so important to the Democrats that they are willing to jeopardize millions of citizens' paychecks, or will the Democrats agree that our laws should be enforced???
There were over 150 million votes cast in the 2020 election.

That " half percent" amounts to over 3/4 MILLION VOTES!!!

So, the question is: Are those illegal votes so important to the Democrats that they are willing to jeopardize millions of citizens' paychecks, or will the Democrats agree that our laws should be enforced???
That half of a percentage point is not the number of illegals voting. It's the electoral gain of Trump by riling up the base some more because they believe it confirms that Democrats have illegals vote.

People like... you.

No matter what Democrats do, you can construe it as proving your biases. A catch-22.

As I said. Illegals can't vote BY LAW now.

Georgia couldn't find any after an audit.

None of these individuals have cast ballots in Georgia elections.

As I said, it's risking shutting down the government to gain half a percentage point in an election.
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That half of a percentage point is not the number of illegals voting. It's the electoral gain of Trump by riling up the base some more because they believe it confirms that Democrats have illegals vote.

People like... you.

No matter what Democrats do, you can construe it as proving your biases. As I said a catch-22.

As I said. Illegals can't vote BY LAW now.

Georgia couldn't find any after an audit.

None of these individuals have cast ballots in Georgia elections.

As I said, it's risking shutting down the government to gain half a percentage point in an election.
And Texas found 7000 illegals registered (with 2000 casting ballots). So it looks like the Democrats have a choice to make: either lose the illegal votes, or shut the government down!!!

Why are the Democrats s**tting their pants. Can't they win an election by FOLLOWING THE LAW???
But thousands of non citizens are voting anyhow.

The idea of the bill to fight this plague against our democracy, by making it harder for people to violate our laws.

And what's wrong with that?

An Alien voting in Pennsylvania is depriving me of my rights by cancelling out my vote.
Noncitizens are already prohibited from voting.

Voters must document citizenship when registering to vote.

Noncitizens are not voting, that’s a ridiculous Republican lie.

There’s no need for such legislation, it’s dishonest political theater from the reprehensible right.
And murder and meth and all sorts of things are illegal.

Yet, somehow, people are still doing all those things.
Noncitizens are not voting, that’s a ridiculous Republican lie.

Lying about noncitizens voting is how Republicans keep their racist base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.

Such is the reprehensible right.
Noncitizens are already prohibited from voting.

Voters must document citizenship when registering to vote.

Noncitizens are not voting, that’s a ridiculous Republican lie.

There’s no need for such legislation, it’s dishonest political theater from the reprehensible right.
So you claim that noncitizens aren't voting? Then why would the Democrats threaten to shut the government down over something they claim isn't happening to begin with? Are they ALL as retarded as the Vegetable-in-Chief?
Noncitizens are already prohibited from voting.

Voters must document citizenship when registering to vote.

Noncitizens are not voting, that’s a ridiculous Republican lie.

There’s no need for such legislation, it’s dishonest political theater from the reprehensible right.

Actually its a documented fact that there are some non-citizens voting in spite of the laws prohibiting it.

This law will make it harder to disobey the law.

In Pennsylvania, people aren't required to verify citizenship when registering at all. They are only asked to affirm their citizenship.

Requiring documentation from voters would help to stymie aliens and other ineligible people from voting.

And Texas found 7000 illegals registered (with 2000 casting ballots). So it looks like the Democrats have a choice to make: either lose the illegal votes, or shut the government down!!!

Why are the Democrats s**tting their pants. Can't they win an election by FOLLOWING THE LAW???

Of the over 6,500 potential noncitizens removed from the voter rolls, approximately 1,930 have a voter history.

So of the 11 million Texans who voted in 2020, 2000 potentially voted as noncitizens. So 0,017 percent of voters where potential noncitizens. Nice qualifier there by the way. Where, how, and in which election did they vote? Seems real thin on specifics.

And again, repeating the question doesn't all of a sudden makes your opinion valid.

It's NOT about shitting pants. It's about resisting political blackmail with the damn budget.
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Congress is once again running up against a spending limit. Shenanigans ensue. Will government get shut down just in time for the election? Stay tuned to our next episode of As the Stomach Turns!
So you’re saying we either get proof of citizenship for voter registration OR a government shutdown?

DAMN!!! That’s the biggest Win-Win I’ve heard outta Washington in a very long time.

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