Proof the cover story for 9/111 began immediately after the attacks

I noticed that you didn't address the point he was trying to make.
Is it that he showed his work and with two small videos discredited your claim SOUNDLY? Which by the way, was discredited YEARS ago!
Which left you with no course of action except to attack his character!?
Or are you too dumb to understand what was being shown to you?

post to me what agent moron in the hat said and i will discuss it with you.HIM I wont satisfy and give the troll the attention he seeks.

My post WAS to you.
You made the claim that black smoke means oxygen starved. Two videos were posted showing that black smoke is not caused by lack of oxygen.
What is your response to this?
I noticed that you didn't address the point he was trying to make.
Is it that he showed his work and with two small videos discredited your claim SOUNDLY? Which by the way, was discredited YEARS ago!
Which left you with no course of action except to attack his character!?
Or are you too dumb to understand what was being shown to you?

post to me what agent moron in the hat said and i will discuss it with you.HIM I wont satisfy and give the troll the attention he seeks.

My post WAS to you.
You made the claim that black smoke means oxygen starved. Two videos were posted showing that black smoke is not caused by lack of oxygen.
What is your response to this?
I can't speak for the OP.
I can say. Mission accomplished !
P.S. wash your ass before you fly and dontcha dare say a bad word about IsNtReal. OK ?

Here is this disinformation agent automatically concluding before ANYBODY has even NIST,that the towers fell due to structural failure from the fires saying the intense heat caused it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D Intense heat? yeah thats why in one of the famous pics posted many times over the years we see a woman leaning against the towers even though the flames are allegedly so intense.:lol::lol::D

even though the films show the majority of the explosion took place outside the towers the fires are really intense.:lol::D

Even though there was black smoke emitting from the towers proving the fires were oxygen starved and not serious at all just like the firefighters are recorded saying before they collapsed and there have been many cases over the years of towers such as the one in philadelphia where it was lit up like a torch unlike the twin towers, and did not collapse,these twin towers heat was so intense it caused strutural failure and for them to collapse.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol: good one.

In somehow,immediately these newscasters had physic powers to declare that very day shortly after the attacks, that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attacks.:D

Best fairy tale ever created by the government and many blind sheep americans,many of them being here at this site as well,bought this fairy tale hook,line and sinker.:D:lol:

Boy our school systems are failing.either that or many people here in the states,slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

These fires were not hot enough to melt a marshmellow,let along cause structural failure.:lol:

good would have been great comedy material for a comedy routine if it wasnt such a tragedy.

Oh and disinfo agents,yes I know I said 9/111 in the thread instead of 9/11,yes I just realised that, but I cant change the title,only a mod can.

Interesting how the story was put out so fast...before any tower even collapsed and only 33 minutes after the second tower got hit was an elaborate story being aired on who's responsible...

Well it certainly brings to question if the "official story" for 9/11 was prewitten before the attacks...

If nothing else it sure looks bad for the investigation into who was responsible for 9/11 being completed so fast... let alone the investigation on who was responsible having to make its way to the media with an elaborate story written...

The story being out so fast is incriminating enough let alone if you think about...was the investigation done before the attacks even happened...I think the answer is quite clear.

Another interesting fact is the first guy who promoted the story was Jerome Hauer who just happened to be...

*Bio Warfare expert...which brings to mind the anthrax attacks right after 9/11 targeting Senate and Media

*Drug Company Director...which brings to mind the fact that the White House staff was taking the medication for anthrax before the first anthrax attack even occured...(fact if you are not too lazy to check for yourself)

*Commissioner for Office of Emergency Management...which brings to mind how it was being reinforced as a sky bunker just before 9/11 on the 23rd floor of World Tade Center 7, Building 7...with its floors, walls, windows all being reinforced making it some type of tree fort within sight of the World Trade Center twin towers...

*Bush Administration Insider...last but not least
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post to me what agent moron in the hat said and i will discuss it with you.HIM I wont satisfy and give the troll the attention he seeks.

My post WAS to you.
You made the claim that black smoke means oxygen starved. Two videos were posted showing that black smoke is not caused by lack of oxygen.
What is your response to this?
I can't speak for the OP.
I can say. Mission accomplished !
P.S. wash your ass before you fly and dontcha dare say a bad word about IsNtReal. OK ?

My post WAS to you.
You made the claim that black smoke means oxygen starved. Two videos were posted showing that black smoke is not caused by lack of oxygen.
What is your response to this?
I can't speak for the OP.
I can say. Mission accomplished !
P.S. wash your ass before you fly and dontcha dare say a bad word about IsNtReal. OK ?

douger speaks a language that only he understands.
I noticed that you didn't address the point he was trying to make.
Is it that he showed his work and with two small videos discredited your claim SOUNDLY? Which by the way, was discredited YEARS ago!
Which left you with no course of action except to attack his character!?
Or are you too dumb to understand what was being shown to you?

post to me what agent moron in the hat said and i will discuss it with you.HIM I wont satisfy and give the troll the attention he seeks.

My post WAS to you.
You made the claim that black smoke means oxygen starved. Two videos were posted showing that black smoke is not caused by lack of oxygen.
What is your response to this?
handjob will respond with any of these: someone farted in here ,bush dupe ,agent.
[ame=]The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering 10 Years of Deception - Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

are you really so dimwitted that you believe because people saw planes hit the towers that there can not be a cover up in regards to the event of 9/11???

are you really so dimwitted that you believe because people saw planes hit the towers that there can not be a cover up in regards to the event of 9/11???
are you so addled
that if there was a cover up and the twoofers knew anything they would cease to exist..

so you think the planes were a diversion?
same bullshit....glad all fifty people enjoyed it,.:lol: Most of them were cast and crew! :lol:

pulling made up facts out of your ass again I see...why do you do that ?
sorry but no, the attendance was dismal...there were more people running the hearings then attending them.
if you are an actual musician then you know what that's like.
same bullshit....glad all fifty people enjoyed it,.:lol: Most of them were cast and crew! :lol:

pulling made up facts out of your ass again I see...why do you do that ?
sorry but no, the attendance was dismal...there were more people running the hearings then attending them.
if you are an actual musician then you know what that's like.

I play to nothing but packed venues at least of several hundreds or I would not play at all

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pulling made up facts out of your ass again I see...why do you do that ?
sorry but no, the attendance was dismal...there were more people running the hearings then attending them.
if you are an actual musician then you know what that's like.

I play to nothing but packed venues at least of several hundreds or I would not play at all

[ame=]DOGZERO...Live for you / Die for you ...LIVE - YouTube[/ame]
thats the best line of bullshit I've heard today.
it's also dodging the question...
show some proof that the Toronto shindig had higher attendance the I said it did.
sorry but no, the attendance was dismal...there were more people running the hearings then attending them.
if you are an actual musician then you know what that's like.

I play to nothing but packed venues at least of several hundreds or I would not play at all

[ame=]DOGZERO...Live for you / Die for you ...LIVE - YouTube[/ame]
thats the best line of bullshit I've heard today.
it's also dodging the question...
show some proof that the Toronto shindig had higher attendance the I said it did.

you made to statement low attendance in Toronto prove it...
I play to nothing but packed venues at least of several hundreds or I would not play at all

DOGZERO...Live for you / Die for you ...LIVE - YouTube
thats the best line of bullshit I've heard today.
it's also dodging the question...
show some proof that the Toronto shindig had higher attendance the I said it did.

you made to statement low attendance in Toronto prove it...
that's not the way it works, gage said I was pulling facts out of my ass.
that makes it your responsiblity to prove different.
anything else is just more proof you are a non credible cowardly white trash pile of shit .
OK, I looked it up, and Daws was incorrect. (maybe) :dunno:

They had "about" 80 spectators vs. "about" 20 presenters for a total of "about" 100 people at the hearings.

Sponsored by the U.S.-based International Center for 9/11 Studies, the event brought about 20 expert witnesses to explain alleged technical and scientific reasons to doubt the official story. The experts included former U.S. senator Mike Gravel and former U.S. congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

About 80 people came to watch – mainly from Canada and the U.S., but as far afield as Switzerland and Israel – each reserving a spot with a $200 donation. The event was also streamed live on the Internet, at one point reaching about 70,000 viewers.

9/11 truth seeking event held at Ryerson University ::

Throwing in the "about" 70,000 online viewers ads up to "about" 70,100 vs. the total population of the USA & Canada, (347,337,187 people) that means the hearings reached a total of "about" 0.0002018% of it's target audience.

Damn, there's just no stopping this juggernaut. :lol: :lol:

"about" :lmao:
pulling made up facts out of your ass again I see...why do you do that ?
sorry but no, the attendance was dismal...there were more people running the hearings then attending them.
if you are an actual musician then you know what that's like.

I play to nothing but packed venues at least of several hundreds or I would not play at all

[ame=]DOGZERO...Live for you / Die for you ...LIVE - YouTube[/ame]

Ugh, the same riff is playing through the whole song! Mix it up a little. :)

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