Proposed law will jail passengers for 4 mos for riding in a car without an ID


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID
Posted on February 8, 2017 by Jay Syrmopoulos
Phoenix, AZ – The nanny/security state has reared its ugly head, again — this time in the form of a new law that requires passengers in a vehicle to carry identification – with violators facing up to four months in jail and a $750 dollar fine.

Last week, HB 2305 was introduced by Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Dist. 20), in hopes of reinstating an Arizona law that was struck down in 2002 after a judge ruled the statute as too vague to enforce.

Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID

This is sho unconstitutional it is sickening. Trendy's will love it they will be dumb enough to say " oh it will make us so much safer", they have no outside the box thinking on the dangers of this type of law.
I have a hard time believing such a law will pass constitutional muster...

It will be good if it doesn't. It already got knocked down in 2002, hopefully the same bozo who dreamed it up this time has horrible wordage again and it fails.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. You can't expect immigration to do it's job, if it isn't allowed to identify those who shouldn't be here.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. You can't expect immigration to do it's job, if it isn't allowed to identify those who shouldn't be here. police states folks should have ID on them at all times?

No thank you. We are NOT that desperate.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. You can't expect immigration to do it's job, if it isn't allowed to identify those who shouldn't be here. police states folks should have ID on them at all times?

No thank you. We are NOT that desperate.


Random checkpoints are being set up by U.S. Customs [DHS] agents in the northeast within 100 miles of the Canadian border.

The Border Patrol operates a national network of internal checkpoints, illegally stopping motorists up to 100 miles inside our border! These illegal checkpoints allow DHS to stop and search law-abiding American citizens without justification.

It’s about to get much WORSE, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved Bill S.750 which gives Border Patrol/DHS agents “immediate access to federal land within 100 miles” of both national borders and prohibit the “Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture” from impeding any CBP activities.

“Border Patrol already has unfettered access to protected federal public lands along the border,” Dan Millis, borderlands program coordinator for the Grand Canyon Chapter of theSierra Club. “In fact, Border Patrol currently has more access to the border and surrounding lands than the public.”

Imagine this: You and your family drive to Maine to visit Acadia National Park which receives over 2 MILLION tourists. Acadia is within 100 miles of the border and our govt sets up checkpoints to interrogate EVERY visitor! That’s the future of Police State America if we allow this B.S. to continue.

Christian Ramírez, director of the Southern Border Communities Coalition, criticized the legislation not only for what it sets out to do, but for what it doesn’t do. “What any border bill should include are reforms to Customs and Border Protection to ensure greater oversight and accountability, none of which are included in S.750.”

“Imagine this: Border Patrol decides to construct a surveillance tower dozens of feet tall, armed with cameras and motion sensors, in Saguaro National Park — Tucson’s backyard gem — with no public consultation,” added Millis. “It demonstrates the overreach and overkill of waiving laws 100 miles inland. That’s what McCain’s bill does.”

The ACLU has called for rejection of the 100-mile designation and wants .........................................

Warning: You WILL be interrogated for driving within 100 miles of the Canadian border

They want to do this as a means to catch and deport illegals as I hear it.

I'm not keen on it, but I can kind of understand where they're coming from...
They want to do this as a means to catch and deport illegals as I hear it.

I'm not keen on it, but I can kind of understand where they're coming from...

Right , which is the bs excuse to use........ It will be used as a mean to gain more money for the system, it will be used to fill up the prisons so those quotas stay nice and high, It puts innocent ppl at risk for whatever bitch mood that cop is in that day, the next move will be to take people's DNA there is no excuse for this , it is not Constitutional........................... and be it for Illegals or not Everyone is innocent when pulled over.

Do we think they will see someone and say Oh they are white so we won't pull them over........then comes oh you pulled me over because i'm Mexican................ this is a bs bill and if law the same thing BS.

This is everything those rejects pushed Joe Arpaio out of his job for segregating those little illegals...............
We aren't desperate, we're fed up.
But no way in hell ready to kick the Constitution.
Yeah right. Seems at least some of you are, including the nutjob you elected to the White House.

This is a state thing . Not a Federal thing.. and all of this was in place when that asshole you are in love with started building the police state. meaning Obama.
The best part of this moronic bill is in the video they say if the " PASSENGER" commits a traffic violation how in the hell does the passenger create a traffic violation. They are beyond morons.
They want to do this as a means to catch and deport illegals as I hear it.

I'm not keen on it, but I can kind of understand where they're coming from...
I'd be willing to bet Goebbels had that same thought before fully adopting his party's ideology
The difference is I'm not in Arizona so I have zero say in it. I believe in state's rights so if they can get it past their supreme that's on them not me.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. You can't expect immigration to do it's job, if it isn't allowed to identify those who shouldn't be here.

You're exactly the kind of fool who would have voted for Hitler in 1933 Germany.
Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID
Posted on February 8, 2017 by Jay Syrmopoulos
Phoenix, AZ – The nanny/security state has reared its ugly head, again — this time in the form of a new law that requires passengers in a vehicle to carry identification – with violators facing up to four months in jail and a $750 dollar fine.

Last week, HB 2305 was introduced by Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Dist. 20), in hopes of reinstating an Arizona law that was struck down in 2002 after a judge ruled the statute as too vague to enforce.

Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID

This is sho unconstitutional it is sickening. Trendy's will love it they will be dumb enough to say " oh it will make us so much safer", they have no outside the box thinking on the dangers of this type of law.

Another case of the Republicans showing that they truly are the party of smaller government and less interference in your life.

Oh, wait, then how come they have the highest incarceration rates in their states?
Sorry, took me a while to find this -

Alaska went through the same argument back in like 2012 - they go over a bunch of cases and SCOTUS decisions in the above link if ya'll are interested.

Alaska's state Constitution, with special provision for privacy, protects us from laws like these. (It also protected us from arrest due to pot until the Fed's overruled and invalidated the specific provision in our Constitution for personal pot possession. We can't stop the Feds though cause they have us by the wallet heh)
Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID
Posted on February 8, 2017 by Jay Syrmopoulos
Phoenix, AZ – The nanny/security state has reared its ugly head, again — this time in the form of a new law that requires passengers in a vehicle to carry identification – with violators facing up to four months in jail and a $750 dollar fine.

Last week, HB 2305 was introduced by Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Dist. 20), in hopes of reinstating an Arizona law that was struck down in 2002 after a judge ruled the statute as too vague to enforce.

Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID

This is sho unconstitutional it is sickening. Trendy's will love it they will be dumb enough to say " oh it will make us so much safer", they have no outside the box thinking on the dangers of this type of law.

Another case of the Republicans showing that they truly are the party of smaller government and less interference in your life.

Oh, wait, then how come they have the highest incarceration rates in their states?

Because they enforce the law.
Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID
Posted on February 8, 2017 by Jay Syrmopoulos
Phoenix, AZ – The nanny/security state has reared its ugly head, again — this time in the form of a new law that requires passengers in a vehicle to carry identification – with violators facing up to four months in jail and a $750 dollar fine.

Last week, HB 2305 was introduced by Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Dist. 20), in hopes of reinstating an Arizona law that was struck down in 2002 after a judge ruled the statute as too vague to enforce.

Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID

This is sho unconstitutional it is sickening. Trendy's will love it they will be dumb enough to say " oh it will make us so much safer", they have no outside the box thinking on the dangers of this type of law.

Another case of the Republicans showing that they truly are the party of smaller government and less interference in your life.

Oh, wait, then how come they have the highest incarceration rates in their states?

" Maybe when you can understand the game" it will be then you won't be hung up on the game Obama has taught you all so well. It's called the blame game, what is sick is you all can't figure out how prior to Trump both sides played the same game.

Derek Thompson of The Atlantic writes that unlike past political cycles, current Republicans and Democrats speak with different sets of vocabulary, even as they discuss the same policy issues.

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