Proposed law will jail passengers for 4 mos for riding in a car without an ID

Desperate times call for desperate measures. You can't expect immigration to do it's job, if it isn't allowed to identify those who shouldn't be here.
this is just getting us ready to accept the number of the beast, in order to buy and sell...666....

you all will take the number, in the guise of making us 'safe'....I'll go down fighting and resisting...:eek:
Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID
Posted on February 8, 2017 by Jay Syrmopoulos
Phoenix, AZ – The nanny/security state has reared its ugly head, again — this time in the form of a new law that requires passengers in a vehicle to carry identification – with violators facing up to four months in jail and a $750 dollar fine.

Last week, HB 2305 was introduced by Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Dist. 20), in hopes of reinstating an Arizona law that was struck down in 2002 after a judge ruled the statute as too vague to enforce.

Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID

This is sho unconstitutional it is sickening. Trendy's will love it they will be dumb enough to say " oh it will make us so much safer", they have no outside the box thinking on the dangers of this type of law.

Another case of the Republicans showing that they truly are the party of smaller government and less interference in your life.

Oh, wait, then how come they have the highest incarceration rates in their states?

I should note that the state cases and SCOTUS cases cited in my above link, in general, ruled in favor of the constitutionality of getting ID from passengers...

It is only dismissed in Alaska because it's considered "seizure" and Alaska has very strict rules laid out in our state constitution on that. Thanks to the gold miners and homesteaders up here who back in the days before we became an official state were oft subjected to corrupt tax collectors who would break into their cabins while the owners were gone then levee huge tax penalties (or worse blackmail them) on their hauls, as such Alaskan's became very distrusting of government authority abuses and put in tight restrictions in our State Constitution.
They want to do this as a means to catch and deport illegals as I hear it.

I'm not keen on it, but I can kind of understand where they're coming from...
Then you know it can't be allowed....As libs would say....This is not who we are.....Except this time it applies
Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID
Posted on February 8, 2017 by Jay Syrmopoulos
Phoenix, AZ – The nanny/security state has reared its ugly head, again — this time in the form of a new law that requires passengers in a vehicle to carry identification – with violators facing up to four months in jail and a $750 dollar fine.

Last week, HB 2305 was introduced by Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Dist. 20), in hopes of reinstating an Arizona law that was struck down in 2002 after a judge ruled the statute as too vague to enforce.

Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding in a Car Without an ID

This is sho unconstitutional it is sickening. Trendy's will love it they will be dumb enough to say " oh it will make us so much safer", they have no outside the box thinking on the dangers of this type of law.

Another case of the Republicans showing that they truly are the party of smaller government and less interference in your life.

Oh, wait, then how come they have the highest incarceration rates in their states?

Because they enforce the law.

Yeah, they make the laws, and then enforce them and then lock people up for a very long time for it too.

But it's not working is it? I mean, Louisiana as a incarceration capital of the world, you'd expect (according to the right) to have low crime... but... it.... doesn't....

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