Prosectors have evidence that trump shared classified material with guests at Mar a lago.

I'd love to know how much the DNC paid her to go through that farce.

Probably less than...

We got him now. :rolleyes:
They got Trump how many times? And how many impeachments? And then it turns out, it was all bullshit and unproven allegations? But then then the FBI/CIA ignores valid allegations against BIDEN because...all the earmarks of....look over there! Januarys 6th!
Perhaps it's just me. I notice stuff. Bush in 2003 attacked Iraq despite no proof of WMD's. Nope. I noticed that. Lies and finessing the truth. Despite the fact they never found WMD's. Same thing goes here: Democrats allege Trump colluded with Russia. No proof whatsoever. Time after time. Just prove it already! This endless perennial "Trump did something or other" hate train, end it, just stop it, stick a fork in it.
Yeah, that's probably not even a ripple with independent voters.... they know it's bullshit and they know the stammering shit clown had classified documents strewn out in a fucking unlocked garage where his crackhead sprog lived...

Now THIS..... THIS is a fucking 11.0 on the Richter scale with anyone who laughs and points at that stuttering fuck... pretty much 95% of the planet....

All prosecutors gave evidence. It's what they do with it or not do with it that sets them apart,

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