Prosecute Obama & his Hidden Cabal for Treason

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

Incoming President Donald J. Trump vows he will fight for America & make her great again​

On November 26, 2016 New York writer, Daniel Greenfield, wrote an article entitled, “Obama's plan to rule America outside the White House.” The prediction of this journalist was almost prophetic in nature. He explained that Obama knew that his end had come as Commander – in – chief and that he had already prepared for his next role as Organizer – in - chief. Whereas before Obama's fight was from the White House now it would become against the White House.

Greenfield even went so far as to describe how Obama would do it: OFA. He mentioned Obama's two faced declarations such as his telling the American people concerning President-Elect Trump, “We are all rooting for his success.” Nothing could have been further from the truth. Using OFA and those he had strategically placed from within, his plan from the beginning was to finish what he had started: The destruction of America.

Daniel Greenfield wrote:

In conventional politics, Obama is done. There’s no way back into the White House. And Hillary’s fate won’t leave much enthusiasm for nominating the uncharismatic spouse of a charismatic ex-president.

But Obama is not a conventional politician. He’s an organizer and a campaigner at the vanguard of a radical movement that seeks to control traditional institutions, but doesn’t feel bound by them. Unlike Bill Clinton, his plans don’t begin and end with the White House. As an organizer, Obama is equipped to build bases of power outside traditional institutions. And that is exactly what he is doing.

The demoralization of the Democrats is, as Obama put it, an opportunity. Social chaos is a time for the left to overthrow and undermine traditional institutions. Fear, anger and despair are radicalizing. The left has always operated by throwing bombs and then profiting from the fallout. That’s Obama’s agenda. Having wrecked the country and the Democrats, he sees that not as a setback, but as an opportunity.
Obama Plans to Rule America Outside the White House

What is Obama's organizing power base? OFA. Where is his headquarters located? Within walking distance to the White House. Who is assisting him? Valerie Jarrett who is the same person who assisted him in the first leg of his journey to "transform America."

To further understand his objective, Greenfield quotes Obama's message to OFA and expounds on the assignment he has delivered to them and what his end game is:

“The network that you represent, you're perfectly poised to do that,” Obama told his OFAers. “In other words, now is the time for some organizing.”

While the leftist rioters in the streets are garnering the most attention, the real threat comes from the network of staffers dubbed Obama Anonymous which are beginning to organize and coordinate. OFA is Obama’s equivalent of the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons built Clintonworld around staffers, but its goal was harvesting money. Obama Inc. is being built around organizing and activism. Like Clintonworld, it will be a network encompassing a variety of political and non-profit institutions. Unlike them, it will be much less focused on directing money to its bosses in preparation for an election. Instead it will function like a traditional leftist movement, merging influence operations with crowdsourced mobilization.

OFA will be far more dangerous in the wild than the Clinton Foundation ever was. The Clintons hoped to ride back to power on a giant wave of money. Obama is taking a much more radical course.

The staffers exiting government are being wired into Obama Inc. whether or not they take jobs directly working for him. The OFA alumni are building networks across organizations while taking their marching orders from him. They expect Obama to lead them back from the wilderness and into the halls of power.
Obama Plans to Rule America Outside the White House

When we review Obama's actions we come away with the picture of a man who does not respect our Constitution or rule of law. He is doing everything in his power to usurp the authority of the White House. What should President Trump do in light of these facts? He must keep his promise to the American people to fight for us. In this case, it will require him to bring charges against the man who is deliberately attempting to usurp his power and force him out of office.

President Trump should appoint special prosecutors to investigate every department that was under Obama's command during his 8 year administration. Obama should be prosecuted for treason, forgery of his birth certificate, for his collusion with the Clinton Foundation, fast and furious gun running, using an alias name while sending emails to Hillary Clinton's private email server, using the IRS to target individuals, his cover-up of Benghazi, his involvement with Solyndra, wiretapping a presidential candidate......for starters. Barack Obama is the first president in US history to leave the oval office only to seek its' destruction afterward. That isn't the only record he holds as being 'the first.'

Look at this list compiled by Doug Ross:
Doug Ross @ Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]

• First President to Directly Violate the Law Regarding Prisoner Swaps with the Taliban, Bypassing Congressional Review (Source: The New York Times)
• First President to Invite a Leader of the Terrorist Group the Muslim Brotherhood to a Meeting in the White House (Source: Washington Free Beacon)
• First President to Out a CIA Station Chief in an Active Military Zone (Source: CBS News)

••• First President to Spy on Congress and its Communications With Israel to Ensure its Political Effort to Fund and Arm the Terror State of Iran Would Continue Unimpeded (Source: Rep. Pete Hoekstra)
••• First President to stop a defense authorization bill as leverage to further his domestic spending agenda (Source: Wall Street Journal)
••• First President to install black screens on the windows of the White House to prevent a visiting foreign dictator from seeing protesters (Source: Marion Smith)

••• First President to have a complaint filed against him by over 50 CentCom intelligence analysts for falsifying data around Islamic terror groups for political purposes (Source: Daily Beast)

• First President to Negotiate a Deal to Transfer $150 Billion to the World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism (Source: Gatestone Institute)
• First President to Operate His National Security Infrastructure So Incompetently That an Enemy of the United States was Able to Steal the Personnel Records of all Four Million Government Employees (Source: CNN).
• First President to Operate His National Security Infrastructure So Incompetently That His Secretary of State Created Her Own Private Email Servers to Evade Public Open Records Laws (Source: The Verge)

• First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space (Sources: USA Today, ABC News)
• First President to press for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and rights to half of all offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty, Source: Investors Business Daily)

• First President to force Israel and Saudi Arabia to admit secret diplomacy for the first time in Order to Protect Themselves from the Policies of the United States (Source: Jerusalem Post)
• First President to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund attacks against civilians (Sources: American Thinker, The Independent [UK])
(partial list - see full list here: Doug Ross @ Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated])

There is more than enough evidence to prosecute Barack Obama and his hidden cabal for treason.

We have the right president now. Let's stand with President Donald J. Trump, support him, pray for him and believe God for his victory as he fights against our enemies from within and without who are determined to destroy America, the last great bastion of freedom.
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Incoming President Donald J. Trump vows he will fight for America & make her great again​

On November 26, 2016 New York writer, Daniel Greenfield, wrote an article entitled, “Obama's plan to rule America outside the White House.” The prediction of this journalist was almost prophetic in nature. He explained that Obama knew that his end had come as Commander – in – chief and that he had already prepared for his next role as Organizer – in - chief. Whereas before Obama's fight was from the White House now it would become against the White House.

Greenfield even went so far as to describe how Obama would do it: OFA. He mentioned Obama's two faced declarations such as his telling the American people concerning President-Elect Trump, “We are all rooting for his success.” Nothing could have been further from the truth. Using OFA and those he had strategically placed from within, his plan from the beginning was to finish what he had started: The destruction of America.

Daniel Greenfield wrote:

In conventional politics, Obama is done. There’s no way back into the White House. And Hillary’s fate won’t leave much enthusiasm for nominating the uncharismatic spouse of a charismatic ex-president.

But Obama is not a conventional politician. He’s an organizer and a campaigner at the vanguard of a radical movement that seeks to control traditional institutions, but doesn’t feel bound by them. Unlike Bill Clinton, his plans don’t begin and end with the White House. As an organizer, Obama is equipped to build bases of power outside traditional institutions. And that is exactly what he is doing.

The demoralization of the Democrats is, as Obama put it, an opportunity. Social chaos is a time for the left to overthrow and undermine traditional institutions. Fear, anger and despair are radicalizing. The left has always operated by throwing bombs and then profiting from the fallout. That’s Obama’s agenda. Having wrecked the country and the Democrats, he sees that not as a setback, but as an opportunity.
Obama Plans to Rule America Outside the White House

What is Obama's organizing power base? OFA. Where is his headquarters located? Within walking distance to the White House. Who is assisting him? Valerie Jarrett who is the same person who assisted him in the first leg of his journey to "transform America."

To further understand his objective, Greenfield quotes Obama's message to OFA and expounds on the assignment he has delivered to them and what his end game is:

“The network that you represent, you're perfectly poised to do that,” Obama told his OFAers. “In other words, now is the time for some organizing.”

While the leftist rioters in the streets are garnering the most attention, the real threat comes from the network of staffers dubbed Obama Anonymous which are beginning to organize and coordinate. OFA is Obama’s equivalent of the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons built Clintonworld around staffers, but its goal was harvesting money. Obama Inc. is being built around organizing and activism. Like Clintonworld, it will be a network encompassing a variety of political and non-profit institutions. Unlike them, it will be much less focused on directing money to its bosses in preparation for an election. Instead it will function like a traditional leftist movement, merging influence operations with crowdsourced mobilization.

OFA will be far more dangerous in the wild than the Clinton Foundation ever was. The Clintons hoped to ride back to power on a giant wave of money. Obama is taking a much more radical course.

The staffers exiting government are being wired into Obama Inc. whether or not they take jobs directly working for him. The OFA alumni are building networks across organizations while taking their marching orders from him. They expect Obama to lead them back from the wilderness and into the halls of power.
Obama Plans to Rule America Outside the White House

When we review Obama's actions we come away with the picture of a man who does not respect our Constitution or rule of law. He is doing everything in his power to usurp the authority of the White House. What should President Trump do in light of these facts? He must keep his promise to the American people to fight for us. In this case, it will require him to bring charges against the man who is deliberately attempting to usurp his power and force him out of office.

President Trump should appoint special prosecutors to investigate every department that was under Obama's command during his 8 year administration. Obama should be prosecuted for treason, forgery of his birth certificate, for his collusion with the Clinton Foundation, fast and furious gun running, using an alias name while sending emails to Hillary Clinton's private email server, using the IRS to target individuals, his cover-up of Benghazi, his involvement with Solyndra, wiretapping a presidential candidate......for starters. Barack Obama is the first president in US history to leave the oval office only to seek its' destruction afterward. That isn't the only record he holds as being 'the first.'

Look at this list compiled by Doug Ross:
Doug Ross @ Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]

• First President to Directly Violate the Law Regarding Prisoner Swaps with the Taliban, Bypassing Congressional Review (Source: The New York Times)
• First President to Invite a Leader of the Terrorist Group the Muslim Brotherhood to a Meeting in the White House (Source: Washington Free Beacon)
• First President to Out a CIA Station Chief in an Active Military Zone (Source: CBS News)

••• First President to Spy on Congress and its Communications With Israel to Ensure its Political Effort to Fund and Arm the Terror State of Iran Would Continue Unimpeded (Source: Rep. Pete Hoekstra)
••• First President to stop a defense authorization bill as leverage to further his domestic spending agenda (Source: Wall Street Journal)
••• First President to install black screens on the windows of the White House to prevent a visiting foreign dictator from seeing protesters (Source: Marion Smith)

••• First President to have a complaint filed against him by over 50 CentCom intelligence analysts for falsifying data around Islamic terror groups for political purposes (Source: Daily Beast)

• First President to Negotiate a Deal to Transfer $150 Billion to the World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism (Source: Gatestone Institute)
• First President to Operate His National Security Infrastructure So Incompetently That an Enemy of the United States was Able to Steal the Personnel Records of all Four Million Government Employees (Source: CNN).
• First President to Operate His National Security Infrastructure So Incompetently That His Secretary of State Created Her Own Private Email Servers to Evade Public Open Records Laws (Source: The Verge)

• First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space (Sources: USA Today, ABC News)
• First President to press for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and rights to half of all offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty, Source: Investors Business Daily)

• First President to force Israel and Saudi Arabia to admit secret diplomacy for the first time in Order to Protect Themselves from the Policies of the United States (Source: Jerusalem Post)
• First President to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund attacks against civilians (Sources: American Thinker, The Independent [UK])
(partial list - see full list here: Doug Ross @ Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated])

There is more than enough evidence to prosecute Barack Obama and his hidden cabal for treason.

We have the right president now. Let's stand with President Donald J. Trump, support him, pray for him and believe God for his victory as he fights against our enemies from within and without who are determined to destroy America, the last great bastion of freedom.

Trump wont prosecute him.He is no different than every president we have had since JFK,our last real president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and Israel.I was hoping he would be different and like JFK but he isnt. this video exposes him for the fraud he is.He is no different than Obama or Bush I am afraid.

you know who alex jones is right? He is not for us as he pretends to be.He is a double agent REALLY working for the government. well Trump is pals with Jones so that tells you everything right there.

if that video is too long for you to watch,watch this short 4 minute one. This guy has been right on everything he has said over the years.He said alex jones was a shill for the government for years before many people were saying it.,I did not believe him for years but he proved that true and many other things.The guy knows his stuff and has always been spot on on everything.
He is jewish as well.He is not a bad jewish person like jones.Not all jewish people are bad,he is a true patriot.

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I hate to break it to you guys, but daring to disagree with the cheeteo messiah isn't "treason", and never will be.
A lot of very wealthy rabid RWNJs would love to find proof of crimes by Obama and the Clinton's. Just for a moment, you RWNJ traitors need to consider just how much money has been thrown at bringing them down. There's no there there. Deal with it.

This idiotic fiction belongs in the Conspiracy forum.
A lot of very wealthy rabid RWNJs would love to find proof of crimes by Obama and the Clinton's. Just for a moment, you RWNJ traitors need to consider just how much money has been thrown at bringing them down. There's no there there. Deal with it.

This idiotic fiction belongs in the Conspiracy forum.
The Clinton-Obama Cartel is head and shoulders above Organized Crime. The only way to stop them is to have someone in their gang turn on them and present evidence without winding up dead by committing "suicide."
A lot of very wealthy rabid RWNJs would love to find proof of crimes by Obama and the Clinton's. Just for a moment, you RWNJ traitors need to consider just how much money has been thrown at bringing them down. There's no there there. Deal with it.

This idiotic fiction belongs in the Conspiracy forum.
The Clinton-Obama Cartel is head and shoulders above Organized Crime. The only way to stop them is to have someone in their gang turn on them and present evidence without winding up dead by committing "suicide."

Lies like that really don't help.

But, if a lie is told often enough, the RWNJ traitors will believe it.
A lot of very wealthy rabid RWNJs would love to find proof of crimes by Obama and the Clinton's. Just for a moment, you RWNJ traitors need to consider just how much money has been thrown at bringing them down. There's no there there. Deal with it.

This idiotic fiction belongs in the Conspiracy forum.
The Clinton-Obama Cartel is head and shoulders above Organized Crime. The only way to stop them is to have someone in their gang turn on them and present evidence without winding up dead by committing "suicide."

Lies like that really don't help.

But, if a lie is told often enough, the RWNJ traitors will believe it.
One day we'll see who is right. You and the other enablers just won't pull your heads out of the sand.
I hate to break it to you guys, but daring to disagree with the cheeteo messiah isn't "treason", and never will be.

This isn't about a disagreement. This is about mountains of evidence that has been compiled by various authors (more than one book has been written) that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Barack Obama committed treason. The books that have been written on the subject reveal a great deal of information. Perhaps rather than dismissing it as a personal disagreement you should read a book or two and examine the evidence or better yet - just read the OP and look at the evidence in the link to Obama's First list. It's quite an eye opener.

Here is an example of one book written on the subject:


Houston, TX, October 27, 2016 --( "Unexpected Treason," written by James McCormack, is a comprehensive academic analysis and political expose of the presidency of Barack Obama that alleges Obama is a radical Muslim and committed treason. Willowbrook Publishing is pleased to produce a book that presents a thesis, allegedly with supporting evidence that aims to prove Obama has been a major threat to America and the West, that the author claims to support with documented facts and quotes. The author feels the book should be read by all individuals who are trying to fully understand the internal workings of the Obama administration and how the future of the West and its freedoms are significantly affected. It is of the author’s opinion that: President Obama’s policies of hope and change were a scam created to institute policies that intended to advance the interests of Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, other Islamist organizations and states, and a future caliphate, that would eventually transition the United States and the West to a society dominated by Islam. Other analytic findings discussed by "Unexpected Treason," that are alleged by the author, include:

- How Obama became connected with major Middle Eastern powers at an early age, and how these powers maintained their control over Obama throughout his presidency.
- The philosophical, theological, and political influences that directed Obama’s political agenda are fully analyzed and linked to his executive branch policies.
- Benghazi attack details and events surrounding the death of Ambassador Stevens
- A major objective of Erdogan’s 2016 coup is revealed for the first time, and how it changed the balance of power in the Middle East.
- Hillary Clinton’s close ties to Islamists, along with details of Obama’s alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood and other major radical Islamic powers are disclosed.

Biography: James McCormack graduated from an Ivy League college with honors (Phi Beta Kappa), and later obtained a doctorate at an Ivy League institution. "Unexpected Treason" was written over a two-year period, with the research on Obama initiated while he was a U.S. senator from Illinois. The author states that he has maintained the highest academic standards when compiling the quotes and facts used to advance various political arguments, which have been supported by over 320 footnotes.

"Unexpected Treason," Comprehensive Obama Review, Now Available on as a Paperback Book or Kindle eBook -

There is a saying, "Where there is smoke, there is fire"....... An Ivy League graduate (author of Unexpected Treason) who obtained a doctorate - at an Ivy League Institution - would not waste his time on such an endeavor if he didn't believe Obama had committed treason.
If you decide to buy the book, please don't buy it from Amazon. The CEO is a far left liberal and supporter of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Thanks for reading.
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A lot of very wealthy rabid RWNJs would love to find proof of crimes by Obama and the Clinton's. Just for a moment, you RWNJ traitors need to consider just how much money has been thrown at bringing them down. There's no there there. Deal with it.

This idiotic fiction belongs in the Conspiracy forum.
Imagine a world where far left liberals decide what is fiction and what is not. A world in which liberals decide what should be classified as a conspiracy. On second thought...........

"May God Save Us All From Such A Day!"

Incoming President Donald J. Trump vows he will fight for America & make her great again​

On November 26, 2016 New York writer, Daniel Greenfield, wrote an article entitled, “Obama's plan to rule America outside the White House.” The prediction of this journalist was almost prophetic in nature. He explained that Obama knew that his end had come as Commander – in – chief and that he had already prepared for his next role as Organizer – in - chief. Whereas before Obama's fight was from the White House now it would become against the White House.

Greenfield even went so far as to describe how Obama would do it: OFA. He mentioned Obama's two faced declarations such as his telling the American people concerning President-Elect Trump, “We are all rooting for his success.” Nothing could have been further from the truth. Using OFA and those he had strategically placed from within, his plan from the beginning was to finish what he had started: The destruction of America.

Daniel Greenfield wrote:

In conventional politics, Obama is done. There’s no way back into the White House. And Hillary’s fate won’t leave much enthusiasm for nominating the uncharismatic spouse of a charismatic ex-president.

But Obama is not a conventional politician. He’s an organizer and a campaigner at the vanguard of a radical movement that seeks to control traditional institutions, but doesn’t feel bound by them. Unlike Bill Clinton, his plans don’t begin and end with the White House. As an organizer, Obama is equipped to build bases of power outside traditional institutions. And that is exactly what he is doing.

The demoralization of the Democrats is, as Obama put it, an opportunity. Social chaos is a time for the left to overthrow and undermine traditional institutions. Fear, anger and despair are radicalizing. The left has always operated by throwing bombs and then profiting from the fallout. That’s Obama’s agenda. Having wrecked the country and the Democrats, he sees that not as a setback, but as an opportunity.
Obama Plans to Rule America Outside the White House

What is Obama's organizing power base? OFA. Where is his headquarters located? Within walking distance to the White House. Who is assisting him? Valerie Jarrett who is the same person who assisted him in the first leg of his journey to "transform America."

To further understand his objective, Greenfield quotes Obama's message to OFA and expounds on the assignment he has delivered to them and what his end game is:

“The network that you represent, you're perfectly poised to do that,” Obama told his OFAers. “In other words, now is the time for some organizing.”

While the leftist rioters in the streets are garnering the most attention, the real threat comes from the network of staffers dubbed Obama Anonymous which are beginning to organize and coordinate. OFA is Obama’s equivalent of the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons built Clintonworld around staffers, but its goal was harvesting money. Obama Inc. is being built around organizing and activism. Like Clintonworld, it will be a network encompassing a variety of political and non-profit institutions. Unlike them, it will be much less focused on directing money to its bosses in preparation for an election. Instead it will function like a traditional leftist movement, merging influence operations with crowdsourced mobilization.

OFA will be far more dangerous in the wild than the Clinton Foundation ever was. The Clintons hoped to ride back to power on a giant wave of money. Obama is taking a much more radical course.

The staffers exiting government are being wired into Obama Inc. whether or not they take jobs directly working for him. The OFA alumni are building networks across organizations while taking their marching orders from him. They expect Obama to lead them back from the wilderness and into the halls of power.
Obama Plans to Rule America Outside the White House

When we review Obama's actions we come away with the picture of a man who does not respect our Constitution or rule of law. He is doing everything in his power to usurp the authority of the White House. What should President Trump do in light of these facts? He must keep his promise to the American people to fight for us. In this case, it will require him to bring charges against the man who is deliberately attempting to usurp his power and force him out of office.

President Trump should appoint special prosecutors to investigate every department that was under Obama's command during his 8 year administration. Obama should be prosecuted for treason, forgery of his birth certificate, for his collusion with the Clinton Foundation, fast and furious gun running, using an alias name while sending emails to Hillary Clinton's private email server, using the IRS to target individuals, his cover-up of Benghazi, his involvement with Solyndra, wiretapping a presidential candidate......for starters. Barack Obama is the first president in US history to leave the oval office only to seek its' destruction afterward. That isn't the only record he holds as being 'the first.'

Look at this list compiled by Doug Ross:
Doug Ross @ Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]

• First President to Directly Violate the Law Regarding Prisoner Swaps with the Taliban, Bypassing Congressional Review (Source: The New York Times)
• First President to Invite a Leader of the Terrorist Group the Muslim Brotherhood to a Meeting in the White House (Source: Washington Free Beacon)
• First President to Out a CIA Station Chief in an Active Military Zone (Source: CBS News)

••• First President to Spy on Congress and its Communications With Israel to Ensure its Political Effort to Fund and Arm the Terror State of Iran Would Continue Unimpeded (Source: Rep. Pete Hoekstra)
••• First President to stop a defense authorization bill as leverage to further his domestic spending agenda (Source: Wall Street Journal)
••• First President to install black screens on the windows of the White House to prevent a visiting foreign dictator from seeing protesters (Source: Marion Smith)

••• First President to have a complaint filed against him by over 50 CentCom intelligence analysts for falsifying data around Islamic terror groups for political purposes (Source: Daily Beast)

• First President to Negotiate a Deal to Transfer $150 Billion to the World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism (Source: Gatestone Institute)
• First President to Operate His National Security Infrastructure So Incompetently That an Enemy of the United States was Able to Steal the Personnel Records of all Four Million Government Employees (Source: CNN).
• First President to Operate His National Security Infrastructure So Incompetently That His Secretary of State Created Her Own Private Email Servers to Evade Public Open Records Laws (Source: The Verge)

• First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space (Sources: USA Today, ABC News)
• First President to press for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and rights to half of all offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty, Source: Investors Business Daily)

• First President to force Israel and Saudi Arabia to admit secret diplomacy for the first time in Order to Protect Themselves from the Policies of the United States (Source: Jerusalem Post)
• First President to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund attacks against civilians (Sources: American Thinker, The Independent [UK])
(partial list - see full list here: Doug Ross @ Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated])

There is more than enough evidence to prosecute Barack Obama and his hidden cabal for treason.

We have the right president now. Let's stand with President Donald J. Trump, support him, pray for him and believe God for his victory as he fights against our enemies from within and without who are determined to destroy America, the last great bastion of freedom.

Trump wont prosecute him.He is no different than every president we have had since JFK,our last real president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and Israel.I was hoping he would be different and like JFK but he isnt. this video exposes him for the fraud he is.He is no different than Obama or Bush I am afraid.

you know who alex jones is right? He is not for us as he pretends to be.He is a double agent REALLY working for the government. well Trump is pals with Jones so that tells you everything right there.

if that video is too long for you to watch,watch this short 4 minute one. This guy has been right on everything he has said over the years.He said alex jones was a shill for the government for years before many people were saying it.,I did not believe him for years but he proved that true and many other things.The guy knows his stuff and has always been spot on on everything.
He is jewish as well.He is not a bad jewish person like jones.Not all jewish people are bad,he is a true patriot.

In response to your comment - not all Jewish people are bad - I would have to respond, Not all non-Jewish people are bad. The Jews I have known in my life are far above the rest of humanity in their civility, compassion, generosity, intelligence, creativity and respect for human life.
A lot of very wealthy rabid RWNJs would love to find proof of crimes by Obama and the Clinton's. Just for a moment, you RWNJ traitors need to consider just how much money has been thrown at bringing them down. There's no there there. Deal with it.

This idiotic fiction belongs in the Conspiracy forum.
The Clinton-Obama Cartel is head and shoulders above Organized Crime. The only way to stop them is to have someone in their gang turn on them and present evidence without winding up dead by committing "suicide."

Lies like that really don't help.

But, if a lie is told often enough, the RWNJ traitors will believe it.
One day we'll see who is right. You and the other enablers just won't pull your heads out of the sand.

How about we start by RWNJs stopping lying?

Yeah, I know. It would be easier for you to stop breathing.

A lot of very wealthy rabid RWNJs would love to find proof of crimes by Obama and the Clinton's. Just for a moment, you RWNJ traitors need to consider just how much money has been thrown at bringing them down. There's no there there. Deal with it.

This idiotic fiction belongs in the Conspiracy forum.
Imagine a world where far left liberals decide what is fiction and what is not. A world in which liberals decide what should be classified as a conspiracy. On second thought...........

"May God Save Us All From Such A Day!"

Imagine a day when RWNJs had to prove their accusations.
I hate to break it to you guys, but daring to disagree with the cheeteo messiah isn't "treason", and never will be.

This isn't about a disagreement. This is about mountains of evidence that has been compiled by various authors (more than one book has been written) that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Barack Obama committed treason. The books that have been written on the subject reveal a great deal of information. Perhaps rather than dismissing it as a personal disagreement you should read a book or two and examine the evidence or better yet - just read the OP and look at the evidence in the link to Obama's First list. It's quite an eye opener.

Here is an example of one book written on the subject:


Houston, TX, October 27, 2016 --( "Unexpected Treason," written by James McCormack, is a comprehensive academic analysis and political expose of the presidency of Barack Obama that alleges Obama is a radical Muslim and committed treason. Willowbrook Publishing is pleased to produce a book that presents a thesis, allegedly with supporting evidence that aims to prove Obama has been a major threat to America and the West, that the author claims to support with documented facts and quotes. The author feels the book should be read by all individuals who are trying to fully understand the internal workings of the Obama administration and how the future of the West and its freedoms are significantly affected. It is of the author’s opinion that: President Obama’s policies of hope and change were a scam created to institute policies that intended to advance the interests of Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, other Islamist organizations and states, and a future caliphate, that would eventually transition the United States and the West to a society dominated by Islam. Other analytic findings discussed by "Unexpected Treason," that are alleged by the author, include:

- How Obama became connected with major Middle Eastern powers at an early age, and how these powers maintained their control over Obama throughout his presidency.
- The philosophical, theological, and political influences that directed Obama’s political agenda are fully analyzed and linked to his executive branch policies.
- Benghazi attack details and events surrounding the death of Ambassador Stevens
- A major objective of Erdogan’s 2016 coup is revealed for the first time, and how it changed the balance of power in the Middle East.
- Hillary Clinton’s close ties to Islamists, along with details of Obama’s alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood and other major radical Islamic powers are disclosed.

Biography: James McCormack graduated from an Ivy League college with honors (Phi Beta Kappa), and later obtained a doctorate at an Ivy League institution. "Unexpected Treason" was written over a two-year period, with the research on Obama initiated while he was a U.S. senator from Illinois. The author states that he has maintained the highest academic standards when compiling the quotes and facts used to advance various political arguments, which have been supported by over 320 footnotes.

"Unexpected Treason," Comprehensive Obama Review, Now Available on as a Paperback Book or Kindle eBook -

There is a saying, "Where there is smoke, there is fire"....... An Ivy League graduate (author of Unexpected Treason) who obtained a doctorate - at an Ivy League Institution - would not waste his time on such an endeavor if he didn't believe Obama had committed treason.
If you decide to buy the book, please don't buy it from Amazon. The CEO is a far left liberal and supporter of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Thanks for reading.


Nor is it an opinion that both parties are corrupt,one in the same the fact each president from a different party has the power to prosecute the previous administration for their criminal activities but never does.they are suppose to have different views the fact they are different parties Bur Obama not only contiuned Bushs policys,he expanded them.

till we can get a third party not part of the corrupt two party system,there is no hope for america and the destruction will forever contiune.
Drumpf will be coming forward with the burfur proof any day now. He can add that to the proof he says he has that President Obama 'tapped the wires' in trump tower.

That should make you Pootarians reeel happy.

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How about we start by RWNJs stopping lying?

Yeah, I know. It would be easier for you to stop breathing.

Imagine a day when RWNJs had to prove their accusations.

Only a stupid liberal would even suggest anyone else was a liar. liberal is a synonym for lying pile of shit.

Prove a lie there ultra brainiac. There are none!!! even the dogshit intel agancies that are trying to bring Tump down any way they can have No evidence against HIM, and they have yet to find any against any of his campaign. Yet they found TONS against shitbitch, and would not use it, then they did not even ask questions of the people that were central to the resolution of the investigation. WE ALL KNOW WHAT SHIT LIBERAL LYING SCUM are, just like you know that liberals are really the most vile disgusting lying shit on earth. It is proved every day, and we are watching the vile childish actions of the most ANTI AMERICAN group of people to ever hold a federal elected office, they call themselves DemocRats, but they are treasonist communist scum.
If we start prosecuting ex presidents and world leaders, then very soon winning any election will mean nothing more than an advanced ticket to jail.

Not a bad strategy to phase out the institution of elections. The Soviet Union did this well, you ran there only if your victory was already pre negotiated.

A conservative, as well as the liberal hive mind, will never ask the question who negotiates election candidacies.

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