Protest forming against ground zero mosque

I can't say that I'm sure what you're talking about...

When the Shit hits the fan, it doesn't discriminate much.

No I don't think anyone should have to wear patches not of their choosing, we both know that is silly. Don't encourage that. ;) I believe in Your Faith, it is Extremism V.S. Reformism. I do not advocate adhering to the mistakes of those on other paths, but I do recommend considering and learning from the positive direction of others. God works in mysterious ways? Yes.

Attempting to reform Islam through the introduction of new religious doctrines and practices is a sin. Islam itself has never changed and never can; the real change needs to occur among those who call themselves Muslims. We need a religious revival and a return to Islam as it was practiced by Muhammad (SAWS) and his followers (RA).

You could take that back to Mecca and hang there a while. ;)

Funny We are taught that God is present here now. We are taught to learn, grow, an act, through Conscience. It's pretty cool. The Prophets of old had a hard time with the stiff necked, who always got more caught up with the ceremony and tradition, abandoning original purpose. You are right, somethings do not change.
I care where the money comes from and I'm sure many others do too. If you find out please let us know.
I can't think of any reason why I'd hear about it before anyone else, but I won't keep you in the dark if I do. :thup:

Hey Kalam - Will females be able to visit in a sun dress?
In a place of worship? Of course not. If a person was planning on visiting a masjid, why on earth would he or she have a problem with dressing modestly?

Will non Muslims be able to pray? Will it be like St Patricks Cathedral?
If their worship isn't disruptive, I don't see why not. Muhammad (SAWS) allowed the Christians of Najran to pray in his mosque in Madinah.

Oh and the JTTF will be there. I'm sure no one will mind if they have nothing to hide.
That's a naive and dangerous mentality. We have the same right to privacy as you.

The only rationalization I can conjure up for this giant finger to the 9/11 victims is that those neoighborhood pols hope the radicals won't shit where they eat. Either that or Stockholm syndrome.

Just remember folks that VA imam - Alawari or whatever the fuck his name is - taught at GW and preached his hate in America for years. And we did nothing. Watch "American Terrorist" on Fox. Horrifying.
Who can think of a more reliable source of information relating to Muslims than Fox? :lol:

If you're looking for excuses to hate, you'll always find them. Open your eyes a little bit and you might be surprised to learn that Islam isn't the monolithic bloc than many of you seem to think it is.

Oh, and Anwar al-Awlaki wasn't a Virginian. His time here was brief.
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You could take that back to Mecca and hang there a while. ;)
Or not.

Funny We are taught that God is present here now. We are taught to learn, grow, an act, through Conscience. It's pretty cool. The Prophets of old had a hard time with the stiff necked, who always got more caught up with the ceremony and tradition, abandoning original purpose. You are right, somethings do not change.
Again, not sure what you're talking about.

Holy. Fuck. You are intensely stoopid. Nothing in the FN link says the mosque would open on 9/11/11. So yes the NY Post was used.

Even after seeing the Post is clearly wrong you still ignore it and claim it's a trustworthy source. You got bitch slapped again.

Plan to Build Mosque Near Ground Zero Riles Families of 9/11 Victims
By Lauren Green -

Outraged family members and community groups are accusing a Muslim group of trying to rewrite history with its plans to build a 13-story mosque and cultural center just two blocks from Ground Zero, where Islamic extremists flew two planes into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. - Plan to Build Mosque Near Ground Zero Riles Families of 9/11 Victims

Changing the font does not change the fact the FN story does not claim the mosque will open on 9/11/11 you dumbfuck.

(Timesaver: don't try changing font colors cause that doesn't change facts either)
Kalam - what is considered "modest dress"? Many women enjoy wearing sun dresses in the NYC heat. Will women in summer clothes be banned? St Patricks does not enforce a dress code.

I don't believe they can predict the opening date because I don't think they even have the money yet. It will be interesting to see who is willing to sponsor this.

Oh and if you believe the Fox special is falsely accusing whatever the fuck his name is of being associated with Hassan, the Times Sq bomber, and the 9/11 hijackers, please let us know. And you might want to let the Prez know too. Heard he's put a hit on him.
Kalam - what is considered "modest dress"? Many women enjoy wearing sun dresses in the NYC heat. Will women in summer clothes be banned? St Patricks does not enforce a dress code.
Modest dress for men involves at least covering the area from the navel to the knees; I don't think I've ever seen a man at a mosque who was not wearing long pants or some sort of robe. Women should wear long clothes and cover their hair and chests. Also, neither gender should wear clothes that are excessively tight or transparent. I'm aware that people prefer wearing shorter clothing in the heat - I think we can safely assume that the building will be air conditioned.

St Patricks does not enforce a dress code.
Who cares? If you don't want to dress according to our standards of modesty, that's perfectly fine. You simply won't be able to enter our houses of worship.

I don't believe they can predict the opening date because I don't think they even have the money yet. It will be interesting to see who is willing to sponsor this.
I doubt they would have brought the project this far if they weren't confident in their ability to secure funds...

Oh and if you believe the Fox special is falsely accusing whatever the fuck his name is of being associated with Hassan, the Times Sq bomber, and the 9/11 hijackers, please let us know. And you might want to let the Prez know too. Heard he's put a hit on him.
Nice strawman arguments. I didn't say anything about Al-Awlaki's involvement or non-involvement in criminal activity... all I know is that he's a munafiq who frequently had sex with prostitutes. Similarly, Hassan and the 9/11 hijackers went to strip clubs and, if I recall correctly, gambled and drank alcohol. These facts are conveniently overlooked when the media attempts to portray these individuals as devout Muslims.
Kalam - what is considered "modest dress"? Many women enjoy wearing sun dresses in the NYC heat. Will women in summer clothes be banned? St Patricks does not enforce a dress code.
Modest dress for men involves at least covering the area from the navel to the knees; I don't think I've ever seen a man at a mosque who was not wearing long pants or some sort of robe. Women should wear long clothes and cover their hair and chests. Also, neither gender should wear clothes that are excessively tight or transparent. I'm aware that people prefer wearing shorter clothing in the heat - I think we can safely assume that the building will be air conditioned.

St Patricks does not enforce a dress code.
Who cares? If you don't want to dress according to our standards of modesty, that's perfectly fine. You simply won't be able to enter our houses of worship.

I don't believe they can predict the opening date because I don't think they even have the money yet. It will be interesting to see who is willing to sponsor this.
I doubt they would have brought the project this far if they weren't confident in their ability to secure funds...

Oh and if you believe the Fox special is falsely accusing whatever the fuck his name is of being associated with Hassan, the Times Sq bomber, and the 9/11 hijackers, please let us know. And you might want to let the Prez know too. Heard he's put a hit on him.
Nice strawman arguments. I didn't say anything about Al-Awlaki's involvement or non-involvement in criminal activity... all I know is that he's a munafiq who frequently had sex with prostitutes. Similarly, Hassan and the 9/11 hijackers went to strip clubs and, if I recall correctly, gambled and drank alcohol. These facts are conveniently overlooked when the media attempts to portray these individuals as devout Muslims.

From what I understand, this is a "cultural center" and performing arts center as well as a mosque. Requiring non Muslim women to wear burka-like clothing is discriminatory. So there goes that PR spin. I hope the financial backers understand that their wives will be prohibited from the opening gala. :evil:

And the Fox special did not overlook the lap dances and hookers enjoyed by the hijackers and Hassan. It was explained by some Muslim scholar that sexual repression can lead to debauchery. And of course the West is the devil with its temptations. They were devout Muslims who were impatient for their 72 virgins.
The 9/11 Mosque’s Peace Charadeby Pamela Geller
By Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

A massive fifteen-story mosque and Islamic Center going up in what was once the shadow of the World Trade Center claims to offer “the opposite statement to what happened on 9/11.” The Center organizers, the America Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), have worked hard in the media to portray themselves as Islamic moderates working for peace on the exact spot where their belligerent coreligionists perpetrated murder and mayhem in the name of their religion. But the words and deeds of the leader of the effort, the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, suggests a more ominous reality: Abdul Rauf is a master of deceptive, Orwellian use of language, manifesting a deep contempt for non-Muslims and full accord with the supremacist goals of the 9/11 hijackers.

So anxious were they to secure the location at Ground Zero that a Muslim real estate company paid $4.85 million in cash for the building, with part coming from Abdul Rauf’s other Islamic group, the Cordoba Initiative. It is unnerving – the deliberate speed and anxiousness that the leader of the American Society for Muslim Advancement has demonstrated in working to open a mosque at the gaping wound of Ground Zero. He claims that it will heal that wound. But how will it do that? How will a mosque, the place where jihadis go for spiritual sustenance, at Ground Zero help stop jihad terrorism? Even the name of the initiative – Cordoba – speaks volumes. While Islamic Spain is held up today as a proto-multiculturalist paradise, in reality non-Muslims there suffered under the discrimination prescribed in Islamic law for dhimmis, non-believers who were subjugated as inferiors and denied equality of rights.

ASMA seems to have deliberately sought a connection to Ground Zero for their new mosque site. Muslims are already conducting daily prayers on the site, an old Burlington Coat Factory outlet where, according to Abdul Rauf, “a piece of the wreckage fell.”

The group purports to come in peace, although it declined to send a representative to discuss the initiative with one of us on Mike Huckabee’s show on Fox News Saturday. This was after one of us confronted Islamic apologist Michael Ghouse on Sean Hannity’s radio show on Friday, exposing the insensitivity and unsavory aspects of the 9/11 Mosque project. Abdul Rauf’s group gave this statement to Huckabee:

For over a decade, the Cordoba Initiative and American Society for Muslim Advancement have worked tirelessly to build bridges with other faiths, while condemning violence, extremism, and prejudice of any sort. Our mission is to be a beacon of hope, peace, understanding and harmony to those who join us in condemning hatred and violence of any kind. Too often the question arises of why moderate, peace-loving Muslims do not speak out. We cannot think of a more wonderful expression of our religion than the Cordoba House, where American Muslims stand together with our fellow citizens to condemn extremism and terror. It is a project to honor those who were harmed on September 11th. It is a project to proclaim our patriotism to this country and to stand side-by-side all men and women of peace.

How does building a giant mosque at Ground Zero address the problem of moderate Muslims not speaking out against terrorism? How does this mosque honor those who were “harmed” – i.e., brutally murdered — on September 11? Whom does a mosque at 9/11 really honor: the Americans who lost their lives, or the jihadis who murdered them?

It’s no wonder that many have greeted such words with skepticism, seeing the Ground Zero mosque as a demonstration of supremacism and triumphalism. Debra Burlingame of 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, whose brother died in the Pentagon on 9/11, declared: “This is a place which is 600 feet from where almost 3,000 people were torn to pieces by Islamic extremists. I think that it is incredibly insensitive and audacious really for them to build a mosque, not only on that site, but to do it specifically so that they could be in proximity to where that atrocity happened.”

There is ample support for the idea that this Islamic Center is an insult to the victims of the 9/11 attacks. Throughout Islamic history, wherever they have conquered, Muslims have converted non-Muslim houses of worship into mosques and built mosques on the holy sites of other religions. The Dome of the Rock, built on the site of the Temple in Jerusalem, the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus built over the Church of St. John the Baptist, and the Aya Sofya mosque in Istanbul, formerly the grandest church in Christendom, are three notable examples among a great many. While at Ground Zero the mosque is not being built over the site of a synagogue or church, the same pattern of conquest and supremacism is in evidence: the World Trade Center site was a symbol of American economic power; the 9/11 Mosque is a symbol of the conquest of that power.

Abdul Rauf’s own statements, rather than allay such concerns, actually give credence to this view. He has blamed the West, rather than Islamic jihadists, for terrorism on several occasions. He has said, according to Australia’s Sun-Herald, that “the US and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end.” He has also claimed that “Western active involvement in shaping the internal affairs of Islamic societies have contributed to the creation of terrorism done in the name of Islam.”

In other words, stop fighting back. Let the jihadis do as they please.

Abdul Rauf has also called Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams’ endorsement of the implementation of Sharia courts in Britain “forward thinking” – despite Sharia’s denial of basic freedoms including the freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and equality of rights of all people before the law. He has called upon Barack Obama to emphasize “the commonality of Western and Islamic values,” claiming that “if the United States lives up to the values in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and if Muslims can live up to the principles of Islamic law, then we will find we have fewer points of conflict and more common ground.” Then all will be well: “Muslims no longer will fear Western domination and the West no longer will fear Islamic expansion.”

Does Abdul Rauf really think that the devaluation of a woman’s testimony and the institutionalized discrimination against non-Muslims, both mandated by Sharia, are really compatible with the Bill of Rights? Does he really think that stoning people to death for adultery or amputating their hands for theft are compatible with the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishments?

Whatever he thinks of those elements of the Constitution, he doesn’t appear overly fond of the freedom of speech. Abdul Rauf has compared the West unfavorably to the Islamic world, since the West “protects the right to say anything, no matter how insensitive or scandalous,” while Islamic cultures “balance freedom of expression with respect for elders, traditions and modesty. The idea of respect and honor to elders is deeply ingrained in their psyches.” He has criticized the Swiss ban on minarets as a restriction on religious freedom, without saying a word about the severe restrictions on non-Muslim religious practice in Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, and Sudan.

In many of his public statements, Abdul Rauf is patently dishonest. After the Fort Hood jihad massacre, he claimed that the shootings were “against the laws of Islam” – a claim that looked ridiculous and deceitful after Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan’s writings came to light, explaining (with copious references to the Koran) the Islamic requirement to wage war against infidels. If Hasan was wrong and Abdul Rauf right about Islam, Abdul Rauf, as a leading American “moderate,” could have and should have seized the opportunity to explain exactly how, so as to allay the legitimate concerns of non-Muslims and emphasize to Muslims in America how and why they should be unreservedly patriotic Americans. He did not.

Abdul Rauf also has unsavory associations with pro-Sharia groups. Journalist Alyssa A. Lappen reports that “whenever Feisal first considered building a mosque across from Ground Zero, he had the idea firmly in mind by 2004, when he wrote What’s Right with Islam. The book was translated into many languages. In Indonesia’s Bahasa, its title translates as “The Call from the WTC Rubble.” Rauf promoted the book in December 2007 at a Kuala Lumpur gathering of Hizb ut Tahrir — an organization banned in Germany since 2003, and also outlawed in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, among other places — and ideologically akin to the MB. Both seek to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law (sharia), and eventually impose Islam and sharia law worldwide.” The “MB” is the Muslim Brotherhood, an international Islamic organization from which come Al-Qaeda and Hamas. The Brotherhood is dedicated in its own words, according to a captured internal document, to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Is that Feisal Abdul Rauf’s agenda as he works to build his massive Islamic Center at Ground Zero? It certainly seems so. That’s why our new group, Stop Islamization of America, is holding a rally against the 9/11 Mosque on June 6 in lower Manhattan. 9/11 families and freedom fighters including ex-Muslim human rights crusader Nonie Darwish and ex-slave Simon Deng will be speaking – and stating matters more honestly than Feisal Abdul Rauf ever has.

The 9/11 Mosque?s Peace Charade - Big Government
You dispute the content??? :lol: False claims??? Let's talk about false claims Curve Ball.

Already did you whiner:

Here are some separate sources that said the same thing.

Thass the same bowlshit source that falsely claimed the mosque would open on 9/11/11.

Here are 3 separate sources that said the same thing.

Mosque madness at Ground Zero -

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: 9/11 mosque

New Mosque to Open at World Trade Center Site on 9/11/11 | Political-Politics

Fw: Ground Zero mosque dedication date: 9/11/11 - Patriotic Resistance

Curvelight: Changing the font does not change the fact the FN story does not claim the mosque will open on 9/11/11 you dumbfuck.

You are correct. That changes your batting average from .000 to .001. Congratulations. ;)

1. NY Post Story.
2. Glen Beck. No mention of Post Story. No Link.
3. No Reference or Link to Post Story.
4. Link and Reference to Post Story.

That still puts you off on two references.

What do you know in fact about the proposed 9/11/11 claim? What was the source? What do you see as the intention behind the report? I'm searching the web, and finding very little on the subject, no retractions yet either. Maybe you will have better luck.
Hey can quote a smaller bit with the link.

Posting this way preserves the content. ;) Curveball, were you special ed? It's not a criticism, I'm just trying to understand you and make sense of your perspective.
Already did you whiner:

Here are some separate sources that said the same thing.

Thass the same bowlshit source that falsely claimed the mosque would open on 9/11/11.

Here are 3 separate sources that said the same thing.

Mosque madness at Ground Zero -

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: 9/11 mosque

New Mosque to Open at World Trade Center Site on 9/11/11 | Political-Politics

Fw: Ground Zero mosque dedication date: 9/11/11 - Patriotic Resistance

Curvelight: Changing the font does not change the fact the FN story does not claim the mosque will open on 9/11/11 you dumbfuck.

You are correct. That changes your batting average from .000 to .001. Congratulations. ;)

1. NY Post Story.
2. Glen Beck. No mention of Post Story. No Link.
3. No Reference or Link to Post Story.
4. Link and Reference to Post Story.

That still puts you off on two references.

What do you know in fact about the proposed 9/11/11 claim? What was the source? What do you see as the intention behind the report? I'm searching the web, and finding very little on the subject, no retractions yet either. Maybe you will have better luck.

The Post is the only source you've shown. Beck made the comment in an interview without citing a would Beck know? The same damn Post article people like you have been circulating. The Post made the claim and it's obvious they did it to manufacture outrage because they know a lot of people simply repeat whatever bullshit is put out instead of doing their homework. Every single damn link you gave is so pathetically biased I'm a fuxxing idiot for even responding to them.

Curvelight: Changing the font does not change the fact the FN story does not claim the mosque will open on 9/11/11 you dumbfuck.

You are correct. That changes your batting average from .000 to .001. Congratulations. ;)

1. NY Post Story.
2. Glen Beck. No mention of Post Story. No Link.
3. No Reference or Link to Post Story.
4. Link and Reference to Post Story.

That still puts you off on two references.

What do you know in fact about the proposed 9/11/11 claim? What was the source? What do you see as the intention behind the report? I'm searching the web, and finding very little on the subject, no retractions yet either. Maybe you will have better luck.

The Post is the only source you've shown. Beck made the comment in an interview without citing a would Beck know? The same damn Post article people like you have been circulating. The Post made the claim and it's obvious they did it to manufacture outrage because they know a lot of people simply repeat whatever bullshit is put out instead of doing their homework. Every single damn link you gave is so pathetically biased I'm a fuxxing idiot for even responding to them.

I don't see the Post making up a false claim like that for the intention of misleading the public. Where did they get that information to make such a claim? I personally don't see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together.

The issue for most, is the perception of those that would use the site as a symbol of victory over Western Culture, and even celebrate those that hi-jacked the planes, be they majority or minority. That is the perception. When the center opens is secondary to that. Right or wrong, we remain unconvinced that Main Stream Islam, Renounces Jihad and Terror in all forms. Explain Terror in Mumbai.

HBO: Terror in Mumbai: Home
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Curvelight: Changing the font does not change the fact the FN story does not claim the mosque will open on 9/11/11 you dumbfuck.

You are correct. That changes your batting average from .000 to .001. Congratulations. ;)

1. NY Post Story.
2. Glen Beck. No mention of Post Story. No Link.
3. No Reference or Link to Post Story.
4. Link and Reference to Post Story.

That still puts you off on two references.

What do you know in fact about the proposed 9/11/11 claim? What was the source? What do you see as the intention behind the report? I'm searching the web, and finding very little on the subject, no retractions yet either. Maybe you will have better luck.

The Post is the only source you've shown. Beck made the comment in an interview without citing a would Beck know? The same damn Post article people like you have been circulating. The Post made the claim and it's obvious they did it to manufacture outrage because they know a lot of people simply repeat whatever bullshit is put out instead of doing their homework. Every single damn link you gave is so pathetically biased I'm a fuxxing idiot for even responding to them.

I don't see the Post making up a false claim like that for the intention of misleading the public. Where did they get that information to make such a claim? I personally see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together.

The issue for most, is the perception of those that would use the site as a symbol of victory over Western Culture, and even celebrate those that hi-jacked the planes, be they majority or minority. That is the perception. When the center opens is secondary to that. Right or wrong, we remain unconvinced that Main Stream Islam, Renounces Jihad and Terror in all forms. Explain Terror in Mumbai.

HBO: Terror in Mumbai: Home

You see 9/11/11 as "realistic" when they don't even have the money yet, have not broken ground, and the fact I posted the info showing it would take roughly three years to complete after breaking ground....which they have not done yet. Holy fuck you idiots are a waste of time.
The Post is the only source you've shown. Beck made the comment in an interview without citing a would Beck know? The same damn Post article people like you have been circulating. The Post made the claim and it's obvious they did it to manufacture outrage because they know a lot of people simply repeat whatever bullshit is put out instead of doing their homework. Every single damn link you gave is so pathetically biased I'm a fuxxing idiot for even responding to them.

I don't see the Post making up a false claim like that for the intention of misleading the public. Where did they get that information to make such a claim? I personally see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together.

The issue for most, is the perception of those that would use the site as a symbol of victory over Western Culture, and even celebrate those that hi-jacked the planes, be they majority or minority. That is the perception. When the center opens is secondary to that. Right or wrong, we remain unconvinced that Main Stream Islam, Renounces Jihad and Terror in all forms. Explain Terror in Mumbai.

HBO: Terror in Mumbai: Home

You see 9/11/11 as "realistic" when they don't even have the money yet, have not broken ground, and the fact I posted the info showing it would take roughly three years to complete after breaking ground....which they have not done yet. Holy fuck you idiots are a waste of time.

Good catch CL. I meant to say I personally don't see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together. Thanks for spotting that. I corrected the original post. Got too much going on right now.
I don't see the Post making up a false claim like that for the intention of misleading the public. Where did they get that information to make such a claim? I personally see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together.

The issue for most, is the perception of those that would use the site as a symbol of victory over Western Culture, and even celebrate those that hi-jacked the planes, be they majority or minority. That is the perception. When the center opens is secondary to that. Right or wrong, we remain unconvinced that Main Stream Islam, Renounces Jihad and Terror in all forms. Explain Terror in Mumbai.

HBO: Terror in Mumbai: Home

You see 9/11/11 as "realistic" when they don't even have the money yet, have not broken ground, and the fact I posted the info showing it would take roughly three years to complete after breaking ground....which they have not done yet. Holy fuck you idiots are a waste of time.

Good catch CL. I meant to say I personally don't see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together. Thanks for spotting that. I corrected the original post. Got too much going on right now.

Thank you for being honest........but I'm a bit confuzzled. If you don't see it as realistic then why have you been defending the Post's claim?
You see 9/11/11 as "realistic" when they don't even have the money yet, have not broken ground, and the fact I posted the info showing it would take roughly three years to complete after breaking ground....which they have not done yet. Holy fuck you idiots are a waste of time.

Good catch CL. I meant to say I personally don't see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together. Thanks for spotting that. I corrected the original post. Got too much going on right now.

Thank you for being honest........but I'm a bit confuzzled. If you don't see it as realistic then why have you been defending the Post's claim?

It hits on legitimate issues. The best thing for all sides here is venting, thoughts and words being stated, the relevant issues being tested through address and challenge. Let the chips fall where they may. There is an impression of things being rushed and railroaded, politically, that is a bad path that will only foster bitterness and resentment, CL. If the true intent of the construct is pure, running the gauntlet will only strengthen your cause, if it is other, it will be vetted.
Good catch CL. I meant to say I personally don't see the date as realistic, knowing how general construction projects go in NYC. You will have logistical, Bureaucratic, and political delays ahead, no matter how it comes together. Thanks for spotting that. I corrected the original post. Got too much going on right now.

Thank you for being honest........but I'm a bit confuzzled. If you don't see it as realistic then why have you been defending the Post's claim?

It hits on legitimate issues. The best thing for all sides here is venting, thoughts and words being stated, the relevant issues being tested through address and challenge. Let the chips fall where they may. There is an impression of things being rushed and railroaded, politically, that is a bad path that will only foster bitterness and resentment, CL. If the true intent of the construct is pure, running the gauntlet will only strengthen your cause, if it is other, it will be vetted.

Okay....but I still don't understand why you've been defending their claim when it was clearly designed to ignite indignation.

As for the mosque itself.....people are overlooking the factl it's being built out of a need for the growth in American Muslims.

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