Protest in DC today for pro Israel fans

How many more Pali babies must die before you’re satisfied? Do you want all of them dead Adolf?


If Mexico hit America with the same actions of Hamas?

Would you be saying the same thing?

Here's some you scum sucking miserable excuse for a human being.

May you die a horrible death, you piece of fucking shit

Wow …lighten up there internet keyboard warrior

If Mexico hit America with the same actions of Hamas?

Would you be saying the same thing?

Yes. I’m very consistent. Peace at all costs. Got it?

War is a racket. Always!
Yes. I’m very consistent. Peace at all costs. Got it?

War is a racket. Always!

So, you're willing to let Mexico bomb America and will stand with the Mexicans over it.

Mocking th antisemites is the best weapon. Illustrating absurdity by being absurd
Very true. But you need to be a little bit careful here. You know the hard left has zero sense of ethics or fair play. And most of them are too blinded by their bias or just generally too uneducated to allow any concept of analogy, sarcasm, metaphor, etc. And they would eagerly take a post like yours and declare it to the world as what you believe and how all of us on the right think.
You are so well-grounded, and what you say is correct.

And yes, I have noticed that they bunch up together. I have no doubt that is part of a much larger propaganda attack against Jews via social media. There was a story this morning about how a wealthy MARXIST couple, with ties to Communists, was funding a lot of the antisemitic and pro-Palestinian protests as part of destroying the country.
Thank you my friend and no doubt about it. They can't really go after Patriots all that much right now and every vicious hideous thing they're doing to President Trump is backfiring on them. So I guess the Hamas fueled attack on Israel made Jews the target to hate last month and this month. This too shall pass. But do watch your back until they all settle on another target to attack.

And take heart in those roughly 300,000 Patriots who showed up in DC to support and defend Israel and the Jews. Your friends may not be as loud and obnoxious as the haters are, but we're out there.
Piss off you retarded, anti-Semitic shitstain. And take the triggered snowflake buttercup with you.

The only one 'triggered' here is you, clearly... angry, frothing-at-the-mouth, hateful little man. Almost every single post of yours on this thread is you being triggered. :laugh: Carry on though, your constant personal attacks speak volumes about your character, not gipper or anyone else.
Such a pathetic little lying, uninformed, bigoted, anti-Semite you are you crybaby. Running around funnying and fake newsing any post supporting Israel. Character? You know nothing about character bigot. Hateful? To assholes like you, gipper, and the rest of the bigots. Proudly. Go to Gaza and join your Hamas brothers. Looks like they need the help badly.

That's what I told the go to Gaza and fight for Hamas.....since she or whatever it is....cares so much for them!:dunno:

To put her mouth where her words are!
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EVERY death is the responsibility of the Hamas aggressor .

fuck around and find out comes to mind.
Zionist. Nazi!

There will be massive security and and a gate placed along the mall. Everyone will be screamed for weapons.

Flights into DC are completely sold out, and I know people taking 10-hour bus rides from the Midwest to get here.
BOYCOTT LIST Bolivia has severed relations with Israel,[6] while Bahrain[7], Chad[8], Chile[9], Colombia[10], Honduras[11], Jordan[12], South Africa[13] and Turkey[14] have recalled ambassadors

United Arab Emirates


BOYCOTT LIST Bolivia has severed relations with Israel,[6] while Bahrain[7], Chad[8], Chile[9], Colombia[10], Honduras[11], Jordan[12], South Africa[13] and Turkey[14] have recalled ambassadors

United Arab Emirates



If Mexico hit America with the same actions of Hamas?

Would you be saying the same thing?

How many more must die before you are satisfied?

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