Protester Calls for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven' at Anti-Israel Demonstration

When you use them to stage attacks they are now part of the battlefield:


Or how about ambulances?:


If you use them as cover, they are going to be destroyed.

Exactly and it is that simple!

Hamas did it to their own people by using schools, holy sites and homes.
Lopez, a state coordinator for ANSWER, admitted there is a problem with anti-Semitism within his organization's ranks. But then he went on to call the supporters of Israel across the street "barbaric, racist" Zionist terrorists.

"Zionism in general is a barbaric, racist movement that really is the cause of the situation in the entire Middle East," Lopez said.

The unidentified woman, who protest organizers said was a Muslim, wasn't the only protester who raised hackles that day. Other demonstrators held signs that said "Nuke Israel," and a number made comparisons to the Holocaust, accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.
Anyone who would blow up churches, schools, and hospitals is a monster .. devoid of humanity.I don't condone it when arabs do it, don't condone it when racists do it, and I don't condone it when Isrealis do it .. and that's the difference between you and I my brother.

I agree with this, until military strikes are lodged from locations like that, then they have to become a target to take out. Ugly? You bet. Against what might be in my heart? Darn right.

But, what other choice is there? The other side (no matter who they are) cannot let their people get killed and not defend themselves simply based on this.

In this case the people need to push Hamas out of structures like that and out of homes.

It's ugly and yes, Israel is taking full advantage of this to lay in as much damage and pain as possible. The weapons of Hamas cannot match the artillery and air power of the Israeli's.

And I also agree, Israel is far from fault free in this long standing dispute.
You should get this straight .. my brother .. I don't give a damn who your mother was or what heritage, country, or religion you come from .. unless you come from another planet, I consider all humans as related. I don't define "brother" as you do.

Obviously you're incapable of having this conversation without questioning my intelligence and quite laughably, my humanity. I have no desire to go down this road of hurling insults again. I'm real cool with simply agreeing to disagree.

By the way .. noticed you didn't answer the question either.

I'm real cool with not agreeing with you on this.

You know Bitch Ass Hole, I don't look at brotherhood as necessarily being someone who is related to me, I did that because I wanted to put as much distance between your stupidity and me.

I look at fellow Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines as brothers. I also look at anyone who has a compatible view with me as a brother. You don't fill any of those, so you're NOT MY FUCKING BROTHER. At least, until you get rid of your fucked up attitude.

You're still wrong though idiot. A fire set by racist rednecks on an unarmed bunch of people is wrong.

Bombing the shit out of a place that is ARMED and MANNED BY TERRORISTS who are using the people within as a human shield is something different.

And yeah dipstick, I DID answer your fucked up question. I told you that your analogy sucked.
You know Bitch Ass Hole, I don't look at brotherhood as necessarily being someone who is related to me, I did that because I wanted to put as much distance between your stupidity and me.

I look at fellow Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines as brothers. I also look at anyone who has a compatible view with me as a brother. You don't fill any of those, so you're NOT MY FUCKING BROTHER. At least, until you get rid of your fucked up attitude.

You're still wrong though idiot. A fire set by racist rednecks on an unarmed bunch of people is wrong.

Bombing the shit out of a place that is ARMED and MANNED BY TERRORISTS who are using the people within as a human shield is something different.

And yeah dipstick, I DID answer your fucked up question. I told you that your analogy sucked.

Sailor Boy, whew!

you are having one heavy menstrual flow this month.

gawd, these people are awful. :evil:

you can click on the image to view hate in action. this woman is dangerously whacked. I would not want her anywhere near a plane I was on. She might become unhinged because a Jew is on board. People like her committed teh acts of 911.

yes, they did. She probably applauded.
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Sailor Boy, whew!

you are having one heavy menstrual flow this month.

I was gonna tell you that post 85 was pretty decent. On this issue, you and I think quite a bit alike. IS fucked up that innocent kids and civilians have to die. Unfortunately, that is what war is, nothing but death and destruction in the hope that your destruction will destroy your enemies before theirs destroys yours.

Using kids as human shields? Totally screwed up. If the innocents which were being killed in the blasts are adults, then's their choice, suicide bombers do the same thing, they choose death.

But.......ya totally fucked up my response by comparing me to a woman on her period.

I'm an angry male motherfucker, born and bred in fear, pain and hate. I've had more things happen to me by the age of 12, than most people have happen to them by the time that they're 50. Thank God I joined the Navy, so that I could learn how to channel all that negative energy into something positive (even if it was being in a war zone).

Almost a good job.
But......Black Ass Hole.....if you're wondering still if I would have a different opinion if it was Arabs blowing up an Israeli school?

I'd still feel the same way, and if it was proven that the Israelis were using children and civvies as shields? I'd say the same thing.

You've never been in war. I have. 4 to be exact.
Don't look now but your ignorance is showing.

If by "Pallywood" you mean what grown ups would calll Hollywood .. your comment is totally ignorant because Hollywood does not make movies sympathetic to the arab cause.

It's much easier to join the lemming class and simply agree with you've been conditioned to believe than think for yourself.


gawd, these people are awful. :evil:

you can click on the image to view hate in action. this woman is dangerously whacked. I would not want her anywhere near a plane I was on. She might become unhinged because a Jew is on board. People like her committed the acts of 911.

yes, they did. She probably applauded.


who cares about the hateful people you represent?
Arab hate for Jews...Golda Mier was correct..

There will be peace in Palestine when Palestinian mothers love their children more than they hate Jews.
Here's a suggestion for you all.....

By the way, CNN is not my only news source. The other two are BBC America and Debkafile over in Israel.

Might wanna check 'em out sometime.

But.....the whole reason that I signed on this time? Simple....I wanted to tell you what an Israeli soldier, as well as a BBC News crew showed me.......

That school? The one that was blown up? Well.....guess what......the Israeli Defense Force DID set it off. But, it's only because they set off the trigger. If they hadn't? Well....guess what......

The whole fucking building was wired, inside and out, with LOTS of C4, triggered to explode, and KIDS for fucks sake, were LIVING THERE!

Chew on that for a while......

Not only that, but they found SHITLOADS of weapons, armor and rockets, all over the neighborhood.

60 percent of the tunnels around Gaza are now gone.

I hope they pick up the other 40 percent tonight.
I hate to say 'thanks' for this kind of news, ABS. It's disgusting. Clearly, the Israeli's made the right move.

I hope the truth gets to the Palestinian people about how expendable Hamas thinks their children are.
But......Black Ass Hole.....if you're wondering still if I would have a different opinion if it was Arabs blowing up an Israeli school?

I'd still feel the same way, and if it was proven that the Israelis were using children and civvies as shields? I'd say the same thing.

You've never been in war. I have. 4 to be exact.

I once apologized to you for the insults and rancor that went on between us .. and I did this even though I didn’t start it. It was a recognition that even though we don’t agree on everything, we agree on other things. It’s what mature people do.

Yet, here you are again hurling histrionics and insults even though I’ve tried to keep it civil.

You keep tossing up the military .. dude, haven’t you done anything else with your life but do what someone else tells you to do really well? I have a grandson that also does what he’s told to do really well. He’s four years old. Hopefully by the time he’s your age he’ll have more to talk about than doing what he’s told.

If I want to know about “war”, I’ll ask my daughter. She’s served three tours in Iraq. Now she’s in Korea. She’s SFC Army and she has a degree. I suspect she’s knows more about war than you do given she’s a soldier. You served in four wars in the Navy .. against enemies who had no Navy. Unless you were a Marine or a Seal, there ain’t much you can tell me about war. And, unless you were involved in WWII, all the wars you were involved in were bullshit wars made up by people who didn’t fight them but profited from them. If that makes you proud, I’m happy for you. At least you have something to be proud of .. whereas I just have my own accomplishments to be proud of, like walking away from OCS and not dying or killing innocent people in a made-up war, then going on to prove I was capable of doing just about anything I wanted to do with my life.

All I ever need to know about war I learned from Major General Smedley Butler, who said it long before I was born … War is a Racket.
War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler, 1935

It’s excellent reading, you should spend some time digesting it .. might relieve you of some of that undue anger probably caused by a need to feel macho even when civility is in your best interests. I’m bettin’ you have issues with that more than just on this board.

Can you get PTSD on a boat?

Besides, I get it. You were in the military. I get that. So what? There ain’t shit any more special about you because you were in the military then there is about anyone else. The band has gone home sir and nobody is saluting.

Your opinion on this issue is flat wrong, and you’ve yet to answer how our biased support of Israel outweighs the many disadvantages it brings to America and the American people .. not the least of which is making things much more dangerous for our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You can hardly lecture me on “patriotism” when you aren’t putting the interests of America first. Are you capable of debating that question without hiding behind the military or engaging in histeronics?
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I agree with this, until military strikes are lodged from locations like that, then they have to become a target to take out. Ugly? You bet. Against what might be in my heart? Darn right.

But, what other choice is there? The other side (no matter who they are) cannot let their people get killed and not defend themselves simply based on this.

In this case the people need to push Hamas out of structures like that and out of homes.

It's ugly and yes, Israel is taking full advantage of this to lay in as much damage and pain as possible. The weapons of Hamas cannot match the artillery and air power of the Israeli's.

And I also agree, Israel is far from fault free in this long standing dispute.

There can never be an excuse to bomb schools with children in them. Where else is this done and condoned? Israel has a right to defend itself but there are rules to war that civilized nations follow .. which kinda' explains why Israel does not.

Israel is the most hated nation on the planet and it's hated because of atrocities like this. Any intelligent perspective must know that there is no security, peace, or long term advantage to being the most hated nation. How much longer can America continue to be its bitch and continue to pour billions of dollars into a rogue nation that only endangers the long-term security of this nation?
I thought the US had the title of most hated and of course most loved.

I am wondering BAC, do you think Egypt has any responsibility in Gaza's problems. Or are you going to just hold Israel responsible for the problems Hamas has created and initiated?
I thought the US had the title of most hated and of course most loved.

I am wondering BAC, do you think Egypt has any responsibility in Gaza's problems. Or are you going to just hold Israel responsible for the problems Hamas has created and initiated?

I believe arab nations are cowards. They should have shut off all relations with Israel and all oil transfers long ago. They should have used oil as a weapon.

Egypt is the biggest coward among them and their cowardice only empowers Iran, Al Queda, and the Taliban.

Like most of the world, I blame Israel for the conflict. The people of Gaza live under Israeli Nazi rule everyday of their lives whether rockets are being fired or not. There is always a shortage of food, medical supplies, and life's daily neccesities .. much of what was coming through the tunnels.

My point is that America should take no role in the ME. If Israel believes their survival is dependent on being new age Nazis, then so be it .. but no American taxpayer dollars should support their madness.

If they believe they can survive by blowing up children and thumbing its nose at the world .. let them have at it .. and let those demonic bastards implode on their own.

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