Protestors form human wall to protect lone police officer

Against whom were they protecting him?
Good question! I don't think there was an overt threat..he just got separated from his group....and probably looked kinda scared. Some folks saw and decided to protect him..shield him from the crowd. Good protest management..and i bet the cop was relieved, as well!
Indulge me for a moment...The original Star trek series, for instance, had creatures that fed on suffering and and horror. "Wolf in the fold" , perfect metaphors for the modern main stream media. They feed off conflict and horror to produce the most revenue bang for their buck...After all the media is profit driven...
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Indulge me for a moment...The original Star trek series, for instance, had creatures that fed on War and Horror. "Wolf in the fold" , perfect metaphors for the modern main stream media. They feed off conflict and horror to produce the most revenue bang for their buck...After all the media is profit driven...

To be more accurate, the media doesn't feed off of conflict and horror. They feed off of selling conflict and horror to us.

The more we watch, the better they feed.
Indulge me for a moment...The original Star trek series, for instance, had creatures that fed on War and Horror. "Wolf in the fold" , perfect metaphors for the modern main stream media. They feed off conflict and horror to produce the most revenue bang for their buck...After all the media is profit driven...

To be more accurate, the media doesn't feed off of conflict and horror. They feed off of selling conflict and horror to us.

The more we watch, the better they feed.
I go back to the WR Hearst era and his selling papers and hyped the war against Spain in 1898, the media still has that power. The media now doesn't care about facts, they are a business. Profits uber FACTS.
The other side...caring citizens protecting LEO:

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THEY ARE AMERICAN PATRIOTS!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

It's always been my experience that most black folks are decent good people. Thanks for the actual pics to prove at least one example. I've had many, but I ain't got pics.
It's pretty racist to say "most black folks are decent good people" as if you expect us whites to believe otherwise.
Indulge me for a moment...The original Star trek series, for instance, had creatures that fed on War and Horror. "Wolf in the fold" , perfect metaphors for the modern main stream media. They feed off conflict and horror to produce the most revenue bang for their buck...After all the media is profit driven...

To be more accurate, the media doesn't feed off of conflict and horror. They feed off of selling conflict and horror to us.

The more we watch, the better they feed.
I go back to the WR Hearst and his selling papers and hyped the war against Spain in 1898, the media still has that power. The media now doesn't care about facts, they are a business. Profits uber FACTS.

News has always been that way. If you go back to the news readers of Ancient Rome who were the public mouthpiece of whomever paid them to broadcast the news. Sensational sells and opinion are formed from a biased narrative.

Commercial media is biased, sensationalist, and always has an agenda.

There is only one news source more biased and sensationalist than commercial media, and that is state-run media.
It's always been my experience that most black folks are decent good people. Thanks for the actual pics to prove at least one example. I've had many, but I ain't got pics.
Outta crank, outta pics, outta time, outta luck. Story of your life.
I've experienced that most white folks are decent good people, but according to the media, whites are ALL racist (unless they are rich white liberals). Police are all fascist mindless drone puppets to the white power establishment...Really? The media is creating these tropes, its propaganda. They downplay one stereotype and replace it with another. Think about it, what issues they cover the way they spin the information...
All sides have their stereotypes..and all sides tout them at any given opportunity. If one read USMB and used just that to form their opinion of would be pretty damn wouldn't it?

The media does is up to us to ignore the narrative..not get lost in the blame game..and find our way to a semblance of the truth. Partisan faction fighting does not lead to clarity..quite the reverse!
Any ignorance on our our fault..not the media's.
I am going by the overall impression the so called "main stream media" creates. Primarily focusing on so called "hate crimes". right now the MSM convienently forgets the high black on black murder rate, the huge
numbers of blacks murdered by other blacks. And instead, only focuses on whites, or by extension, the police. Don't you think that is...odd?
Thats a retarded question. Black people arent killing other Black people because theyre Black. Stop sniffing that glue.
When two people of different races kill each other.. is the motivation always racial?
The other side...caring citizens protecting LEO:

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Don"t generalize from one outlier incident.
This is exactly what fake news does!
It is so unlike most of the reality that is occurring and sickeningly pollyannaish!!!

How do you know Jack about 'what is happening?"

Acts of casual kindness and off-hand caring abound in life. If you can't see that...I'd suggest asking yourself why? None of us have an cosmic insight into 'reality' claim such is to invite ridicule. Yes, there are bad things happening..but, as this random moment captures..there are people not living down to the reputation that you so ardently wish to give them.

Pollyannaish? Really? Pollyanna was a story about hope and the power of positivity. I'll accept the compliment you gave..albeit unknowingly!
The other side...caring citizens protecting LEO:

View attachment 343084

Don"t generalize from one outlier incident.
This is exactly what fake news does!
It is so unlike most of the reality that is occurring and sickeningly pollyannaish!!!

How do you know Jack about 'what is happening?"

Acts of casual kindness and off-hand caring abound in life. If you can't see that...I'd suggest asking yourself why? None of us have an cosmic insight into 'reality' claim such is to invite ridicule. Yes, there are bad things happening..but, as this random moment captures..there are people not living down to the reputation that you so ardently wish to give them.

Pollyannaish? Really? Pollyanna was a story about hope and the power of positivity. I'll accept the compliment you gave..albeit unknowingly!

Let us give all the rioters free passes to Disneyland when it reopens!
When two people of different races kill each other.. is the motivation always racial?
Depends. Has nothing to do with my point though. Black people dont go kill other Black people because theyre Black. Whites have a history of killing Black people because theyre Black.
The other side...caring citizens protecting LEO:

View attachment 343084

Don"t generalize from one outlier incident.
This is exactly what fake news does!
It is so unlike most of the reality that is occurring and sickeningly pollyannaish!!!

How do you know Jack about 'what is happening?"

Acts of casual kindness and off-hand caring abound in life. If you can't see that...I'd suggest asking yourself why? None of us have an cosmic insight into 'reality' claim such is to invite ridicule. Yes, there are bad things happening..but, as this random moment captures..there are people not living down to the reputation that you so ardently wish to give them.

Pollyannaish? Really? Pollyanna was a story about hope and the power of positivity. I'll accept the compliment you gave..albeit unknowingly!

Let us give all the rioters free passes to Disneyland when it reopens!

A bit of a non sequitur eh? These are not rioters..they are..obviously..peaceful protesters, expressing themselves in a traditional and very American form of discourse.

The rioters? 10 strokes in the public my perfect world...LOL!
Anyone remember Jessup Smollet? I do. Most of us do, actually . I also seem to remember, correct me if I am wrong, how the media completely miss- characterized that incident with that Covington Catholic school smiley kid in the MAGA hat and completely ignored the black Muslim haters tossing insults and the Indians confronting this innocent boy. This is the SHIT our wonderful media does now, charge in, blames whites for everything and
encourages harming police and whites. Innocent people are caught in the middle, businesses that dare bother to do business in black areas are punished. The media needs some kind of oversight committee, just like the libs say Trump needs on Twitter. At least Trump isn't causing riots...Here's the media's theme song:
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The other side...caring citizens protecting LEO:

View attachment 343084

Don"t generalize from one outlier incident.
This is exactly what fake news does!
It is so unlike most of the reality that is occurring and sickeningly pollyannaish!!!

How do you know Jack about 'what is happening?"

Acts of casual kindness and off-hand caring abound in life. If you can't see that...I'd suggest asking yourself why? None of us have an cosmic insight into 'reality' claim such is to invite ridicule. Yes, there are bad things happening..but, as this random moment captures..there are people not living down to the reputation that you so ardently wish to give them.

Pollyannaish? Really? Pollyanna was a story about hope and the power of positivity. I'll accept the compliment you gave..albeit unknowingly!

Let us give all the rioters free passes to Disneyland when it reopens!

A bit of a non sequitur eh? These are not rioters..they are..obviously..peaceful protesters, expressing themselves in a traditional and very American form of discourse.

The rioters? 10 strokes in the public my perfect world...LOL!

Thank the Lord, and all of the pygmies in New Guinea, that you have no power.

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