PSA: Klobuchar is a Democrat in Name Only (DINO)

1) She is the most vocal supporter of opening the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness to copper nickel mining. I live in Minnesota. Her constituents are some of the most liberal in the country. They are currently battling this thing in the courts because a nickel mine will lead to deforestation, contaminated water, pollution, CO2 emissions. We have protests about it regularly here. Cons want it. Libs don't.

2) On gun control she said "The first question I ask is 'would this affect my uncle in the deer stand?'" funny youd think the first thought youd have on whether or not to allow military style weapons in the hands of civilians would be dismembered first graders not some dumb hick who thinks killing defenseless animals is a good time.

3) she supported the action against Libya in 2011. Libya is now a haven for Muslim fundamentalists. hmmm sounds familiar to another country we wasted countless dollars and lives on.

4) Myon Burrell. She sent an innocent kid to prison in 2002.

5) she's against M4A, likes Obamacare, which is unpopular among libs and cons alike.

I could probably add more but those are some that stand out for me. Amy looks and sounds good but her policies are all over the place and screams "centrism." if we are going to accomplish anything, we dont need pols who only want to put their foot halfway in the door
Klubacher is a left of center moderate...of course Russian trolls want to make her sound like a Republican...don't listen to them

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