PSA to partisans

Maybe Hillary calling Trump voters deplorable wasn't such a good idea either?

I detest Clinton, but think it's the best (and only) thing she ever did I wholeheartedly approved of.
Yeah she had to address the resurgent racist right and probably could not have done it without people freaking out but it had to be said.
---------------------------------- DEPLORABLES , i loved the labeling , its a good label . Trumps DEPLORABLES has a very good sound to it TTWeeds and Occupied
Not everybody that disagrees with your stupid opinions is an agent of darkness sent by the other side. If I had a nickel for every time I've been called a libtard/Trumptard for daring to think for myself I'd have one fat ass bag of nickels. The world is not black and white. Thinking people cringe at your predictable hostility towards anything that doesn't follow the official narrative of your preferred party.

If the Democrat Party had not morphed into a bunch of 'crazy fucks' due to Trump being elected and their ensuingTDS, you would not have to even post your ultra-fake PSA.
If you still think those who are opposed to Trump is resentment over an election that happened three years ago, you have not really come to understand people. Your echo chamber has served to deafen you to real concerns.

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