Psaki / Biden Will Comment About A Local Police Shooting Incident But Refuses To Comment About Exposed John Kerry ESPIONAGE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?
How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?
How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Thats unbelievable. What is going on!
View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?
How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Biden and Red Jen Psaki are trying to decide if their cultists are SO dumb, they can use the "Russian disinformation" story yet again.

My guess is, absolutely.

View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?
How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Thats unbelievable. What is going on!

The dismantling of the U.S. as a brake on Red Chinese and Russian imperialism, now backed and financed by the giant multinational banks and corporations. After flooding the country with South American criminals, having Garland running around dismantling the state and local police depts. so they can send their feral animals out to the Burbs to loot. rape. and plunder the way they've set up the big cities for looting and gangster takeovers, it's a simple matter to shut down any remaining resistance to their agenda.
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View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?

How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Jeez did you read your own links? This leak was about something that occurred while Kerry was Secretary of State under Obama - two administrations ago!

Nothing to do with what Kerry or the Biden Administration is doing now.
View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?

How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Jeez did you read your own links? This leak was about something that occurred while Kerry was Secretary of State under Obama - two administrations ago!

Nothing to do with what Kerry or the Biden Administration is doing now.
Of course I read it.....take a breath and think about it for a second. WHY would I post a SECOND incident in which Kerry committed ESPIONAGE years earlier?

Hmmm....maybe to demonstrate Kerry has an offficial documented history of doing so.
And the Trump administration still hasnt given a good reason to have murdered Soleimani.
Until Trump releases a statement justifying the killing of an international hero and Iranian Icon, the Biden administration should just ignore the Kerry stuff
View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?

How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Jeez did you read your own links? This leak was about something that occurred while Kerry was Secretary of State under Obama - two administrations ago!

Nothing to do with what Kerry or the Biden Administration is doing now.

Once a traitor, always a traitor.
View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?

How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Jeez did you read your own links? This leak was about something that occurred while Kerry was Secretary of State under Obama - two administrations ago!

Nothing to do with what Kerry or the Biden Administration is doing now.
Of course I read it.....take a breath and think about it for a second. WHY would I post a SECOND incident in which Kerry committed ESPIONAGE years earlier?

Hmmm....maybe to demonstrate Kerry has an offficial documented history of doing so.

...or maybe an idiotic attempt to create non-existent parallels.
Kerry is one of the chosen ones. Nothing will happen to him.

That's right.

The Honorable gentlemen is a member of the Elite who run this country.

During the previous four years, they were locked out.

They are thrilled to be back in power -- and in the headlines.

Don't blame Ms. P. She does not make policy.

Her job is to do a good job in stonewalling.

By all accounts, she is doing a splendid job.
View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?

How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Jeez did you read your own links? This leak was about something that occurred while Kerry was Secretary of State under Obama - two administrations ago!

Nothing to do with what Kerry or the Biden Administration is doing now.

50,000 pigs just flew over my house, on their way to Canada.
I read it.....take a breath and think about it for a second. WHY would I post a SECOND incident in which Kerry committed ESPIONAGE years earlier?Hmmm....maybe to demonstrate Kerry has an offficial documented history of doing so.
...or maybe an idiotic attempt to create non-existent parallels.

Oh stop the emotional partisan rant. I pointed out that Kerry has a documented history of leaking classified. He did it on the floor of Congress inb anb attempt to make a point, intentionally jeopardizing American lives.

I proved Kerry committed Espionage years ago, providing the article in doing so you began freaking out over, failing to understand I was not talking abput his ;atest crime of Espionage but - again - proving this was not the 1st time he has done so.

I am sorry that reality upsets you so, but all the personal attacks and whining won't make the historically documented truth about Kerry go away.
hahaha this is laughable...the Dems didn't mind commenting about leaked tapes....even those without audio, and merely what some unnamed person, that overheard the alleged comments when Trump was President.

Now we have direct audio of Kerry, giving up top secret intel about our allies to the leading state sponsor of terror...and this is the new line? We don't comment on leaked tapes? hahhah

Well, at this point, I believe Kerry wasn't merely going rogue...I believe the President and the Admin directed him to leak the information to Iran.
View attachment 484525

“We’re Not Going to Comment on Leaked Tapes” – Psaki When Asked About Audio of
John Kerry Telling Iran About Israel’s Covert Ops in Syria (VIDEO)

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki shut down a reporter asking about the leaked audio from the New York Times of John Kerry telling Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. So much for transparency!

"In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 – 2017 and currently serves as Biden’s special climate envoy."

What's the Climate Czar doing leaking classified information about military operations in Syria'?

How does the classified information he leaked to Iran have anything to do with 'Climate Change'?

WHY is the Biden administration coordinating with Iran on the US participation in Barry's War in Syria or on what is going on militarily by our allies in Syria?

Jeez did you read your own links? This leak was about something that occurred while Kerry was Secretary of State under Obama - two administrations ago!

Nothing to do with what Kerry or the Biden Administration is doing now.
But is it indicative of Swampitis? These self professed lifetime people that never leave. And of is their honor to serve us. Just like "To serve man" in The Twilight Zone....its a cookbook...
There is no tape of Kerry saying that. Zarif said he said.......

I guess you could be believe the Iranians.

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