Psaki gets cornered on Biden's anti-science, Covid-denial border policy

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Doocy is a Goober of the highest order.

That doesn't say anything about the questions he asked and Quid Pro's policies.
Doocy is a Goober of the highest order.

That doesn't say anything about the questions he asked and Quid Pro's policies.

Of course not, because science-deniers like Joe Biden and DrLove don't believe illegal immigrants can transmit Covid-19. It's one of several magical beliefs leftists have.
Ya got the wrong Doocy, Einstein.

Ah yes Peter the idiot son. Hard to tell 'em apart!
Btw someone claimed earlier this week that Lil Pete was a Democrat! :lol:
God bless FOX news and Doocy for actually conducting real journalism. They're one of the few news organizations who are even have the balls to expose the hypocrisy of this administration. CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the left-wing "news" organizations are nothing but a bunch of nutless step-n-fetchits and running-dog lackeys for Biden and the Democrats, not journalists.
Americans need a negative Covid test to enter the United States, but illegals do not. It's that simple. It's clear Joe Biden does not believe Covid-19 is an actual disease that doesn't respect political barriers.

This is what you voted for, Democrats.

I saw that. She has refused to acknowledge it's a crisis at the border, referring to it instead as a "challenge." She also refused to give numbers, saying "I'm not going to give numbers from up here," when a reporter asked if the surge is 3X normal, referring the questioner instead to the DHS. It's her job to give numbers, and DHS is under the executive branch.

Saturday though, Biden Admin clearly announced a state of emergency at the border, by sending in FEMA.

The cages are full, capacity exceeds 700% at one Texas detention facility, and Biden Admin is now "sheltering" illegal immigrants under highways...

  • Haphazard outdoor processing center has been set up under an overpass in the Rio Grande Valley
  • Shocking photos show migrants sitting in fenced-off areas waiting to be bused to facilities that are already overcrowded
  • Children at one facility in south Texas are 'going hungry and are only able to shower once every seven days as the center is at 729% of its legal capacity'
  • On Saturday night, DHS security Alejandro Majorkas announced he has directed FEMA to help with surge of unaccompanied migrant children arriving in the US
  • But Joe Biden and members of his administration have failed to call the situation a 'crisis', despite being slammed by members of both parties
  • Critics say Biden promised a 'more humane' stance on immigration, but failed to prepare the necessary infrastructure to cope with the surge in migrants he knew that softer stance would bring
  • Detractors say the result has ironically become less humane, and it also poses security and health threats to the American people amid the COVID pandemic
  • A new CNN poll shows immigration is the subject area where Biden is getting the lowest marks, with more voters disapproving than approving


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