Pssst, GOP, if you keep your economic policy a "secret", only loons will support it!



Now's the time for the GOP to step up with their OWN economic policy.

It can't be send more jobs to China and cut taxes for rich people. That didn't work last time.

It can't be "block everything the president suggests". Clearly that's not working.

So what is it? Spell it out. Let us know so we have something to discuss. Give examples, details and explain how it worked in the past.
It's pitiful. Republicans on this board crying I run from threads. They can't answer even the most simple questions. They sit there with one thumb up their butt while screaming for Obama to "do something" and when he tries, they block him. Not by using an alternate economic policy, but by just blocking him.

I said they are teaching America a lesson for electing a black guy and that's exactly what they are doing.

They don't even try to attract anyone else to the "Party of White", not any more. Why bother? Everyone knows anyway. Their actions prove it.
When Obama had a Congressional majority he passed the failed stimulus, Dodd Frank and Obamacare.

What did Republicans obstruct

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When Obama had a Congressional majority he passed the failed stimulus, Dodd Frank and Obamacare.

What did Republicans obstruct

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

How much can you do in two weeks?

Besides, why blame everything on Democrats? Don't Republicans have any responsibility on anything? They do what they want, create chaos and disaster and then say, "Well, you elected us. It's your fault".
Romney was a special idiot either in obeying an odd grouo of handlers or not understanding his economic policy well enough to explain it.

I will argue for the Repubs, their policy is that lower taxes and fewer regulations will allow the economy to prosper as taxes and regulations caused all our problems.

Now I disagree, but the party of small centralized government is usually against giveaways like the transcontinental railroad and the Homestead Act so by nature they will not have impressive.sounding big plans.

Right, or wrong.
When Obama had a Congressional majority he passed the failed stimulus, Dodd Frank and Obamacare.

What did Republicans obstruct

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

How much can you do in two weeks?

Besides, why blame everything on Democrats? Don't Republicans have any responsibility on anything? They do what they want, create chaos and disaster and then say, "Well, you elected us. It's your fault".

"we own the economy" -- DNC

"The Middle class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden Oct 2012
Romney was a special idiot either in obeying an odd grouo of handlers or not understanding his economic policy well enough to explain it.

I will argue for the Repubs, their policy is that lower taxes and fewer regulations will allow the economy to prosper as taxes and regulations caused all our problems.

Now I disagree, but the party of small centralized government is usually against giveaways like the transcontinental railroad and the Homestead Act so by nature they will not have impressive.sounding big plans.

Right, or wrong.

I agree. The Bush Tax Cuts and Deregulating Wall Street didn't cause ALL our problems, but certainly most of our economic problems.

And yet, Republicans built NASA and the Interstate highway system.

The problem with their tiny government theory is they also don't believe in science or data or study. They loathe smart people and think education is for snobs.

We live in a very complex world. Not only are there national tensions, but world economies are completely intertwined. We need a smart and powerful government to protect the interests of the country. "Let him die" Republicans don't understand that. They think science is a faith. Their ignorance will continue to drag down this country until truly patriotic Americans "fight back".
The funny thing rdean is lowering the Corporate tax is part of the republican plan. lol

Republicans get that if they refund our science and infrastructure programs. BUT NO...They have to piss and moan!
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When Obama had a Congressional majority he passed the failed stimulus, Dodd Frank and Obamacare.

What did Republicans obstruct

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

How much can you do in two weeks?

Besides, why blame everything on Democrats? Don't Republicans have any responsibility on anything? They do what they want, create chaos and disaster and then say, "Well, you elected us. It's your fault".

"we own the economy" -- DNC

"The Middle class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden Oct 2012

Who's watch did the collapse occur under? Oh that's right GEORGE W BUSHES! :eek:

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