Pub default: 1/3 of workers - no paid sick days- pathetic!

As an employer why should I pay you for NOT coming to work? I pay you to perform a service for me, if you are not performing that service, it's not pay I'd be giving you, it's charity, and I'm in the Home Improvement business, not the charity business.
As an employer why should I pay you for NOT coming to work? I pay you to perform a service for me, if you are not performing that service, it's not pay I'd be giving you, it's charity, and I'm in the Home Improvement business, not the charity business.
They think it's okay for Nancy Pelosi to sneak in a couple of billion in tax payers' money for her family, (i.e. Solyndra bankruptcy money for investors, etc.) but it's not okay for a small business owner to take home more money for his 80-hour weeks than someone who works 37.5-hour weeks.

Funny how they expect to get money gushing from a limited US Treasury, hm with you footing the bill but having no wherewithal to pay it with due to unsustainable deductions.

It's criminal to bilk workers, but that's what the DNC is after--every last nickel from every last earner, put into their personal pockets and making sure conservatives get nothing for the double time they do to pay taxes.
More people in this country are paid not to work than are those who go without sick pay.

Twit Lib puke tard.

really, h? you think someone should have to go to work with the flu or either not get paid or be in jeopardy of losing their job?

i don't think you really want to say that. do you?
As an employer why should I pay you for NOT coming to work? I pay you to perform a service for me, if you are not performing that service, it's not pay I'd be giving you, it's charity, and I'm in the Home Improvement business, not the charity business.
They think it's okay for Nancy Pelosi to sneak in a couple of billion in tax payers' money for her family, (i.e. Solyndra bankruptcy money for investors, etc.) but it's not okay for a small business owner to take home more money for his 80-hour weeks than someone who works 37.5-hour weeks.

Funny how they expect to get money gushing from a limited US Treasury, hm with you footing the bill but having no wherewithal to pay it with due to unsustainable deductions.

It's criminal to bilk workers, but that's what the DNC is after--every last nickel from every last earner, put into their personal pockets and making sure conservatives get nothing for the double time they do to pay taxes.

i think you should remove yourself from rightwingnuthackworld and try to stick to the topic. i know you don't work. but do you think those of us who do should have to go to work sick or either not have money to pay bills or, worse, be threatened with the loss of a job?
And stoopid!! How many got the flu out of this, Fascist twit/Pub dupes! TYVM.

This is why I could never put FrancoWTF on ignore

He's one if the Progressive "Deep Thinkers" and gives lesser Prog minds their talking points
While the OP may have been inarticulate in making his point, his point is one that needs to be addressed. More than 40 million workers get no paid sick leave. That means 40 million people going to work sick and spreading their sick to others. (65% of the working poor in NY according to a recent study)

What is needed is a national law that would require paid sick time, but with the current climate in DC that's not likely to happen anytime soon so states like NY and cities like SF are trying to pass laws or have passed laws at the local level.
I think this flu season we should all remember that for the last 6 or so disastrous years the Democrats have been the majority party and love to brag about it, except when they have f..ed things up to the point of embarrassment, then they blame the minority party. If it were not for the shame their parents must feel the left wing would have no shame. If the left wing didn't borrow morality from the right wing, to use as a club, they would have no morality.
Dems have turned us into a failed European Socialist state where the government controls most of the economy and 8% unemployment is the "New Normal"
I think this flu season we should all remember that for the last 6 or so disastrous years the Democrats have been the majority party and love to brag about it, except when they have f..ed things up to the point of embarrassment, then they blame the minority party. If it were not for the shame their parents must feel the left wing would have no shame. If the left wing didn't borrow morality from the right wing, to use as a club, they would have no morality.

Man you fuking rethugs are stupid. Dense to. All he said was if you have no paid sick leave, you got to go to work, sick. Thereby spreading YOUR illness to the other workers of the company. And costing the company even more for loss of productivity when even more workers end up sick.

And you fuking rehtugs think that's a good thing. Wtf is wrong with you people. Why do you want sick people working in the cubicle or production line next to not sick people.
Are you to stupid to understand how illness's like the flu are spread? Evidentally so.
Employers should offer sick days, however they should encourage the employees not to misuse them such as being paid for unused sick days.
It just makes good business sense.
Man you fuking [sic] rethugs [sic] are stupid. Dense to [sic]. All he said was if you have no paid sick leave, you got [sic] to go to work, sick. Thereby spreading YOUR illness to the other workers of the company. And costing the company even more for loss of productivity when even more workers end up sick.

And you fuking [sic] rehtugs [sic] think that's a good thing. Wtf is wrong with you people. [sic] Why do you want sick people working in the cubicle or production line next to not sick people. [sic]
Are you to [sic] stupid to understand how illness's [sic] like the flu are spread? Evidentally so.

It's "too," you idiot. Learn English or get the hell out of my country, fool.

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