*Hush Money, Gone Bad!!!!

You are fishing and getting no bites..
This close to an election it campaign contribution, Trump's lawyers are going to try and say it was to protect Melania's feelings ...
Seriously, Melania was pissed the story got out but she knows he is a dog. She had an affair with him on his second wife...
Can try it, I don't anyone is believing it, it is utter BS and everyone can see as such... People in New York aren't that fucking gullible.

Again, paying for the silence of porn star that close to an election.
Yu or me ain't deciding this but that Jury will see it for what it is..

No after the fact... Again

Again, if he got the NDA before he came down the escalator, he is in the clear..
He didn't, because he is a thick as dogshit...

This close to an election it campaign contribution,

Show where it says that in the campaign law.
Then it’s a Federal case. The DoJ, and FEC declined

They won’t get the chance based on your beliefs…

NY is not the overseer for the nation.

Tell it to congress, maybe they’ll use their slush fund…

Again, Federal.

Don't be childish

is that what your fantasy is? You’re sick.

How many checks do you think Trump signs a day, running a global business? Any? Or, are that the responsibility of the accounting dept?
You can try to defend him all you want here but it doesn't matter.
It is only what is said in court under oath that matters.
And in the end it will be up to a jury of his peers to decide.
It was the cover-up, not the payments. He doctored the books to hide the payments, that's fraud, that's a crime. Had he just paid them and not cooked the books to hide that fact, he wouldn't be sitting in court facing charges...

But hey, look on the bright side, he's making history!
You do know the doj looked into it, and decided there was nothing to prosecute over?
This close to an election it campaign contribution,

Show where it says that in the campaign law.

To be a crime, it has to be considered something of value to a campaign. That he got her to sign it about a week or two before the election is evidence he negotiated her silence because of the election.
You can try to defend him all you want here but it doesn't matter.
Same goes for those that are convinced that he’s already guilty.
It is only what is said in court under oath that matters.
Well, that’s true if we don’t have a stacked jury, with an honest judge…So far I’m highly skeptical…
And in the end it will be up to a jury of his peers to decide.
These people are not his peers….In a district where 87% voted against him, this should have been granted a change of venue..
Same goes for those that are convinced that he’s already guilty.

Well, that’s true if we don’t have a stacked jury, with an honest judge…So far I’m highly skeptical…

These people are not his peers….In a district where 87% voted against him, this should have been granted a change of venue..
hese people are not his peers….In a district where 87% voted against him, this should have been granted a change of venue..
Political preference has NEVER been a criteria for a change in venue. Neither is animosity. The criteria is whether or not a person is capable of putting those feelings aside and simply base their decision on the evidence.

Your criteria would make it impossible for anybody who was on trial for something heinous to have a trial by jury.
These people are not his peers….In a district where 87% voted against him, this should have been granted a change of venue..
I wonder why his own neighbors hate him?
Quite a shame that he has committed his crimes in the venue where there just aren't a lot of MAGAt Trumptard cultists huh?
Uh.....where do you think would be a "fairer" jury pool?
North Georgia?
I wonder why his own neighbors hate him?
Quite a shame that he has committed his crimes in the venue where there just aren't a lot of MAGAt Trumptard cultists huh?
Uh.....where do you think would be a "fairer" jury pool?
North Georgia?
I always wondered about that one. And none of the MAGA people are capable of explaining. Why is it that their bias objection only seems to work one way? It seems to me that a Trump supporter, at least those on this board is much more likely to let bias overwhelm objective facts.
Same goes for those that are convinced that he’s already guilty.

Well, that’s true if we don’t have a stacked jury, with an honest judge…So far I’m highly skeptical…

These people are not his peers….In a district where 87% voted against him, this should have been granted a change of venue..
a district where 87% voted against him, this should have been granted a change of venue..
By the way, as an aside. If you are right and bias NOT the weight of the evidence determines guilt and 87 percent of people voted for Biden. It would mean that Trump statically speaking has a 60,7 percent chance of being acquitted since it takes only one person voting not guilty to acquit. Seems like a good deal for Trump if that's how it works. In fact, by your criteria the prosecution should ask for a venue that went for Biden by 98,3 percent to make the chances even.
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It was the cover-up, not the payments. He doctored the books to hide the payments, that's fraud, that's a crime. Had he just paid them and not cooked the books to hide that fact, he wouldn't be sitting in court facing charges...

But hey, look on the bright side, he's making history!
Protecting one's family from unknown behaviors is respectable. I just Don't see it as a crime nor an egregious "cover up.". The devil in the details is the Democrats trying to do damage to family people of the former President. What do they want? To bring sorrow to all of President's children, his wife who is kind to everyone and doesn't deserve to cry over revelations over hungry and corrupt political power mongers? Good grief, Charlie Brown! It's stupid.
Same goes for those that are convinced that he’s already guilty.

Well, that’s true if we don’t have a stacked jury, with an honest judge…So far I’m highly skeptical…

These people are not his peers….In a district where 87% voted against him, this should have been granted a change of venue..

Liking Trump is not a requirement of a peer.

Protecting one's family from unknown behaviors is respectable. I just Don't see it as a crime nor an egregious "cover up.". The devil in the details is the Democrats trying to do damage to family people of the former President. What do they want? To bring sorrow to all of President's children, his wife who is kind to everyone and doesn't deserve to cry over revelations over hungry and corrupt political power mongers? Good grief, Charlie Brown! It's stupid.
This is you right? Might it be your objection isn't about the damage that's done to the family of a (former) president, but rather that it's done to a former president you support?
Protecting one's family from unknown behaviors is respectable. I just Don't see it as a crime nor an egregious "cover up.". The devil in the details is the Democrats trying to do damage to family people of the former President. What do they want? To bring sorrow to all of President's children, his wife who is kind to everyone and doesn't deserve to cry over revelations over hungry and corrupt political power mongers? Good grief, Charlie Brown! It's stupid.

Wait what?

The DEM's are responsible for Trump boinking a porn star in Vegas while he was there for a golf tournament while his wife was home having just given birth to his son? His third wife BTW who he was boinking while married to his 2nd wife. And come to think of it he was boinking his 2nd wife while married to his first wife.

Also, since the porn star boinking originally occurred in 2006 and appeared in the media in 2011, you would think that someone interested in protecting their family would have paid off said porn star to keep quiet in 2006 or after the media story broke in 2011.


...... ...... I'm sure paying the porn star 11-days before the election was to "protect the family". Oh wait he tried to stiff the porn star (pun intended) as long as the story came out after election day. That would protect the family.

This is you right? Might it be your objection isn't about the damage that's done to the family of a (former) president, but rather that it's done to a former president you support?
I Don't pay to play. I'm only a Republican because when I married my husband I joined his party so I would never cancel his vote. I'm neither for nor against liberals nor conservatives, except for making sure children are taken care of or life,saving equipment is available to whoever needs it.
I like Donald Trump because he gave poor black people a leg up in the world of work by convincing employers to give them equal pay for equal work. I grew up in a prejudicial area, and blacks weren't allowed to go to the same schools, but attended all black schools. IOW I witnessed a lot of unfairness to human beings because of the color of their skin, and I didn't like it back when and my Presbyterian children's song taught little lessons like Jesus loves the little Children of the World" and " red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight"

I'm a believer in equal rights. I learned it in a church school choir.
Liking Trump is not a requirement of a peer.
Y'all know you couldn't win this case without have a judge in the bag, and a jury that loathes Trump....This is ridiculous.
Was for Cohen. He was convicted for it, among other crimes, and went to jail. Now it's awful for Trump who's charged with 34 felony counts because it was a crime.

He was convicted for not paying his taxes. This other shit was pointless.
To be a crime, it has to be considered something of value to a campaign. That he got her to sign it about a week or two before the election is evidence he negotiated her silence because of the election.

Right. Value. Like a New York Times story.

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