Public Employee Unions

I guess you properly named yourself here, because you're putting the noose around your own neck in this argument. There is no stop payment for services unrendered in govt. The application of taxes to pay for services, whether used or not, is compulsory. So really you have no argument here. You're just using nonsense to try and make a point.

ive never called the police, never been on welfare, never plan to see any return on SS and so on. Yet there is no opt out of payment.

Your argument is invalid. You simply like to force people to do what you believe is right. Which is exactly what makes you like every other tyrant in history.

Nor should there be an opt out, taxes keep a civilized society going, I do not have a car and take public transportation but know it is a good thing to have paved highways, I have no children but know it is a good thing to educate young people, I have never had to call the cops but I know having laws enforced and criminals arrested is a good thing.

Righht. You like to force others to do what you think is right. That makes you a tyrant. many tyrants throughout history forced others to do things they believed was right. Like sticking them in ovens. Anyway, at least you admit you're a tyrant. Thats more than most of your political persuasion.

Those who want to live in a land of no taxation and no government programs or services are free to go to countries like Somalia that have such going on, a civilized society has such programs and taxation, which is very low here, covers those services a civilized society has.
Nor should there be an opt out, taxes keep a civilized society going, I do not have a car and take public transportation but know it is a good thing to have paved highways, I have no children but know it is a good thing to educate young people, I have never had to call the cops but I know having laws enforced and criminals arrested is a good thing.

Righht. You like to force others to do what you think is right. That makes you a tyrant. many tyrants throughout history forced others to do things they believed was right. Like sticking them in ovens. Anyway, at least you admit you're a tyrant. Thats more than most of your political persuasion.

Those who want to live in a land of no taxation and no government programs or services are free to go to countries like Somalia that have such going on, a civilized society has such programs and taxation, which is very low here, covers those services a civilized society has.

And right to argumentum ad absurdum. Its not a question of no taxes, its a question of taxes for serivces that should not be done by the government, and that includes overpaying employees and giving them generous benefits without worrying about how to pay for it 30 years from now.
Righht. You like to force others to do what you think is right. That makes you a tyrant. many tyrants throughout history forced others to do things they believed was right. Like sticking them in ovens. Anyway, at least you admit you're a tyrant. Thats more than most of your political persuasion.

Those who want to live in a land of no taxation and no government programs or services are free to go to countries like Somalia that have such going on, a civilized society has such programs and taxation, which is very low here, covers those services a civilized society has.

And right to argumentum ad absurdum. Its not a question of no taxes, its a question of taxes for serivces that should not be done by the government, and that includes overpaying employees and giving them generous benefits without worrying about how to pay for it 30 years from now.

Employees should be paid a decent wage and that is what they receive, they are not getting rich working for the government but whatever conservative decided to make the working class the whipping boy for the nations ills sure did a good job on some people.
It's public service, it's not suppose to pay as if the government is making record profit every year. Thats the entire difference. What the government has to give to these employees through negotiation is only as big as the supply of revenue stolen from private sector workers. The government has nothign of its own, it must confiscate its revenue through force.

"One of those good government jobs" is an awful saying in this country. If people want to serve in government, they should eb satisfied with small salaries and be doing it "for the greater good" as they tell taxpayers that is why we must pay. Not that these are some of the best jjobs you can get in the country. Public unions are a moral hazard, are economically non-productive and should be completely outlawed.
The problem is basic to the way the public sector works versus the private sector. In the public sector, opportunities for advance, incentive pay, and recognition are limited. In order to attract good employees, the government must offer something to compete with the private sector in getting good employees. That of course is job stability, retirement, and other benefits. Public sector unions help guarantee those benefits. Without those benefits, the quality of public sector employees will deteriorate because government can't offer the incentives that private sector offers.

We tend to think that the quality of government is synonymous with our elected officials. It's career employees that run the government, not the politicians. The real job of the politician is get re-elected, not run the government. If you want better government, you hire better people to run it.
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Those who want to live in a land of no taxation and no government programs or services are free to go to countries like Somalia that have such going on, a civilized society has such programs and taxation, which is very low here, covers those services a civilized society has.

And right to argumentum ad absurdum. Its not a question of no taxes, its a question of taxes for serivces that should not be done by the government, and that includes overpaying employees and giving them generous benefits without worrying about how to pay for it 30 years from now.

Employees should be paid a decent wage and that is what they receive, they are not getting rich working for the government but whatever conservative decided to make the working class the whipping boy for the nations ills sure did a good job on some people.

Still ignoring the fact that sooner or later all these bills for the benefits we promised are going to come due, and the funds in question do not have the $$ to cover it.

Keep ignoring the problem. Like those who gave away said benefits, you are hoping you are dead long before the bill comes due.
It's public service, it's not suppose to pay as if the government is making record profit every year. Thats the entire difference. What the government has to give to these employees through negotiation is only as big as the supply of revenue stolen from private sector workers. The government has nothign of its own, it must confiscate its revenue through force.

"One of those good government jobs" is an awful saying in this country. If people want to serve in government, they should eb satisfied with small salaries and be doing it "for the greater good" as they tell taxpayers that is why we must pay. Not that these are some of the best jjobs you can get in the country. Public unions are a moral hazard, are economically non-productive and should be completely outlawed.
The problem is basic to the way the public sector works versus the private sector. In the public sector, opportunities for advance, incentive pay, and recognition are limited. In order to attract good employees, the government must offer something to compete with the private sector in getting good employees. That of course is job stability, retirement, and other benefits. Public sector unions help guarantee those benefits. Without those benefits, the quality of public sector employees will deteriorate because government can't offer the incentives that private sector offers.

We tend to think that the quality of government is synonymous with our elected officials. It's career employees that run the government, not the politicians. The real job of the politician is get re-elected, not run the government. If you want better government, you hire better people to run it.

There are plenty of ways to advance in the public sector, except for top elected positions high level civil servants can rake in $175k plus in New York City.

And it is not the job of the public sector to match the private sector, it is the public sectors job to be the action arm of the government level they work for.

And if we are attracting "top" talent using the current system, I wonder what your definition of "top" is. I work as a consultant for a municipal agency, and maybe 30% of the employees are actually good at what they do. The rest are useless cogs that are covered by the working 30%.
And right to argumentum ad absurdum. Its not a question of no taxes, its a question of taxes for serivces that should not be done by the government, and that includes overpaying employees and giving them generous benefits without worrying about how to pay for it 30 years from now.

Employees should be paid a decent wage and that is what they receive, they are not getting rich working for the government but whatever conservative decided to make the working class the whipping boy for the nations ills sure did a good job on some people.

Still ignoring the fact that sooner or later all these bills for the benefits we promised are going to come due, and the funds in question do not have the $$ to cover it.

Keep ignoring the problem. Like those who gave away said benefits, you are hoping you are dead long before the bill comes due.

There are many other fiscal problems outside of what a worker is paid and the benefits they receive that government can deal with before going after working people.
It's public service, it's not suppose to pay as if the government is making record profit every year. Thats the entire difference. What the government has to give to these employees through negotiation is only as big as the supply of revenue stolen from private sector workers. The government has nothign of its own, it must confiscate its revenue through force.

"One of those good government jobs" is an awful saying in this country. If people want to serve in government, they should eb satisfied with small salaries and be doing it "for the greater good" as they tell taxpayers that is why we must pay. Not that these are some of the best jjobs you can get in the country. Public unions are a moral hazard, are economically non-productive and should be completely outlawed.
The problem is basic to the way the public sector works versus the private sector. In the public sector, opportunities for advance, incentive pay, and recognition are limited. In order to attract good employees, the government must offer something to compete with the private sector in getting good employees. That of course is job stability, retirement, and other benefits. Public sector unions help guarantee those benefits. Without those benefits, the quality of public sector employees will deteriorate because government can't offer the incentives that private sector offers.

We tend to think that the quality of government is synonymous with our elected officials. It's career employees that run the government, not the politicians. The real job of the politician is get re-elected, not run the government. If you want better government, you hire better people to run it.

Then the government shouldnt be providing that service if they can not compete. it isn't the responsibility of the taxpayer to fork over more and more revenue simply because the government wants to maintain a competitive edge (when in reality, they arent competitive at all. The exact opposite) in a market where they aren't even economically productive.

Public unions extort taxpayers for better standards of living than the people they steal from to obtain such standards. there are no two ways around that. It's extortion and it's theft. Plain and simple.
Employees should be paid a decent wage and that is what they receive, they are not getting rich working for the government but whatever conservative decided to make the working class the whipping boy for the nations ills sure did a good job on some people.

Still ignoring the fact that sooner or later all these bills for the benefits we promised are going to come due, and the funds in question do not have the $$ to cover it.

Keep ignoring the problem. Like those who gave away said benefits, you are hoping you are dead long before the bill comes due.

There are many other fiscal problems outside of what a worker is paid and the benefits they receive that government can deal with before going after working people.

Unfunded pension liabilities are becoming a larger and larger part of state/local budgets each and every year. It is the MAIN problem that will be happening in location after location as more boomers retire and live longer than the actuaries predicted.

Pensions should be funded by an annuity, just like trade unions do it. Instead unions got lower contributions from the workers and the politicans at the time punted the funding down the road.

The math is about to come to roost on this scam, and you just want to ignore it.
Police officers and firefighters need protection from politicians and upper-level management who would throw them under a bus to save their jobs if a split-second life-or-death decision went wrong.

The public needs protection from politicians who make too many monetary promises in an effort to keep everyone happy. And from supposed public servants who use the politics and negative media to extract unsustainable monetary promises from the politicians.
Employees should be paid a decent wage and that is what they receive, they are not getting rich working for the government but whatever conservative decided to make the working class the whipping boy for the nations ills sure did a good job on some people.

And they wonder why they lose elections :cuckoo:

Because unlike progressives, we cant lie and promise people stuff they dont have to pay for?


You people just put it on the credit card like the Iraq fiasco.
This is the CDZ. No Flames. No insulting other posters. No Neg Reps here. Thanks.
It's public service, it's not suppose to pay as if the government is making record profit every year. Thats the entire difference. What the government has to give to these employees through negotiation is only as big as the supply of revenue stolen from private sector workers. The government has nothign of its own, it must confiscate its revenue through force.

"One of those good government jobs" is an awful saying in this country. If people want to serve in government, they should eb satisfied with small salaries and be doing it "for the greater good" as they tell taxpayers that is why we must pay. Not that these are some of the best jjobs you can get in the country. Public unions are a moral hazard, are economically non-productive and should be completely outlawed.
The problem is basic to the way the public sector works versus the private sector. In the public sector, opportunities for advance, incentive pay, and recognition are limited. In order to attract good employees, the government must offer something to compete with the private sector in getting good employees. That of course is job stability, retirement, and other benefits. Public sector unions help guarantee those benefits. Without those benefits, the quality of public sector employees will deteriorate because government can't offer the incentives that private sector offers.

We tend to think that the quality of government is synonymous with our elected officials. It's career employees that run the government, not the politicians. The real job of the politician is get re-elected, not run the government. If you want better government, you hire better people to run it.

Except that you and noose are missing the one MAJOR problem that all public sector unions deal with: there is no advocate for the tax payers at the table.

In essence, unions exist as a counter balance to the power of the company that the workers are employed at. When your company is not treating their employees correctly then they band together and make demands of that company. Then leadership is faces with several decisions all focusing on balancing the profit motive, good employee retention and keeping productivity. That company negotiates with the union to achieve a good balance between those interests and the workers interests.

When dealing with public sector jobs though there is no profit. There is no possibility of the higher compensation putting the company out of business. There is not even a need to keep up productivity or retain valuable employees because there is no difference whether or not the government manages to accomplish that. Instead, what you have is the interests of the union on one side along with a politician who is NOT paying for the ‘negotiated’ contract and likely even takes money from the union and no one at all on the other side.

In that relationship, there is nothing at all counterbalancing the union’s demands. This is a rather simple issue. There is no need of a public sector union and the standard balance of power that unions and the companies that employ there members is completely non-existent.
It's public service, it's not suppose to pay as if the government is making record profit every year. Thats the entire difference. What the government has to give to these employees through negotiation is only as big as the supply of revenue stolen from private sector workers. The government has nothign of its own, it must confiscate its revenue through force.

"One of those good government jobs" is an awful saying in this country. If people want to serve in government, they should eb satisfied with small salaries and be doing it "for the greater good" as they tell taxpayers that is why we must pay. Not that these are some of the best jjobs you can get in the country. Public unions are a moral hazard, are economically non-productive and should be completely outlawed.
The problem is basic to the way the public sector works versus the private sector. In the public sector, opportunities for advance, incentive pay, and recognition are limited. In order to attract good employees, the government must offer something to compete with the private sector in getting good employees. That of course is job stability, retirement, and other benefits. Public sector unions help guarantee those benefits. Without those benefits, the quality of public sector employees will deteriorate because government can't offer the incentives that private sector offers.

We tend to think that the quality of government is synonymous with our elected officials. It's career employees that run the government, not the politicians. The real job of the politician is get re-elected, not run the government. If you want better government, you hire better people to run it.

Except that you and noose are missing the one MAJOR problem that all public sector unions deal with: there is no advocate for the tax payers at the table.

In essence, unions exist as a counter balance to the power of the company that the workers are employed at. When your company is not treating their employees correctly then they band together and make demands of that company. Then leadership is faces with several decisions all focusing on balancing the profit motive, good employee retention and keeping productivity. That company negotiates with the union to achieve a good balance between those interests and the workers interests.

When dealing with public sector jobs though there is no profit. There is no possibility of the higher compensation putting the company out of business. There is not even a need to keep up productivity or retain valuable employees because there is no difference whether or not the government manages to accomplish that. Instead, what you have is the interests of the union on one side along with a politician who is NOT paying for the ‘negotiated’ contract and likely even takes money from the union and no one at all on the other side.

In that relationship, there is nothing at all counterbalancing the union’s demands. This is a rather simple issue. There is no need of a public sector union and the standard balance of power that unions and the companies that employ there members is completely non-existent.

The way the system is supposed to work is the elected officals are supposed to represent the tax payer. However our current crop of politicans see taxpayers as the ever-full piggy bank, merely as a source of revenue, which is a source of power.

So in order to keep thier jobs they make deals with public unions (which are a large voting block that benefits from more government spending) to get the votes to stay in office.
Because unlike progressives, we cant lie and promise people stuff they dont have to pay for?


You people just put it on the credit card like the Iraq fiasco.

and yet liberal credit card purchases are in perpetuity.

Wars end, evidently liberal social welfare programs never do, even if we run out of money to pay for them.

At least welfare money stays here. Unlike military escapade money which disappears in some foreign shithole.
Cops and firefighters are underpaid and their benefits suck!
If a cop dies on duty his wife and kids get practically nothing. If he lives to retirement and dies his wife gets "survivor benefits" which are only half of his retirement.

You people just put it on the credit card like the Iraq fiasco.

and yet liberal credit card purchases are in perpetuity.

Wars end, evidently liberal social welfare programs never do, even if we run out of money to pay for them.

At least welfare money stays here. Unlike military escapade money which disappears in some foreign shithole.

Really? Because welfare money that is used to purchase the avocado that was picked in Peru somehow stays in our system more that the dollar that is sent to the troop in Minnesota? Or perhaps spent on the next aircraft that is assembled in Washington or maintained in California?

BTW, that bomb is also no more expendable than the avocado. Both end up with nothing at the end but the Avocado is picked by another nation’s laborer whereas much of our military assets are actually built here in America. The rest (the majority of the military spending) is on the troops themselves and that money is not much different than the welfare.
1. Public employees' total compensation is 50% higher than their private sector counterparts, not counting much greater job security.

2. Public employees do not need union protection because they are already covered by civil service regulations.

3. Making contributions to their employers (politicians) is an obvious conflict of interest that would constitute a felony in the private sector.

1. Public employees' total compensation is 50% higher than their private sector counterparts, not counting much greater job security.

the UPS guy made $5.00 an hour more than me,USPS Carrier,and they had some pretty good benefits....

2. Public employees do not need union protection because they are already covered by civil service regulations.

which mean Jack Shit when you work Govt agency telling another what to do?.....yea right.....i have seen how that works.....especially with OHSA.....
1. Public employees' total compensation is 50% higher than their private sector counterparts, not counting much greater job security.

2. Public employees do not need union protection because they are already covered by civil service regulations.

3. Making contributions to their employers (politicians) is an obvious conflict of interest that would constitute a felony in the private sector.

You can not compare a civil service job like Law Enforcement to a job at Walmart, funny how conservative dis trust government until it comes to government regulations regarding workers and the workplace and then it becomes unions are not needed we have government to protect these workers.

and they dont do a very good job until someone,usually the Union,starts making a lot of noise and gets people involved that the higher up's in the agency are....scared of.....

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