Public funds used to provide footwashing basins for muslim cabbies at SFO

Maybe Christians should collect 300 signatures. That'll even the score for sure. :eusa_whistle:
Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship | Matier And Ross | an blog

Of course if they had used public funds for anything to do with christianity liberals would throw the biggest, limp wristed pansy fruit hissy fit of all time.

What's it like being such fucking hypocrites you deviant fruits?

Actually it's called reasonable accommodation for workplace environments, and all religions are protected under that. Ablution is a health practice within Islam.
Well, in reading the article everyone seems to be happy.

I'd hate to be on a ride with a pissed off Muslim.
A extremist religion like islam shouldn't be welcomed within a free nation.
A extremist religion like islam shouldn't be welcomed within a free nation.

Last night I attended a party with quite a diverse crowd. There was a couple who were originally from Iraq, both Muslim. Husband is Kurd, wife is Tajik. Mr. Kurd said that "a true Muslim would never take a life".

I don't believe Islam is an extremist religion. But I do know that there are very violent Islamists and Muslims.

Over the ages, Christianity has been practiced at its most extreme. Wiping out entire cultures, murdering by the millions.
Mr. Kurd said that "a true Muslim would never take a life".

Mr. Kurd is NOT a true muslime, his koran demands he kill all infidels;

KORAN commands to kill infidels:

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191

koran demands they lie to infidels

Are Muslims permitted to lie?

Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences."

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

so it sounds to me your muslime acquaintance is lying and you should have called him out.
Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship | Matier And Ross | an blog

Of course if they had used public funds for anything to do with christianity liberals would throw the biggest, limp wristed pansy fruit hissy fit of all time.

What's it like being such fucking hypocrites you deviant fruits?

Actually it's called reasonable accommodation for workplace environments, and all religions are protected under that. Ablution is a health practice within Islam.

the garage is not the cabbies workplace environment. It is the airport employees work place environment.

Its where the cabbies congregate to get a high paying fair to the city.

If they want to wash up and pray... then they can take their asses out of the line waiting for customers....and go do it.

We should NOT be paying to accommodate them.
KORAN commands to kill infidels:

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191

It's never good theological practice to take an isolated verse out of context and assign meaning to it.
Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship | Matier And Ross | an blog

Of course if they had used public funds for anything to do with christianity liberals would throw the biggest, limp wristed pansy fruit hissy fit of all time.

What's it like being such fucking hypocrites you deviant fruits?

Actually it's called reasonable accommodation for workplace environments, and all religions are protected under that. Ablution is a health practice within Islam.

the garage is not the cabbies workplace environment. It is the airport employees work place environment.

Its where the cabbies congregate to get a high paying fair to the city.

If they want to wash up and pray... then they can take their asses out of the line waiting for customers....and go do it.

We should NOT be paying to accommodate them.

it doesn't seem like anyone was forced to do anything.
Actually it's called reasonable accommodation for workplace environments, and all religions are protected under that. Ablution is a health practice within Islam.

the garage is not the cabbies workplace environment. It is the airport employees work place environment.

Its where the cabbies congregate to get a high paying fair to the city.

If they want to wash up and pray... then they can take their asses out of the line waiting for customers....and go do it.

We should NOT be paying to accommodate them.

it doesn't seem like anyone was forced to do anything.

did say force?

again, we should not be using any tax dollars to accommodate any religion or religious practice.

the garage is not the cabbies workplace environment. It is the airport employees work place environment.

Its where the cabbies congregate to get a high paying fair to the city.

If they want to wash up and pray... then they can take their asses out of the line waiting for customers....and go do it.

We should NOT be paying to accommodate them.

it doesn't seem like anyone was forced to do anything.

did say force?

again, we should not be using any tax dollars to accommodate any religion or religious practice.

We use public funds for religious accommodation all of the time. People have religious needs and those needs don't disappear in areas where public funds are often used. It also seems as though it was simply in the best interest of the airport as well.
it doesn't seem like anyone was forced to do anything.

did say force?

again, we should not be using any tax dollars to accommodate any religion or religious practice.

We use public funds for religious accommodation all of the time. People have religious needs and those needs don't disappear in areas where public funds are often used. It also seems as though it was simply in the best interest of the airport as well.

do you not understand the words

should not?

the best interest of the airport would be to have them leave the line and do what they want to do. No expense required. No accommodating needed.

I am very sure the non muslims would not mind moving up in the line when they leave....

SFO is my primary hub. I know the area they are talking about well. I am rather discussed that SFO has done this.
do you not understand the words

should not?

So you don't think that our soldiers overseas should have access to military chaplains to meet their spiritual needs while on deployment then?

the best interest of the airport would be to have them leave the line and do what they want to do. No expense required. No accommodating needed.

Except they'd still be cleaning themselves in the airport bathrooms which seemed to be inconveniencing / putting off some passengers.

I am very sure the non muslims would not mind moving up in the line when they leave....

Why would they leave? They were there before the accommodations were made.
do you not understand the words

should not?

So you don't think that our soldiers overseas should have access to military chaplains to meet their spiritual needs while on deployment then?

the best interest of the airport would be to have them leave the line and do what they want to do. No expense required. No accommodating needed.

Except they'd still be cleaning themselves in the airport bathrooms which seemed to be inconveniencing / putting off some passengers.

I am very sure the non muslims would not mind moving up in the line when they leave....

Why would they leave? They were there before the accommodations were made.

cabbies are not in OUR good try with that.

Will they put up showers for the homeless? No, the homeless would get the boot and told not to come back if they were using the restrooms for bathing. The homeless, just like the muslim cabbies...are not airport customers

so if the muslims were just fine before the accommodations were made.. they can keep on going the way they were.
cabbies are not in OUR good try with that.

You didn't answer my question. You said that public funds shouldn't be used for anything dealing with religious accommodations or in terms of meeting the spiritual needs of people. I am asking you if you thus disagree with the military employment of chaplains to meet the spiritual needs of our troops.

Will they put up showers for the homeless? No, the homeless would get the boot and told not to come back if they were using the restrooms for bathing. The homeless, just like the muslim cabbies...are not airport customers

Homeless people are allowed to use public restrooms, so I'm not sure what your point is? Anyway, the airport has a close working relationship with cab companies, they benefit each other.
cabbies are not in OUR good try with that.

You didn't answer my question. You said that public funds shouldn't be used for anything dealing with religious accommodations or in terms of meeting the spiritual needs of people. I am asking you if you thus disagree with the military employment of chaplains to meet the spiritual needs of our troops.

Will they put up showers for the homeless? No, the homeless would get the boot and told not to come back if they were using the restrooms for bathing. The homeless, just like the muslim cabbies...are not airport customers

Homeless people are allowed to use public restrooms, so I'm not sure what your point is? Anyway, the airport has a close working relationship with cab companies, they benefit each other.

all right... lets get specific..

i pay SF taxes... in my opinion it should not be used to accommodate ANY religion for any reason... And considering this is liberal hell... i am surprised they did anything for a religion... but muslims are the newest PC placating thing... so in the same breath...its not surprising.

i would also have zero problem with pulling every religious thing from the military. So you lose in trying to get a double standard.

the cabbies are not airport customers.... neither are the homeless.... neither should be allowed to use the restrooms for bathing.
cabbies are not in OUR good try with that.

You didn't answer my question. You said that public funds shouldn't be used for anything dealing with religious accommodations or in terms of meeting the spiritual needs of people. I am asking you if you thus disagree with the military employment of chaplains to meet the spiritual needs of our troops.

Will they put up showers for the homeless? No, the homeless would get the boot and told not to come back if they were using the restrooms for bathing. The homeless, just like the muslim cabbies...are not airport customers

Homeless people are allowed to use public restrooms, so I'm not sure what your point is? Anyway, the airport has a close working relationship with cab companies, they benefit each other.

all right... lets get specific..

i pay SF taxes... in my opinion it should not be used to accommodate ANY religion for any reason... And considering this is liberal hell... i am surprised they did anything for a religion... but muslims are the newest PC placating thing... so in the same breath...its not surprising.

i would also have zero problem with pulling every religious thing from the military. So you lose in trying to get a double standard.

the cabbies are not airport customers.... neither are the homeless.... neither should be allowed to use the restrooms for bathing.

So, just to be clear, you think that the military should fire all military chaplains then?

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