Public funds used to provide footwashing basins for muslim cabbies at SFO

Its not extreme.

you call "killing ALL infidels" not extreme ??

madam, you and your ilk would be among the first to be beheaded by your beloved muslimes :clap2:

It always interests me when posters don't go along with the "hate all muslims" meme, they are suddenly muslim lovers.

Reminds me of those who were against the degradation of segregation in the South were automatically tagged as "N***** lovers".

Those that hate for the sake of hating are just extreme uninformed radicals, anyway. "It's my way or the highway" with these type of people, so they are going to call you a hateful name to see if they can get you to agree with them! :cuckoo:
Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship | Matier And Ross | an blog

Of course if they had used public funds for anything to do with christianity liberals would throw the biggest, limp wristed pansy fruit hissy fit of all time.

What's it like being such fucking hypocrites you deviant fruits?
Why should you care, obviously you are not a Christian! :badgrin:
I'm not a Christian. Now tell me what being such a fucking hypocrite is like?
it doesn't seem like anyone was forced to do anything.

did say force?

again, we should not be using any tax dollars to accommodate any religion or religious practice.

We use public funds for religious accommodation all of the time. People have religious needs and those needs don't disappear in areas where public funds are often used. It also seems as though it was simply in the best interest of the airport as well.

Let me make a suggestion if you want to see the meaning of 'reasonable accommodation.' Get a nursing degree. Then announce to your supervisor that you are a Seventh Day Adventist and can't work on Saturday for religious reasons. Then report back to us. Your head is an empty plate waiting to be filled.
Freedom of Religion!!!

City of San Francisco funds religious place of worship (Guess which religion...)

Perhaps you, like me, assumed that the City of San Francisco, California would avoid any governmental sponsorship of a particular religion, and would never house a place of worship of a specific religion on its own property. And if such government sponsorship ever came to light, you would be certain that the ACLU and the atheist activists would raise their voices in protest.

But not when it comes to Islam.

The San Francisco Chronicle's investigative duo Matier and Ross tell us: Muslim cabbies now have their very own place at San Francisco International Airport to wash their hands and feet before they pray.

Hmm, just for Muslims, no kufrs need enter, or even ask for their own religious worship space at SFO.

Read more: Blog: City of San Francisco funds religious place of worship

Again, another example of the hypocrisy of the left!
Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship | Matier And Ross | an blog

Of course if they had used public funds for anything to do with christianity liberals would throw the biggest, limp wristed pansy fruit hissy fit of all time.

What's it like being such fucking hypocrites you deviant fruits?
Why should you care, obviously you are not a Christian! :badgrin:
I'm not a Christian. Now tell me what being such a fucking hypocrite is like?

If you are not a Christian then why should you care how people in San Francisco want to spend their money? If they were doing something for Christians would would you be upset, too?
Why should you care, obviously you are not a Christian! :badgrin:
I'm not a Christian. Now tell me what being such a fucking hypocrite is like?

If you are not a Christian then why should you care how people in San Francisco want to spend their money? If they were doing something for Christians would would you be upset, too?

i care how we spend SF tax dollars....since they clip me for them.

in my opinion this is bullshit, a waste of funds and kowtowing
Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship | Matier And Ross | an blog

Of course if they had used public funds for anything to do with christianity liberals would throw the biggest, limp wristed pansy fruit hissy fit of all time.

What's it like being such fucking hypocrites you deviant fruits?

If public funds were used the public should have had a say in the matter. This is bullshit and a misuse of those public funds and employees for religious purposes....
I'm not a Christian. Now tell me what being such a fucking hypocrite is like?

If you are not a Christian then why should you care how people in San Francisco want to spend their money? If they were doing something for Christians would would you be upset, too?

i care how we spend SF tax dollars....since they clip me for them.

in my opinion this is bullshit, a waste of funds and kowtowing

If it is coming out of San Francisco's state taxes, unless you live in SF, you really have no say so. If it is coming out of Fed taxes, then you might have a point. But it would be the same for any religion.
If you are not a Christian then why should you care how people in San Francisco want to spend their money? If they were doing something for Christians would would you be upset, too?

i care how we spend SF tax dollars....since they clip me for them.

in my opinion this is bullshit, a waste of funds and kowtowing

If it is coming out of San Francisco's state taxes, unless you live in SF, you really have no say so. If it is coming out of Fed taxes, then you might have a point. But it would be the same for any religion.

i live in SF..

so i would say... that gives me every right to say its a fucked up piece of bullshit.

i care how we spend SF tax dollars....since they clip me for them.

in my opinion this is bullshit, a waste of funds and kowtowing

If it is coming out of San Francisco's state taxes, unless you live in SF, you really have no say so. If it is coming out of Fed taxes, then you might have a point. But it would be the same for any religion.

i live in SF..

so i would say... that gives me every right to say its a fucked up piece of bullshit.

The funds appear to be state funds, "California taxpayers have footed the bill for Muslim airport cabbies to have their very own prayer room and foot baths at the San Francisco International Airport."

On taxpayers' tab: Muslim prayer room, foot baths at San Francisco International Airport - Washington Times

If so, there are possible constitutional issues to be addressed.

i care how we spend SF tax dollars....since they clip me for them.

in my opinion this is bullshit, a waste of funds and kowtowing

If it is coming out of San Francisco's state taxes, unless you live in SF, you really have no say so. If it is coming out of Fed taxes, then you might have a point. But it would be the same for any religion.

i live in SF..

so i would say... that gives me every right to say its a fucked up piece of bullshit.

Indeed, and I don't blame you.
This thread is yet another glaring hypocrisy that defines socialist-leftist!
We constantly hear them shouting about "church/state separation" - but, only when it is something to do with a Christian religion - yet they will defend this type of thing.
I would like to see what would happen if the SF airport put a Cross in that lounge!!
This thread is yet another glaring hypocrisy that defines socialist-leftist!
We constantly hear them shouting about "church/state separation" - but, only when it is something to do with a Christian religion - yet they will defend this type of thing.
I would like to see what would happen if the SF airport put a Cross in that lounge!!

its not in a lounge. It is in the lowest level of a roundy roundy parking lot. (right across from were i park!) The center is were they hold cabs until they call for them 20 at a time. They took over the break area as it was turning it into a little carpet mecca.... so if you were not muslim you were basically fucked/ There is now no were to take a break but for in your cab while you wait in line for the fairs.

now lets think about this..... a bit discriminatory thing going on here as well as a fuck up kowtowing. They did not build one for women muslims who are in the airport... they built one...only for the men.
Mr. Kurd said that "a true Muslim would never take a life".

Mr. Kurd is NOT a true muslime, his koran demands he kill all infidels;

KORAN commands to kill infidels:


Why you're right. IN fact, I read these passages in the Koran just the other day.

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die."

Oh. Wait. That was in the Bible. Sorry.
As a Christian extremist and zealot- I think It'd be in the best interest of Christianity if we picked violent bible pounding back up...

Works so well for the Saracens right? Maybe if we start lopping heads off in the street and blowing shit up - we can get the left to support us too.

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