Public money for education is good investment

Good investment? Does that mean some ignorant Americans still think the federal Dept. of Education does a good job even though nobody knows what the hell the gigantic bureaucracy really accomplishes?
Good investment? Does that mean some ignorant Americans still think the federal Dept. of Education does a good job even though nobody knows what the hell the gigantic bureaucracy really accomplishes?

Chinese parents are going into debt sending their children here to go to high school. People from all over the world envy the American educational system and the brilliant scholars, engineers, scientists and artists it produces.

But not Republicans. They see American schools as hotbeds of liberalism. As a waste of money. They see education as something subversive. Something for snobs. For unwelcome "elitists".

The Republicans have become something even worse.. "Ignorant snobs". They have nothing to replace it with except "Bible Study". You know, the same Bible that preaches for people to help the poor? The poor Republicans want to crush.

Republicans have repeated so much bullshit so often, all they believe is bullshit.
Good investment? Does that mean some ignorant Americans still think the federal Dept. of Education does a good job even though nobody knows what the hell the gigantic bureaucracy really accomplishes?

You are proof of ignorant Americans.
For those who don't read or enjoy cartoons. FYI about public education.

Daily Kos: The One Comic That Explains Just How Screwed America Is

Good link but it forget to mention that we're also number one in prison population (increasingly privatized) and also having a military (increasingly privatized), that's number one in invading other countries.

Prisons: We need them to store the mentally ill.

Military: We need it to keep the golf courses green.
It's interesting to look at a list of countries ranked by educational outcome, i.e. test scores.

The last time I looked, all 10 of the Top 10 used a public school system. Finland ranked #1.

I suspect the problem with US education is not that it is a public system, and possibly not even that it is under-funded, but that it is so politicised.

My take on it - let teachers run the schools without political interference. Pay teachers well.

It works here.

Also, ALL teachers in Finland have a Masters Degree.
What about our educational system could make anyone think that lack of funding is the issue?

We have an Eastern European Guaranteed Fail System that is graduating generations of uneducated illiterates; in other words, Democrat voters. The system is DESIGNED to produce failure and it is performing marvelously

Take a look at NYCity High School statistics. We spend $18,000 per student and 2/3 of them cannot read. You think we need to spend more? To do what, make sure the surviving 1/3 fails too?
Doesn't do any good to have an educated populous when there are no jobs for them.

All you get is smart people pissed off about being broke.
Doesn't do any good to have an educated populous when there are no jobs for them.

All you get is smart people pissed off about being broke.

You also get less crime, better voting decisions, more people able to employ themselves in future, and less social problems.
Teachers should be tested to find out if they are qualified.
Yeah, invest in education and then have them go on welfare because there isn't the JOBS for all them edumated people

and working at McDonalds I guess you should have college degree...
I think kids spend too much time on cell phones, tweeting, texting, and mindless shit. They have become disconnected from the real world and have become cyber zombies, imho.
Oh, yeah. :lmao:

It's working out fucking wonderfully. Just look at all the educated children coming out of our school systems. :lmao:
I think you can learn everything you need to know from school in nine years.
Every high and mighty liberal idea involves COSTING us a shit load of money..

anyone notice that..?

That is their solution FOR EVERYTHING
Every high and mighty liberal idea involves COSTING us a shit load of money..

anyone notice that..?

That is their solution FOR EVERYTHING

That's why we won the second world war. Remember Roosevelt? We would be a third world country if it was not for liberals.
Doesn't do any good to have an educated populous when there are no jobs for them.

All you get is smart people pissed off about being broke.

You also get less crime, better voting decisions, more people able to employ themselves in future, and less social problems.

Not having a job wipes out all of the benefits of an education.

Do you think all of those Greeks that were rioting last year were all uneducated nincompoops, or all of those Egyptians?
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Every high and mighty liberal idea involves COSTING us a shit load of money..

anyone notice that..?

That is their solution FOR EVERYTHING

That's why we won the second world war. Remember Roosevelt? We would be a third world country if it was not for liberals.

Bullshit. Roosevelt bankrupted us. He got us into the war mainly to deflect attention from his miserable economic performance.
Every high and mighty liberal idea involves COSTING us a shit load of money..

anyone notice that..?

That is their solution FOR EVERYTHING

That's why we won the second world war. Remember Roosevelt? We would be a third world country if it was not for liberals.

Bullshit. Roosevelt bankrupted us. He got us into the war mainly to deflect attention from his miserable economic performance.

What shape was the nation in when FDR assumed office and what shape was it in when he died?

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