Public Reaction to Quran

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.
Depends on which parts you read. Sometimes you feel love, sometimes you want to kill a bunch of innocent mother fuckers.

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

The "social experiment" has no value whatsoever. A far better social study would consist of asking
lots of ten year old non muslim kids what they "KNOW" about the koran-------and then ask lots of ten
year old muslim kids what they "KNOW" about the "Christian bible" or the "jewish bible"--------I already
know how that would turn out--------the overwhelming majority of the non muslim kids would say the
know nothing about the koran and the overwhelming majority of the muslim kids would say that the
bible is a perverted piece of shit------existing in thousands of different "versions" because jews and
Christians are lying pigs and dogs. SEE? I have been in mosques. SELECTED verses from the koran---
read to totally naïve persons..........what a joke you are
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Did you get to the part where Mohammed describes how to wipe the shit from your asshole with an uneven number of rocks?

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Can you provide any empirical evidence for all of those "miracles" you accept that Muhammad performed or his successors?

It can be demonstrated in the Christian faith and history.

I am not saying you cannot, but even still, that in itself is not strong enough evidence it is endorsed by the one true God.

After all, the devil has powers, and from my perspective he works pretty regularly through the dastardly deeds of many adherents to that faith. Religion of peace, sure, whatever.
gee------sorry guys I still do not have any speakers-----but I do not deny that the koran correctly
records the exploits of a VERY EGOTISTICAL and ENTHUSIASTIC thief, rapist, murderer,
pillager and his band of merry men A MAN WHO WOULD BE KING-----forever and ever ----by his own declaration I read the whole book ----long long ago (in translation of course---picthall)
How does one "PROVE" that the angel JIBRIL (Gabriel) told him to do it? I do not recall any
miracles----other than some accounts of dreams---------dreams are a very big issue in Arabian "culture"
I have also read the bought and paid for accounts of SCIENCE IN THE KORAN-----the funniest one
is the EMBRYOLOGY nonsense by some desperate jerk------I think his name was ?? "keith" ???
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

If I remember correctly MOST of the koran deals with the life and time of one---MUHUMMAD-----
self proclaimed king of the universe-----a proud thief, rapist, pillager, murderer who
some guy named "allah" chose as his best friend. --------enough to worry about "allah's"
choice of friends. ----------the bible sorta describes moses as a kind of ----chum of God-----
I like that choice better
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

Same as the one in the OT, actually OT worst, much worst.
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

If I remember correctly MOST of the koran deals with the life and time of one---MUHUMMAD-----
self proclaimed king of the universe-----a proud thief, rapist, pillager, murderer who
some guy named "allah" chose as his best friend. --------enough to worry about "allah's"
choice of friends. ----------the bible sorta describes moses as a kind of ----chum of God-----
I like that choice better

One who had the priests kill 3000 of their family and friends of those who were against him. Yes Moses real sweet guy, not.
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

Same as the one in the OT, actually OT worst, much worst.

does your grammar get even WORST?? I wish you would tell me your mother tongue
Penelope-----I have helped lots of persons like you. I am a bit surprised that you did not
try WORSTER. Hell is not described at all in the OT------fellow posters------
please excuse Penelope-----she never read the book------the catechism "lady" would not
allow it
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

If I remember correctly MOST of the koran deals with the life and time of one---MUHUMMAD-----
self proclaimed king of the universe-----a proud thief, rapist, pillager, murderer who
some guy named "allah" chose as his best friend. --------enough to worry about "allah's"
choice of friends. ----------the bible sorta describes moses as a kind of ----chum of God-----
I like that choice better

One who had the priests kill 3000 of their family and friends of those who were against him. Yes Moses real sweet guy, not.

there was a civil war---------3000 is nothing compared to the hundreds of millions
your people offed. Moses killed one person in his entire life------try reading the book
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

If I remember correctly MOST of the koran deals with the life and time of one---MUHUMMAD-----
self proclaimed king of the universe-----a proud thief, rapist, pillager, murderer who
some guy named "allah" chose as his best friend. --------enough to worry about "allah's"
choice of friends. ----------the bible sorta describes moses as a kind of ----chum of God-----
I like that choice better

One who had the priests kill 3000 of their family and friends of those who were against him. Yes Moses real sweet guy, not.

there was a civil war---------3000 is nothing compared to the hundreds of millions
your people offed. Moses killed one person in his entire life------try reading the book
There wasn't no civil war when Moses came down the mountain. Moses ordered killing. Read you own book(s). You sound like you never did.
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

If I remember correctly MOST of the koran deals with the life and time of one---MUHUMMAD-----
self proclaimed king of the universe-----a proud thief, rapist, pillager, murderer who
some guy named "allah" chose as his best friend. --------enough to worry about "allah's"
choice of friends. ----------the bible sorta describes moses as a kind of ----chum of God-----
I like that choice better

One who had the priests kill 3000 of their family and friends of those who were against him. Yes Moses real sweet guy, not.

People how actually read the bible know that there were some "LEVITES" who were absolute traitors-----
Remember EDWARD G. ROBINSON who helped CHARLTON HESTON be moses? Both he and
Charlton played persons from the tribe of LEVI---------priests are of the tribe of Levi-----as well as
ORDINARY LEVITES --------Moses was a Levite (ordinary) DATHAN (Edward g Robinson---also
an ordinary levite) and AAHRON is a PRIEST (also a levite----but special) The big fight was
against traitor Levites like Dathan and whoever joined that group. Got it now, penny dear.
Have you ever met a LEVITE? The leader of the traitor levites in SINAI was KORACH-------
I think he died in battle----but HIS SONS survived and became a very hot shot group------
their progeny are the music players and singers of the temple of Jerusalem. The story of the
"sons of korach" is one of REDEMPTION---------
If the Quran is the words of God we are all in terrible trouble, because the Allah described in the Quran is a sadistic monster. See sura 22.19 to 22.22 for an example of what he will do to unbelievers in hell. The Quran stipulates this will be for all eternity.

If I remember correctly MOST of the koran deals with the life and time of one---MUHUMMAD-----
self proclaimed king of the universe-----a proud thief, rapist, pillager, murderer who
some guy named "allah" chose as his best friend. --------enough to worry about "allah's"
choice of friends. ----------the bible sorta describes moses as a kind of ----chum of God-----
I like that choice better

One who had the priests kill 3000 of their family and friends of those who were against him. Yes Moses real sweet guy, not.

there was a civil war---------3000 is nothing compared to the hundreds of millions
your people offed. Moses killed one person in his entire life------try reading the book
There wasn't no civil war when Moses came down the mountain. Moses ordered killing. Read you own book(s). You sound like you never did.

Actually I did---------when very young-----even before I read the koran-------and I remember the details and
had some insight into that which I read. I also read the ODYSSEY ----also with insight. I think that
EDWARD G. ROBINSON did a very good job of being DATHAN------the brother of KORACH. He did
"NASTY" very well. You did not even understand the MOVIE'. Did you read the Odyssey?
or did your catechism lady force you to skip that one too?
Now this is the civil war, like what is happening and has been happening ins Israel, but God is not on Israel's side here:

2 Chronicles 13:15-18King James Version (KJV)

15 Then the men of Judah gave a shout: and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

16 And the children of Israel fled before Judah: and God delivered them into their hand.

17 And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter: so there fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men.

18 Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the Lord God of their fathers.

King James Version (KJV)
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