Public Reaction to Quran

Now this is the civil war, like what is happening and has been happening ins Israel, but God is not on Israel's side here:

2 Chronicles 13:15-18King James Version (KJV)

15 Then the men of Judah gave a shout: and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

16 And the children of Israel fled before Judah: and God delivered them into their hand.

17 And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter: so there fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men.

18 Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the Lord God of their fathers.

King James Version (KJV)
by Public Domain

you are describing a war between the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL and THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH------you made
no point at all other than the fact that those two SEPARATE DURING AN INTERVAL factions----fought
each other--------it had nothing to do with MOSES. The OT is a history of Israel/Judea over more than
1OOO years. WARS were a big issue

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Actually hearing this (the following) verse turned me against Islam when I had been previously favorful towards Islam, even while I was not a Moslem. It is Qur'an 8:60 which says that the Moslems believe in "striking terror" into the hearts of people who are NOT their enemies...Why they would need to instill "terror" in me while I am NOT an enemy is really offensive to me.

"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly." (Yusuf Ali translation)
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Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Actually hearing this verse turned me against Islam when I had been previously favorful towards it even as a's Qur'an 8:60, showing how the Moslems believe in "striking terror" into the hearts of people who are NOT their enemies. Why they would need to instill "terror" in me while I am NOT an enemy does not sit right with me.

"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly."

disclaimer------it is best not to try ot interpret from a translation -----HOWEVER---the actual directives of
koranic scholar ------in translation constitute a fine way to go. For real insight read MOSQUE SERMONS-------------I was quite well disposed to islam BEFORE I read the koran --------at about age 19 ------as a flower
child who was convinced that EVERYONE IS GOOD
disclaimer------it is best not to try ot interpret from a translation -----HOWEVER---the actual directives of
koranic scholar ------in translation constitute a fine way to go. For real insight read MOSQUE SERMONS-------------I was quite well disposed to islam BEFORE I read the koran --------at about age 19 ------as a flower
child who was convinced that EVERYONE IS GOOD

Well, according to my studies the Yusuf Ali translation is a sufficient enough translation of the Arabic to read and study...

As for "asking a scholar," the "scholars" themselves are not practicing the Qur'an which tells me that I shouldn't trust them to teach it to me...Qur'an 3:103 and 30:31-32 forbid division & sectarianism in Islam and the scholars practice both.
disclaimer------it is best not to try ot interpret from a translation -----HOWEVER---the actual directives of
koranic scholar ------in translation constitute a fine way to go. For real insight read MOSQUE SERMONS-------------I was quite well disposed to islam BEFORE I read the koran --------at about age 19 ------as a flower
child who was convinced that EVERYONE IS GOOD

Well, according to my studies the Yusuf Ali translation is a sufficient enough translation of the Arabic to read and study...

As for "asking a scholar," the "scholars" themselves are not practicing the Qur'an which tells me that I shouldn't trust them to teach it to me...Qur'an 3:103 and 30:31-32 forbid division & sectarianism in Islam and the scholars practice both.

right----but you can read their writings on "ask the Imam" web sites. I have a terrific copy of Yusuf Ali----two
volumes ---bound well in great shape------I picked it up from a book dump labeled
"TAKE ANYTHING FROM HERE" ----lots and lots of explanation and commentary---but I did not
read the whole thing-----yet. The details of shariah law are the opinons of Koranic scholars
right----but you can read their writings on "ask the Imam" web sites. I have a terrific copy of Yusuf Ali----two
volumes ---bound well in great shape------I picked it up from a book dump labeled
"TAKE ANYTHING FROM HERE" ----lots and lots of explanation and commentary---but I did not
read the whole thing-----yet. The details of shariah law are the opinons of Koranic scholars

I Mr. Ali's translation is regarded as sufficient enough, he gives no commentary on his translations against division and sectarianism — again Qur'an 3:103, 105; 30:31-32 — both of which the scholars ARE NOT against, so I don't think it would be wise to ask them anything. :)
Now this is the civil war, like what is happening and has been happening ins Israel, but God is not on Israel's side here:

2 Chronicles 13:15-18King James Version (KJV)

15 Then the men of Judah gave a shout: and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

16 And the children of Israel fled before Judah: and God delivered them into their hand.

17 And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter: so there fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men.

18 Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the Lord God of their fathers.

King James Version (KJV)
by Public Domain

OH I should have explained------the KINGDOM OF JUDAH won that battle----against the kingdom of
Israel-----but LATER on the two kingdoms merged. That is what the ROMANS called "JUDEA"----
and why JEWS ARE CALLED JEWS-----actually -----the merging of the Kingdom of Israel and the
Kingdom of Judea------the Kingdom of Israel is------mostly what is Israel today which is one of
the reasons that the country retains the name ISRAEL------got it now? Altogether-----
DA JOOOOS is DA CHILDREN OF JACOB (aka Israel) la la la ~~~~ all dem god's chillin
was da chillen of israel ------for an enhanced understanding of the bible-----listen to the songs of
the children of American slaves. What some idiots call the WEST BANK is mostly JUDAH

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Read the bible as well. That is a horrible tome, filled with all sorts of depravity and death. And people actually follow God. He inspires fear. Any ruler like that is not a ruler worthy of following.
Depends on which parts you read. Sometimes you feel love, sometimes you want to kill a bunch of innocent mother fuckers.

They're all pretty much alike. Sometimes directly and sometimes remotely but ancient god worship has been the cause of billions of deaths. I fail to understand why people have to believe they have an invisible friend there to help them and forgive them.

The Jesus gig had been going around N. Africa and the middle east for thousands of years before the Jews wrote their version. Josephus the Jewish historian mentioned Jesus one time and it was very simple calling him a priest. He did not credit him with a single miracle and indeed never even mentioned him but that one time. Sounds kinda fishy to me. I'm convinced that a few people made up all that bullshit. 'Course if one thinks about it religion doesn't require a genius. When a con man can begin a religion which seems to hang on like a case of the mange on a collie dog, by describing his meeting with an angel which showed him the book of Mormon scribed on golden plates which then mysteriously disappeared and nobody else even saw it tracks back to the absolute naivety of mankind. Think about it....L. Ron Hubbard started Scientology and even gave his people the name of someone who allegedly lived THIRTEEN TRILLION years brudder it takes a bunch of stupid people to fall that hard especially considering that the universe is about FOURTEEN BILLION years old.

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Read the bible as well. That is a horrible tome, filled with all sorts of depravity and death. And people actually follow God. He inspires fear. Any ruler like that is not a ruler worthy of following.

you have no idea what you read. In order to have any understanding at all of the bible
AND the koran---------one needs, at the very least, a bit of an understanding of
"how semitic languages work" For a better insight than you have on your own-----
check out the legal codes DERIVED from the scriptural writings-----of all of them-----
Shariah law, Talmudic law, and Canon Law.

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Read the bible as well. That is a horrible tome, filled with all sorts of depravity and death. And people actually follow God. He inspires fear. Any ruler like that is not a ruler worthy of following.

you have no idea what you read. In order to have any understanding at all of the bible
AND the koran---------one needs, at the very least, a bit of an understanding of
"how semitic languages work" For a better insight than you have on your own-----
check out the legal codes DERIVED from the scriptural writings-----of all of them-----
Shariah law, Talmudic law, and Canon Law.

Is that what the next OUT!! will consist of???

For more than a thousand years the church required infant baptism. When ordinary folks began to doubt that kind of requirement and their attendance/donations began to falter the church made it optional. The scripture is still there but is never mentioned in that way.

For many thousands of years the church conducted witch hunts and tortured and put to death a conservative estimate of 100,000 innocent young women because they had been accused of witchcraft. When the general population caught on to the fact that there is no such thing as a witch the church backed away and shut up. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it. When ordinary folks realized slavery is a practice for which there is no justification...guess what? The church backed away and never mentions the numerous scriptures in the bible which lend support to the practice.

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god. All the scripture is still there but once again they have changed their position.

The church owns more real property in this world than any other entity except the governments. The Vatican City has a building which covers blocks and is loaded with rare treasures and art works which conservatively are worth hundreds of billions of dollars. All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition. By default the starving are mostly children.

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Read the bible as well. That is a horrible tome, filled with all sorts of depravity and death. And people actually follow God. He inspires fear. Any ruler like that is not a ruler worthy of following.

you have no idea what you read. In order to have any understanding at all of the bible
AND the koran---------one needs, at the very least, a bit of an understanding of
"how semitic languages work" For a better insight than you have on your own-----
check out the legal codes DERIVED from the scriptural writings-----of all of them-----
Shariah law, Talmudic law, and Canon Law.

Is that what the next OUT!! will consist of???

For more than a thousand years the church required infant baptism. When ordinary folks began to doubt that kind of requirement and their attendance/donations began to falter the church made it optional. The scripture is still there but is never mentioned in that way.

For many thousands of years the church conducted witch hunts and tortured and put to death a conservative estimate of 100,000 innocent young women because they had been accused of witchcraft. When the general population caught on to the fact that there is no such thing as a witch the church backed away and shut up. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it. When ordinary folks realized slavery is a practice for which there is no justification...guess what? The church backed away and never mentions the numerous scriptures in the bible which lend support to the practice.

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god. All the scripture is still there but once again they have changed their position.

The church owns more real property in this world than any other entity except the governments. The Vatican City has a building which covers blocks and is loaded with rare treasures and art works which conservatively are worth hundreds of billions of dollars. All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition. By default the starving are mostly children.

calm yourself-------read THE ODYSSEY

Pondering deeply upon the Quran has a profound effect upon the heart, making it come ‘alive’ with rejuvenated faith, or iman.

Read the bible as well. That is a horrible tome, filled with all sorts of depravity and death. And people actually follow God. He inspires fear. Any ruler like that is not a ruler worthy of following.

you have no idea what you read. In order to have any understanding at all of the bible
AND the koran---------one needs, at the very least, a bit of an understanding of
"how semitic languages work" For a better insight than you have on your own-----
check out the legal codes DERIVED from the scriptural writings-----of all of them-----
Shariah law, Talmudic law, and Canon Law.

Is that what the next OUT!! will consist of???

For more than a thousand years the church required infant baptism. When ordinary folks began to doubt that kind of requirement and their attendance/donations began to falter the church made it optional. The scripture is still there but is never mentioned in that way.

For many thousands of years the church conducted witch hunts and tortured and put to death a conservative estimate of 100,000 innocent young women because they had been accused of witchcraft. When the general population caught on to the fact that there is no such thing as a witch the church backed away and shut up. The scripture is still there.

For thousands of years the church supported slavery, often accommodated it. When ordinary folks realized slavery is a practice for which there is no justification...guess what? The church backed away and never mentions the numerous scriptures in the bible which lend support to the practice.

Now the thing is hell itself. After millions of preachers preaching hundreds of millions of hell fire and brimstone sermons and the very concept of eternal torture and misery for non believing individuals making mistakes while living their lives has become extremely distasteful to the common man they are adamant in their insistence that it's all been errors in translation and are now preaching that hell is merely the eternal separation of man from god. All the scripture is still there but once again they have changed their position.

The church owns more real property in this world than any other entity except the governments. The Vatican City has a building which covers blocks and is loaded with rare treasures and art works which conservatively are worth hundreds of billions of dollars. All this while more than 900,000,000 humans are starving to death or suffering from the effects of malnutrition. By default the starving are mostly children.

calm yourself-------read THE ODYSSEY

I key for four or five for ten seconds. I figure that's proportional to our individual intellects.

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