Public schools breed mental instability

my family moved around a lot when I was a kid, I attended a lot of different schools so my experiences are quite broad. Middle class suburbia, crime infested inner city, destitute rural. No matter which one I attended, they all sucked ass.
If you people would stop bleeding bitching long enough to consider there is more good than bad and throwing the baby out with the bath water is not the way to go....
With all of the resources available online, schools are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Smart parents will home school, and do a FAR better job. Look at the test scores of home schooled kids - they are WAY higher.

B-B-B-But what about social interaction? OMG!!

Girl or Boy Scouts, homeschooling co-ops, local sports clubs, activities at the YMCA or the library, local board game groups, Church groups, etc.... Public schools do not hold a monopoly on socialization. Far from it.

The only thing stopping progress are Teachers Unions. Their days are numbered.
With all of the resources available online, schools are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Smart parents will home school, and do a FAR better job. Look at the test scores of home schooled kids - they are WAY higher.

B-B-B-But what about social interaction? OMG!!

Girl or Boy Scouts, homeschooling co-ops, local sports clubs, activities at the YMCA or the library, local board game groups, Church groups, etc.... Public schools do not hold a monopoly on socialization. Far from it.

The only thing stopping progress are Teachers Unions. Their days are numbered.
If the smart parents can afford homeschooling...Many schools are not unionized that is a myth that all public school teachers are unionized......
With all of the resources available online, schools are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Smart parents will home school, and do a FAR better job. Look at the test scores of home schooled kids - they are WAY higher.

B-B-B-But what about social interaction? OMG!!

Girl or Boy Scouts, homeschooling co-ops, local sports clubs, activities at the YMCA or the library, local board game groups, Church groups, etc.... Public schools do not hold a monopoly on socialization. Far from it.

The only thing stopping progress are Teachers Unions. Their days are numbered.

You really should not come out in the first sentence of your post and prove yourself clueless.

If parents want to homeschool, great! More power to them, but this claim of better test scores has no basis.

Unless you test all homeschooled kids to the same level as public school kids, you can never have a valid comparison.

Self-identifying homeschooled kids do much better on the SAT and ACT, but they should. The problem is what about all of those homeschooled kids who NEVER take the SAT or ACT and there are plenty! How well would they have done?

Many public school students, including all high school juniors in my state are required to take the ACT. How well do you think Little Johnny who is already working a co-op job as a machinist, and lives at home with a single Mom who is a high school dropout, is going to try on a test that has no impact on their life whatsoever? Think he will score as well as your college bound student raised by two married adults who are college graduates?

Please promote homeschooling all you want, but just don't lie about it.

As for teacher's unions, you are again clueless. What do they have to do with homeschooling? You never say. That's a red flag for someone parroting HSLDA talking points.
With all of the resources available online, schools are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Smart parents will home school, and do a FAR better job. Look at the test scores of home schooled kids - they are WAY higher.

B-B-B-But what about social interaction? OMG!!

Girl or Boy Scouts, homeschooling co-ops, local sports clubs, activities at the YMCA or the library, local board game groups, Church groups, etc.... Public schools do not hold a monopoly on socialization. Far from it.

The only thing stopping progress are Teachers Unions. Their days are numbered.

You really should not come out in the first sentence of your post and prove yourself clueless.

If parents want to homeschool, great! More power to them, but this claim of better test scores has no basis.

Unless you test all homeschooled kids to the same level as public school kids, you can never have a valid comparison.

Self-identifying homeschooled kids do much better on the SAT and ACT, but they should. The problem is what about all of those homeschooled kids who NEVER take the SAT or ACT and there are plenty! How well would they have done?

Many public school students, including all high school juniors in my state are required to take the ACT. How well do you think Little Johnny who is already working a co-op job as a machinist, and lives at home with a single Mom who is a high school dropout, is going to try on a test that has no impact on their life whatsoever? Think he will score as well as your college bound student raised by two married adults who are college graduates?

Please promote homeschooling all you want, but just don't lie about it.

As for teacher's unions, you are again clueless. What do they have to do with homeschooling? You never say. That's a red flag for someone parroting HSLDA talking points.

Don't take this personally, because I do like you and agree with you on most issues. We simply disagree on this topic.

You are essentially parroting teachers union talking points.....lemme guess you're a teacher? Of course you are!

Ask yourself - Who will take better care of your money- you or some random stranger?

How about your home? You or some random stranger?

your car? You or a random stranger?

Of course the answer to all of these questions is YOU. Unless you are a misfit, odds are you will always take better care of the things you love than some random stranger. Duh!!

But your children? It's better if a stranger takes care of them? : C'mon! :rofl:

As for why I oppose the teachers unions- they exist for one purpose, to enrich their membership. They do not serve their students, they serve themselves. PERIOD. All Public sector unions are abhorrent and inherently wrong. Even FDR knew it.
Get the Feds out. Problem solved. Inner city schools wont get any worse and suburban schools will massively improve.

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