pubs are betting we're too stupid to see through this

I mean let's be honest here...I think we both know that his reelection strategy will be to blame Republicans, Wall Street and big corporations for not going along with "his" vision for the country. Let's say he's successful in using that strategy to get reelected. Once he's back in the Oval Office the very people he needs to move the country forward are the people he just threw under the bus to GET reelected. How do you suppose they are going to respond?

He's going to remind the country that he inherited a disaster over and over.
He's going to run on growing GDP and shrinking unemployment.
He's going to run on his foreign policy success.
He's going to stick it to the GOP every chance he get too.

And it will work.

The country is getting tired of being reminded that he inherited a disaster over and over. That's an excuse. Barack Obama stood on the outside of the problem and declared that he had a plan to fix the economy and unemployment and was ready to go from day one to make that happen. The American people believed him...elected him to office and have been waiting impatiently ever since for him to DO something.

GDP is growing at such a slow rate and unemployment is shrinking at such a slow rate that trying to use either as a reason for people to reelect you is a tough sell. GDP and unemployment always rebound after a recession...the sparse recovery that we've seen under Obama is hardly a plus for him.

His foreign policy success? Well, he was in office when Osama bin Laden was killed but since the intelligence that made that happen resulted from the very policy of Bush's that Obama campaigned against...enhanced's hard to see that as a reason to give him another four years. As for any other "success" in foreign policy I'm at a loss as to what you're referring to. Pakistan is a mess. Syria is a mess. Iran is a mess. We don't really know what we're going to end up with in Egypt, Libya or Iraq. Our relationship with Israel is at an all time low. China is kicking our asses up and down the street economically and ramping up it's military as we downgrade ours. Sorry but I just don't see it...

As for his "sticking it to the GOP every chance he gets"? How exactly does that help the country move forward? Ideologues make bad leaders because they spend most of their time sticking it to the other side. Independents are NOT going to vote for someone who sticks to the other side every chance they get...they're looking for someone who can make the system work...not make it seize like an engine without oil.

Yep, that sounds pretty like much what the failed GOP counter-campaign will be like.
Thank you for admitting you were full of shit.

Merry Christmas!

Hey, I double checked. You only had the filibuster proof houses for about a month.

you and your's still failed to do the right thing and are now using Christmas as an excuse to keep the failure going.

It's far past time to admit obama is a failure and giving him another term just means the left cares only about the win and not the country.

Obama isn't a failure.

The economy went tits up in late 2008 under Bush and bottomed out around March 2009.

Since then, despite the GOP doing everything they can to prevent it, the economy has been in a slow recovery.

It's gonna really suck for you guys when Obama actually starts campaigning and doing so on his record.

We want Obama to run on his record, However the dnc is to chicken shit to do so. The last election had the DNC running for cover with instructions not to talk about accomplishments.

I have no problem telling everyone the low life DNC only supports corruption, government jobs and undermining rights, all easily proven.
Hey, I double checked. You only had the filibuster proof houses for about a month.

you and your's still failed to do the right thing and are now using Christmas as an excuse to keep the failure going.

It's far past time to admit obama is a failure and giving him another term just means the left cares only about the win and not the country.

Obama isn't a failure.

The economy went tits up in late 2008 under Bush and bottomed out around March 2009.

Since then, despite the GOP doing everything they can to prevent it, the economy has been in a slow recovery.

It's gonna really suck for you guys when Obama actually starts campaigning and doing so on his record.

We want Obama to run on his record, However the dnc is to chicken shit to do so. The last election had the DNC running for cover with instructions not to talk about accomplishments.

I have no problem telling everyone the low life DNC only supports corruption, government jobs and undermining rights, all easily proven.

I'm sure you don't.

Good luck in the one-six.
He's going to remind the country that he inherited a disaster over and over.
He's going to run on growing GDP and shrinking unemployment.
He's going to run on his foreign policy success.
He's going to stick it to the GOP every chance he get too.

And it will work.

The country is getting tired of being reminded that he inherited a disaster over and over. That's an excuse. Barack Obama stood on the outside of the problem and declared that he had a plan to fix the economy and unemployment and was ready to go from day one to make that happen. The American people believed him...elected him to office and have been waiting impatiently ever since for him to DO something.

GDP is growing at such a slow rate and unemployment is shrinking at such a slow rate that trying to use either as a reason for people to reelect you is a tough sell. GDP and unemployment always rebound after a recession...the sparse recovery that we've seen under Obama is hardly a plus for him.

His foreign policy success? Well, he was in office when Osama bin Laden was killed but since the intelligence that made that happen resulted from the very policy of Bush's that Obama campaigned against...enhanced's hard to see that as a reason to give him another four years. As for any other "success" in foreign policy I'm at a loss as to what you're referring to. Pakistan is a mess. Syria is a mess. Iran is a mess. We don't really know what we're going to end up with in Egypt, Libya or Iraq. Our relationship with Israel is at an all time low. China is kicking our asses up and down the street economically and ramping up it's military as we downgrade ours. Sorry but I just don't see it...

As for his "sticking it to the GOP every chance he gets"? How exactly does that help the country move forward? Ideologues make bad leaders because they spend most of their time sticking it to the other side. Independents are NOT going to vote for someone who sticks to the other side every chance they get...they're looking for someone who can make the system work...not make it seize like an engine without oil.

Yep, that sounds pretty like much what the failed GOP counter-campaign will be like.

I think the GOP counter-campaign will consist of simply pointing out what Barack Obama's record has been for the past three years. When Obama himself made the statement that if he couldn't fix the problem in four years that he should be a one term President why argue with the man?
Obama isn't a failure.

The economy went tits up in late 2008 under Bush and bottomed out around March 2009.

Since then, despite the GOP doing everything they can to prevent it, the economy has been in a slow recovery.

It's gonna really suck for you guys when Obama actually starts campaigning and doing so on his record.

We want Obama to run on his record, However the dnc is to chicken shit to do so. The last election had the DNC running for cover with instructions not to talk about accomplishments.

I have no problem telling everyone the low life DNC only supports corruption, government jobs and undermining rights, all easily proven.

I'm sure you don't.

Good luck in the one-six.

Name the list of accomplishments you guys will invent? Have any DNC low life APOLOGIZED TO TERRY'S FAMILY.

Now that weve wasted a half trillion in crony, donor loans, how many jobs did that create?

Yeah you guys are so tough hiding in the bush's
We want Obama to run on his record, However the dnc is to chicken shit to do so. The last election had the DNC running for cover with instructions not to talk about accomplishments.

I have no problem telling everyone the low life DNC only supports corruption, government jobs and undermining rights, all easily proven.

I'm sure you don't.

Good luck in the one-six.

Name the list of accomplishments you guys will invent?

I shall name it Fred.
oh and fyi

The big 0 had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress to get unemployment under control and he failed and failed again and again.

He failed. Understand?
You are a pathological liar, parroting your MessiahRushie's crapaganda.

If you remember, the GOP held up Frankin's getting seated in the Senate and Kennedy was too sick to take his seat in the Senate before he died so for most of that 2 years they were 1 or 2 votes short, and that is including Lieberman's independent vote which was not guaranteed.

August 18, 2011
RUSH: Barack Obama had supermajorities in the House and Senate for the first two years of his presidency
The country is getting tired of being reminded that he inherited a disaster over and over. That's an excuse. Barack Obama stood on the outside of the problem and declared that he had a plan to fix the economy and unemployment and was ready to go from day one to make that happen. The American people believed him...elected him to office and have been waiting impatiently ever since for him to DO something.

GDP is growing at such a slow rate and unemployment is shrinking at such a slow rate that trying to use either as a reason for people to reelect you is a tough sell. GDP and unemployment always rebound after a recession...the sparse recovery that we've seen under Obama is hardly a plus for him.

His foreign policy success? Well, he was in office when Osama bin Laden was killed but since the intelligence that made that happen resulted from the very policy of Bush's that Obama campaigned against...enhanced's hard to see that as a reason to give him another four years. As for any other "success" in foreign policy I'm at a loss as to what you're referring to. Pakistan is a mess. Syria is a mess. Iran is a mess. We don't really know what we're going to end up with in Egypt, Libya or Iraq. Our relationship with Israel is at an all time low. China is kicking our asses up and down the street economically and ramping up it's military as we downgrade ours. Sorry but I just don't see it...

As for his "sticking it to the GOP every chance he gets"? How exactly does that help the country move forward? Ideologues make bad leaders because they spend most of their time sticking it to the other side. Independents are NOT going to vote for someone who sticks to the other side every chance they get...they're looking for someone who can make the system work...not make it seize like an engine without oil.

Yep, that sounds pretty like much what the failed GOP counter-campaign will be like.

I think the GOP counter-campaign will consist of simply pointing out what Barack Obama's record has been for the past three years. When Obama himself made the statement that if he couldn't fix the problem in four years that he should be a one term President why argue with the man?

And good luck getting that to work as the economy continues to improve :thup:
Obamabots are strange creatures.

They just don't like the man, they almost worship the ground he walks on..

No matter over half the people in this country says he doesn't DESERVE be reelected. You got the Obamabots hailing him..

gives me the creeps...:eusa_hand:
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The Left has a lot invested in Barack Obama. They went all in on him and now they're having a hard time dealing with his uninspiring performance as President. You really could see this coming a mile away if you took an honest look at how Obama got to where he was before he ran for the Presidency. There are a lot of people who endowed him with abilities that he simply doesn't possess. He's not a good legislator. He's not a great ideas guy. He gives nice speeches.
The democrat leadership is betting that the democrat voters are too stupid to figure out that the economy isn't really improving, unemployment is rising not lowering and their greatest achievement, that raising pollution standards so high that they destroy entire industries isn't really good for the economy or the environment! Harry Reid will stand up and with absolute seriousness tell the democrats that businesses do not create jobs and they will believe it.

The democratic leadership is mostly going to be proven correct. A sucker is born every minute and vote democrat.

After the first of the year the seasonal hires will be let go. Citigroup has already announced they will trim 4,500 jobs. Almost ever major company has already announced their reductions in the workforce. Unless we are very VERY lucky we won't be involved with an all out shooting war with Iran in six months due to obama's MAJOR screw ups in the middle east. We'll just be spending ten bucks for a gallon of gas.

The worst part about obama is that he knows his record is a disaster even if the democrat voters are too stupd to recognize it. That's why he runs from that record. His entire campaign is turning into "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain".
Keystone XL Pipeline vote getting pre-spun - Darren Samuelsohn -

They can't force President Obama to make a decision other than "no" because the law requires the "environmental review". Its not as though the president has a choice.

Unlike the pubs who lie about everything - including how many jobs this farce will produce.

The pubs have been anti-job for President Obama's entire administration so its really not surprising that when they finally do get behind a so-called "jobs producer", it will be fewer than 2000 long term jobs.

And, all this for a piddly tiny amount of poor quality, very expensive oil that we would export.

So, they'll put on their show and some will actually fall for it. Meanwhile, they have not brought forth even one jobs bill and have filibustered all bills that could help the economy or produce jobs. All in all, very typical GObP/pub/bag crap.

Well, you are awfully stupid.
Keystone XL Pipeline vote getting pre-spun - Darren Samuelsohn -

They can't force President Obama to make a decision other than "no" because the law requires the "environmental review". Its not as though the president has a choice.

Unlike the pubs who lie about everything - including how many jobs this farce will produce.

The pubs have been anti-job for President Obama's entire administration so its really not surprising that when they finally do get behind a so-called "jobs producer", it will be fewer than 2000 long term jobs.

And, all this for a piddly tiny amount of poor quality, very expensive oil that we would export.

So, they'll put on their show and some will actually fall for it. Meanwhile, they have not brought forth even one jobs bill and have filibustered all bills that could help the economy or produce jobs. All in all, very typical GObP/pub/bag crap.

The environmental reviews are done.

U.S. Department of State
The GOP claims that it will create hundreds of thousands of jobs. Actual estimate? 5,000.

Damage done to the environment? Priceless.

You condemn others for pulling numbers out of the air, and then do the same thing yourself. Why am I not surprised?
Thank you for admitting you were full of shit.

Merry Christmas!

Hey, I double checked. You only had the filibuster proof houses for about a month.

you and your's still failed to do the right thing and are now using Christmas as an excuse to keep the failure going.

It's far past time to admit obama is a failure and giving him another term just means the left cares only about the win and not the country.

Obama isn't a failure.

The economy went tits up in late 2008 under Bush and bottomed out around March 2009.

Since then, despite the GOP doing everything they can to prevent it, the economy has been in a slow recovery.

It's gonna really suck for you guys when Obama actually starts campaigning and doing so on his record.

Here we go BLAME BUSH . it has been 3 years stupid. When is OBAMA responsible for anything???? And who was in charge of Congress and the Senate in 08 hmmm
Hey, I double checked. You only had the filibuster proof houses for about a month.

you and your's still failed to do the right thing and are now using Christmas as an excuse to keep the failure going.

It's far past time to admit obama is a failure and giving him another term just means the left cares only about the win and not the country.

Obama isn't a failure.

The economy went tits up in late 2008 under Bush and bottomed out around March 2009.

Since then, despite the GOP doing everything they can to prevent it, the economy has been in a slow recovery.

It's gonna really suck for you guys when Obama actually starts campaigning and doing so on his record.

Here we go BLAME BUSH . it has been 3 years stupid. When is OBAMA responsible for anything???? And who was in charge of Congress and the Senate in 08 hmmm

Blame Bush.


Get used to that.

Since you want to hammer him for the economy you bet you will be reminded how it was when he took over. And you bet you will be reminded that despite the best efforts of the right to prevent it, a recovery is actually happening.

Sucks for you.

Better luck in 2016.
Take a few minutes and review the history of republican policy starting at the beginning of the last century and the only obvious fact is a long list of ideological failures. The exceptions are the progressive republicans - few and far between.

While the definition of insanity is often stated as doing the same thing and expecting a different result, the definition of a republican is someone who has done the same thing and the consequence is the same thing and yet they continue to praise the same thing: economic collapse and bailouts for the wealthy institutional systems. The more interesting part for me is that so many are tied to their home team, reason sense and good policy don't matter. Republicans are like a team with a bad roster but ardent fans who cheer failure. You got me!
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Take a few minutes and review the history of republican policy starting at the beginning of the last century and the only obvious fact is a long list of ideological failures. The exceptions are the progressive republicans - few and far between.

While the definition of insanity is often stated as doing the same thing and expecting a different result, the definition of a republican is someone who has done the same thing and the consequence is the same thing and yet they continue to praise the same thing: economic collapse and bailouts for the wealthy institutional systems. The more interesting part for me is that so many are tied to their home team, reason sense and good policy don't matter. Republicans are like a team with a bad roster but ardent fans who cheer failure. You got me!

Insanity is insisting that your version of reality is the only one that works. As I recall every time I posted in that thread you linked to you ended up changing something after I proved to you, and everyone else, that your version of history has no resemblance to the history the rest of the world experienced.

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