Pushing back against perversions and deviancy

For over two centuries, it has produced better results than a straight democracy would have produced. You only disagree because you do not like the results that it has sometimes produced.

Okay, let's look at that. A straight democracy would have produced the same results with all but FIVE elections. In those other elections, the guy who won the Popular vote also won the Electoral college.

So the five that it didn't happen. Let's review those better results.

1826 - can't blame the EC on that one- Congress decided that election in what was called "the Corrupt Bargain". It put JQ Adams in the WH despite Andrew Jackson getting the most votes. Funny thing, for all his flaws, Jackson was actually a better president, because he's on the $20 and Adams isn't.

1876 - Rutherford B. Hayes got in, despite Tilden getting the most votes. He did it by making a corrupt bargain that ended Reconstruction, allowing the South to largely undo the Civil War. We STILL have racial problems because of that.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison beat Grover Cleveland, and then Cleveland beat him again. Can't really argue that was a "better" result.

2000 - George W. Bush - Well, let's review. Worst terror attack ever, Two Recessions. Two largely unnecessary wars. A major city wiped out by a hurricane. Even Republicans have largely disowned the guy.

2016 - Trump. 1 Million dead from Covid. 14% unemployment. riots in the streets. Racial divisions.

That was never it.

They recognized that the needs of people in large, densely-populated sates were different than those in smaller, sparsely-populated states.

No, they just gave carve outs to the smaller states to get their participation. They never really intended the EC to select presidents, they expected Congress to. The 1796 and 1800 elections showed what a bad idea that was, which is why the EC was modified with the 12th Amendment.

The intent in the way that Congress is structured, and the Electoral College, was to insure that those in the smaller, less-dense states had representation that wouldn't be drowned out by the larger, denser states.

Except that's not happening. Nobody goes to Alaska or Vermont to campaign, or pays a lot of attention to them. Instead of the people of all 50 states getting a say, the election comes down to about 10 swing states.

The stratification, now, is much greater than it was, then, and so is the need even greater to make sure that those living in more rural areas have a fair voice.

If you had your way, then a few large, heavily-populated areas would have the only meaningful representation.

Wow.. Wrong again. Rural vs. Urban really wasn't an issue back then, Bob. The population of NYC was only 25,000. Cities were small, most of the country was "rural".

The interests of the small states are well served by the Senate. having his convoluted method of selecting presidents serves no one, really.

Maybe if we gave the urban areas their due, we wouldn't have as much urban decay.
Trust the professional resume writer. He knows exactly what he is talking about. Us poor white trash folks that vote Republican don't have a clue.;) I do find that little strange since Republicans are supposed to be the party of the rich. Oh well, I guess the use whatever argument suits them at the time.

That's been explained to you. The way the get you dumb white trash to put up with the ass-pounding is by playing on your religious, racist and sexual fears.

It's how they got you to all catch bullets in the Civil War. (Sadly, not enough of you...) Not because you owned slaves or benefited from them, but because your forebears couldn't stand the thought of a black man being equal.
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Right. We'll see supply shortages, runaway inflation, and other serious economic harm, gasoline costing as much as nearly ten-dollars a gallon in some places, criminals being set free, or never prosecuted to begin with, depraved perversions being groomed and brainwashed into little children, and so on.

Oh, wait; that's your side doing all this, isn't it?

Most of the world pays $10 a gallon for gas... you guys keep bending over for the oil companies. I think this is about the tenth "oil crisis" I've seen in my lifetime. It will never get so bad that we will break our addiction from petroleum.

Most people are okay with the gays buddy... you lost that argument.

They'll be okay with the trans kids as well. And you'll have to find someone else to hate.
For over two centuries, it has produced better results than a straight democracy would have produced.
Better results?
How the fuck do you quantify what a 'better' election is (within the same voting jurisdiction, using the same voting rules, broad circumstances and parameters)?

Or do you mean...'when the people I voted for won'?
Most of the world pays $10 a gallon for gas...
Well. I have to disagree with you there.
Most of the world pays $10 a gallon for gas... you guys keep bending over for the oil companies. I think this is about the tenth "oil crisis" I've seen in my lifetime. It will never get so bad that we will break our addiction from petroleum.


Most of the world pays much more in taxes on gasoline than they pay for the gasoline itself.

There's a very big difference between that, and paying more for a product that, itself, actually costs that much.

Even here in the United States, Big Government takes up to $1.81 in taxes on every gallon of gasoline, while the oil companies that actually produce, distribute and sell it, make 5¢ to 10¢ per gallon.

Of course, you surely see nothing wrong with this, because you are all for corrupt, kleptocratic government openly stealing form the very people that it is supposed to serve.
Most of the world pays much more in taxes on gasoline than they pay for the gasoline itself.

There's a very big difference between that, and paying more for a product that, itself, actually costs that much.

Even here in the United States, Big Government takes up to $1.81 in taxes on every gallon of gasoline, while the oil companies that actually produce, distribute and sell it, make 5¢ to 10¢ per gallon.

Of course, you surely see nothing wrong with this, because you are all for corrupt, kleptocratic government openly stealing form the very people that it is supposed to serve.

um, okay, a few things.

First, roads are expensive. The alternative to taxing gasoline would be taxing income... not sure if that is any better, especially for people who don't drive a lot. The US has 4 million MILES of paved road...

Secondly, taxes only make up 12% of the cost of a gallon of gasoline.

Crude, refining and distribution make up the rest... and it's pretty lucrative.

That's been explained to you. The way the get you dumb white trash to put up with the ass-pounding is by playing on your religious, racist and sexual fears.

It's how they got you to all catch bullets in the Civil War. (Sadly, not enough of you...) Not because you owned slaves or benefited from them, but because your forebears couldn't stand the thought of a black man being equal.

You are poor and you are unsuccessful and still you believe that you have the answer to success in this country and vote for Democrats. A little word of advice, if you want to be successful, emulate the 10s of millions of successful white collar workders out there that wouldn’t dream of voting for the party that supports handouts and laziness all the in the name of fairness. You are exactly like the kid pushing for the teacher to curve the test grades because you didn’t study and didn’t know the material.

My ancestors were fighting for states rights and to protest their homes and families. The Union, including Lincoln, didn’t really give two cents about slavery however, they cared about gaining control or as Lincoln OFTEN put it, “to save the Union”. The slave rights thing just gave them cover for the folks like yourself of the time who were gullible enough to believe anything. There were a very few abolitionists that cared, but not the majority of the Union. Here is a quote from Lincoln himself during the war. Spin and twist to fit your narrative. It is what you do.

My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that--What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help the Union.
You are poor and you are unsuccessful and still you believe that you have the answer to success in this country and vote for Democrats. A little word of advice, if you want to be successful, emulate the 10s of millions of successful white collar workders out there that wouldn’t dream of voting for the party that supports handouts and laziness all the in the name of fairness. You are exactly like the kid pushing for the teacher to curve the test grades because you didn’t study and didn’t know the material.

Guy, let's get real... What is spent on social welfare is a fucking pittance. Far more of my paycheck goes to corporate welfare and a bloated military industrial complex.

Republicans fuck up the economy every time they get their hands on it. Every fucking time. Without fucking fail. There's a reason why 10 of the last 11 recessions happened when REpublicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature. Make the wages slave happy with a little less.

My ancestors were fighting for states rights and to protest their homes and families. The Union, including Lincoln, didn’t really give two cents about slavery however, they cared about gaining control or as Lincoln OFTEN put it, “to save the Union”. The slave rights thing just gave them cover for the folks like yourself of the time who were gullible enough to believe anything. There were a very few abolitionists that cared, but not the majority of the Union. Here is a quote from Lincoln himself during the war. Spin and twist to fit your narrative. It is what you do.

Bullshit. The Civil War was about slavery, and white fears that once free, blacks would exact revenge for slavery. Lincoln tried to reason with you people, but once he realized that was a waste of time, just went for broke.
Guy, let's get real... What is spent on social welfare is a fucking pittance. Far more of my paycheck goes to corporate welfare and a bloated military industrial complex.

Republicans fuck up the economy every time they get their hands on it. Every fucking time. Without fucking fail. There's a reason why 10 of the last 11 recessions happened when REpublicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature. Make the wages slave happy with a little less.

Bullshit. The Civil War was about slavery, and white fears that once free, blacks would exact revenge for slavery. Lincoln tried to reason with you people, but once he realized that was a waste of time, just went for broke.
You have no idea what you're talking about on both fronts. You are throughly brainwashed and have the mind of a spoiled, jealous adolescent. You don't thirst for knowledge just validation of your extremely flawed ideology.

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