Pushing back against perversions and deviancy

Then, there were the Reymer twins. Their treatment by John Money seems a perfect example of where the modern-day pedophile groomers seem to be trying to go.
No, that was a dumb mistake made because someone botched a circumcision (ie, mutilating genitalia for religious reasons) and his parents got bad medical advice.

The parallels between what Dr. Money did to the Reimer twins, and what the modern day pedogroomers are already openly doing to children, are undeniable.

If the groomers are allowed to continue getting away with what they are doing now, there's no rational basis not to assume that they will go on to exactly the same sort of shit that Dr. Money was doing, and beyond.

Dr. Money seriously fucked up the lives of two young boys, both of whom eventually ended in suicide.

And now, we are seeing the foundation being laid for many, many similar outcomes.
Yes. In fact, we don't spend enough on public schools.

Are you fucking retarded? I explained all that. 10% of school age children CURRENTLY attend private schools. once you impose school choice, every last one of them could rightfully claim a voucher.

Wrong. The problem with this number is the Public School number includes the costs of special education costs, that the private schools don't have because they don't have to take Little Corky with his Down Syndrome or Little Paco who doesn't speak English. Once you give Corky and Paco's parents vouchers, these private schools will have to accommodate them.

But once you give out vouchers, private schools become part of that bureaucracy.

Oh, absolutely, if Johnny comes in spouting hateful bronze age superstitions, he totally needs to be corrected.

Such a sad little man you are.
The parallels between what Dr. Money did to the Reimer twins, and what the modern day pedogroomers are already openly doing to children, are undeniable.
Um, not really. David Reimer was never told he was born male.

On the other hand, most children identified as Gender Dysphoric usually get YEARS of conselling to sort themselves out, and bottom surgery is almost never performed on minors.

If the groomers are allowed to continue getting away with what they are doing now, there's no rational basis not to assume that they will go on to exactly the same sort of shit that Dr. Money was doing, and beyond.

Wow, the old "slippery slope" argument.

Dr. Money seriously fucked up the lives of two young boys, both of whom eventually ended in suicide.

And now, we are seeing the foundation being laid for many, many similar outcomes.
Actually, trans people have a high rate of suicide because of people like you. Now that people like you are being silenced, their suicide rate has declined.

Um, not really. David Reimer was never told he was born male.

On the other hand, most children identified as Gender Dysphoric usually get YEARS of conselling to sort themselves out, and bottom surgery is almost never performed on minors.

Wow, the old "slippery slope" argument.

Actually, trans people have a high rate of suicide because of people like you. Now that people like you are being silenced, their suicide rate has declined.

Psychiatrists and dentists have a high rate of suicide. What causes that?
Actually, trans people have a high rate of suicide because of people like you. Now that people like you are being silenced, their suicide rate has declined.

They have a high rate of suicide because they are fucked-up in their heads in a way that will tend to lead to that outcome no matter how society tries to deal with their madness.

Even if everyone played along with their delusions, they cannot hide forever from the reality that they are not what they think they are, what they demand everyone recognize as, and the quasi-medical Frankensteinery that they have done in order to try to force reality to conform to their delusions only leaves them even more fucked up than before.

You can’t be serious.

Nothing was ‘forced out’ of schools, that’s a ridiculous lie.

Public schools are government entities and like all other government subject to Establishment Clause jurisprudence – in particular, the First Amendment’s prohibition of government promoting or endorsing religion, such as compelling students to pray to a Christian deity.

Absolutely nobody should take you seriously
So get at your local school board and tell them no more sexual shit in schools.

I'd get at mine on religion but that's already done

The sexual shit is what Satan has provided to fill the void left when God's religion was forced out. It is what happens everywhere that God is banished; Satan fills the void.

There is no neutral position in the war between good and evil. If you are not on one side, then you are on the other.
They have a high rate of suicide because they are fucked-up in their heads in a way that will tend to lead to that outcome no matter how society tries to deal with their madness.

You just skipped over the studies that show trans suicides decrease markedly if they get proper treatment, didn't you, Bob.

Even if everyone played along with their delusions, they cannot hide forever from the reality that they are not what they think they are, what they demand everyone recognize as, and the quasi-medical Frankensteinery that they have done in order to try to force reality to conform to their delusions only leaves them even more fucked up than before.

you seem awfully focused on how other people live their lives..

The sexual shit is what Satan has provided to fill the void left when God's religion was forced out. It is what happens everywhere that God is banished; Satan fills the void.

There is no neutral position in the war between good and evil. If you are not on one side, then you are on the other.

You seem awfully focused on other people's sex lives.
They have a high rate of suicide because they are fucked-up in their heads in a way that will tend to lead to that outcome no matter how society tries to deal with their madness.

Even if everyone played along with their delusions, they cannot hide forever from the reality that they are not what they think they are, what they demand everyone recognize as, and the quasi-medical Frankensteinery that they have done in order to try to force reality to conform to their delusions only leaves them even more fucked up than before.
At one time this was true. Today the trend is to pressure normal children into being trans and pressure so intensely that the child is driven to suicide. Any child unwilling to have gay sex is supposed to die.

Where did this come from?
We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
We're coming for them
We're coming for them
We're coming for your children
For your children

This is fr9m the gay anthem.
Uh, yeah.. If little Timmy uses the N-word, he needs to be corrected.
If he calls his classmate a K***, he needs to be corrected.
If he calls his classmates a fag or a dyke, he needs to be corrected.

This isn't complicated.
But it's A-OK to discriminate against White, Conservative Male Evangelicals with impunity.
But it's A-OK to discriminate against White, Conservative Male Evangelicals with impunity.

Um, yeah, because the poor darlings are suffering so much... um... no, they really aren't.

The funny thing is, you dumb ass white people blame minorities and gays for what other white people with more money are doing to you.


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