Pushing back against perversions and deviancy

A guy fucking another guy in the ass is not normal.

then why do you keep doing it? Oh, no, wait, you are probably a power bottom...

What is amusing to me when dealing with homophobes, is

1) They only really seem to be upset with gay men. They almost never complain about lesbians.
2) They describe gay male sex acts with lurid details. It's kind of like a so-called "Vegetarian" who can't stop talking about steak.
I'm sure I am in the minority here, for I don't talk in terms of perversion and don't think religion should impact the classroom any more than politics.

With the leftists here supporting the sexual grooming of children in schools as a political tool and many of the righties wanting more religion in schools, I find myself wishing there were more people who simply wanted our school system to show some professionalism by teaching children valuable skills instead of molding them to be compliant to an agenda.

It's one or the other.

Where God is forced out, Satan come sin to fill the resulting void.

When we forced God out of public schools, we invited Satan in. That's how we get, now to al yet sexual depravity being groomed into children. That is Satan's religion, being taught, now, where God's religion is not allowed.
It's one or the other.

Where God is forced out, Satan come sin to fill the resulting void.

When we forced God out of public schools, we invited Satan in. That's how we get, now to al yet sexual depravity being groomed into children. That is Satan's religion, being taught, now, where God's religion is not allowed.

The funny thing is, you think God and Satan are real...Wasn't Satan Jesus' brother on planet Kolob?
You must be REALLY, fucking old.
And/or REALLY, fucking stupid.

Is that an admission that you are in favor of sexually grooming, brainwashing, and otherwise abusing and exploiting children?

That is certainly how it appears, in context.
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I don't feel like subsidizing someone else's religious fanaticism, thank you very much.
And yet you have no problem subsidizing the anti-religious teachings.

And much worse.

Incel Joe has no problem at all with taxpayer money going to subsidize the abusive sexual grooming and brainwashing of children, under the fraudulent guise of “teaching them not to be ‘bigots’. Being opposed to this outright sexual abuse of children falls under its definition of the “someone else's religious fanaticism”.
Funny, I thought Christianity was about loving your neighbor, treating people the way you'd want to be treated, and turning the other cheek.

You don't get to speak for any Christians.

No sensible Christian would ever take “loving your neighbor, treating people the way you'd want to be treated, and turning the other cheek” as indicating any obligation to participate in or support the promotion of outright evil and madness, especially to the point of fucking up young children to make then easier prey for pedophiles. That is what you are claiming that we should do, as Christians.

Jesus himself spoke of the appropriate remedy for those who would do what you want done to children.

Luke 17:2
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Where God is forced out, Satan come sin to fill the resulting void.
The funny thing is, you think God and Satan are real…

It's funny that you think you have a point, here, when, in fact, you are a living example that proves my point. You have made the conscious, willful choice, to deny God, to repudiate God, to force God out of your life, and in so doing, you have invited Satan in in his place. And the result of this choice is very clear to almost everyone who reads your posts, here. You are filled with, overflowing with, the sort of evil and madness that can only exist in the void where God has been driven out. Almost everyone here sees it, in almost every one of your posts.
Actually, not being a bigot is a useful skill. Saves you a lot of trips down to HR.

I don't feel like subsidizing someone else's religious fanaticism, thank you very much.

The problem with vouchers is that the people sending their kids to private schools NOW would be able to claim them. That's about 10% of all school age children. That would actually leave LESS money for education, not more.

So unless you are going to include a 10% increase education funding to make up for that... on top of the bureaucratic levels you would need to make sure that these new private schools meet standards... I don't think you have a leg to stand on.

No, you just love public schools foisting your SJW Religion on kids.
And much worse.

@Incel Joe has no problem at all with taxpayer money going to subsidize the abusive sexual grooming and brainwashing of children, under the fraudulent guise of “teaching them not to be ‘bigots’. Being opposed to this outright sexual abuse of children falls under its definition of the “someone else's religious fanaticism”.

Guy, nobody is brainwashing your kids... and if you have feelings for men like most homophobes do, that's kind of on you.

You don't get to speak for any Christians.

No sensible Christian would ever take “loving your neighbor, treating people the way you'd want to be treated, and turning the other cheek” as indicating any obligation to participate in or support the promotion of outright evil and madness, especially to the point of fucking up young children to make then easier prey for pedophiles. That is what you are claiming that we should do, as Christians.

Uh, no, I'm just asking you not to be a bigot. One more time, Bob, your cult was considered sexually deviant when Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were marrying and fucking all those teenage girls.

t's funny that you think you have a point, here, when, in fact, you are a living example that proves my point. You have made the conscious, willful choice, to deny God, to repudiate God, to force God out of your life, and in so doing, you have invited Satan in in his place. And the result of this choice is very clear to almost everyone who reads your posts, here. You are filled with, overflowing with, the sort of evil and madness that can only exist in the void where God has been driven out. Almost everyone here sees it, in almost every one of your posts.

Yawn, buddy, you are the one who wants to murder people for having abortions, having sex you don't approve of, or minor property crimes. That's fucking evil.

Jesus himself spoke of the appropriate remedy for those who would do what you want done to children.

Luke 17:2It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Why is it you guys never read the bible in CONTEXT>

1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!
Jesus said to his disciples,
2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

3 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.
4 And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.
No, you just love public schools foisting your SJW Religion on kids.

Uh, yeah.. If little Timmy uses the N-word, he needs to be corrected.
If he calls his classmate a K***, he needs to be corrected.
If he calls his classmates a fag or a dyke, he needs to be corrected.

This isn't complicated.

Not long ago, a well-respected news caster told a long time coworker that her new dress and accessories were very nice. It was an honest compliment that both men and women have paid to each other for generations. Whether it be a fellow with a snazzy new suit or a gal with a snazzy new dress. A young me2 radical was across the room and overheard the compliment. The little biotch filed a complaint and the man with 20+ years of career was fired. The woman he paid the compliment to was horrified, they had been friends for years, and she took the honest compliment as it was intended. Two adults conversing and saying nice things to each other. But it didn't matter that the conversations was as harmless as a little white fluffy cloud on a blue sky day. The Biotch's complaint was all that mattered.

Now these deviants are trying to silence all words that do not goose step with their total perversions. Schools are trying to tell teachers they must hide students "pronouns" from their parents. Who is confusing these kids? Who is grooming these kids to even know they should be choosing different pronouns? The deviants and the socialists who want to destroy this country and destroy manhood's and masculinity, thats who

If these people cannot kill the baby in the womb, they will destroy their sanity in early childhood, and if that doesn't work these lousy blankety blanks will convince little boys to question why they even have a little dinger and convince them to call themselves girls.

One teacher has the moral fortitude to be honest with the parents of the children she teaches and the entire left wing of America has a full blown head explosion. God bless the teachers who are willing to risk it al to let parents know what's going on in the schools. Do not let the socialist's new campaign rhetoric change the subject of how they are destroying our nation and the entire social dignity the people who live here. Parents have the right to control their childrens education and SCIENCE dictates that there are two genders.

Its past time to push back very hard on these deviants, It's past time to push back on these people who want to defund and abolish the police. Its past time to tell the socialists to go have sex with themselves. Yes its hard for those of us who have jobs and respect the requirements of being responsible people, but we have to get into the streets and be as aggressive as these deviants are. If we don't then America is dead your children will be subject to the worst types of people that ever lived, controlling their every actions, every thought and even every meal. We must be aggressive, but obey the laws as we do so. Thats how we stop them.

Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught, and what they are doing in school. Groomers have a right to three hots and a cot, or three swats of a wooden Louisville Slugger to the forehead. They want choice? Let that be their choice. If they don't like those choices they can just teach the three R's and quit abusing our children. Oh and may god damn them for what they are currently doing.
Rightwing hate speech has always been entitled to First Amendment protections.

Opposing rightwing hate speech is to push back against the perversion and deviancy that is conservativism.
When we forced God out of public schools, we invited Satan in.

You can’t be serious.

Nothing was ‘forced out’ of schools, that’s a ridiculous lie.

Public schools are government entities and like all other government subject to Establishment Clause jurisprudence – in particular, the First Amendment’s prohibition of government promoting or endorsing religion, such as compelling students to pray to a Christian deity.

You can’t be serious.

Nothing was ‘forced out’ of schools, that’s a ridiculous lie.

Public schools are government entities and like all other government subject to Establishment Clause jurisprudence – in particular, the First Amendment’s prohibition of government promoting or endorsing religion, such as compelling students to pray to a Christian deity.

The thing Mormon Bob seems to not get is that the Evangelicals have less use for Mormons than I do as an Atheist.

The problem with putting God in the schools is "which God".

The real source of "Getting God out of the schools" was Protestants who didn't want the Catholics to have their own schools in regions where they dominated. That's why most state constitutions have "Blaine Amendments", because Protestants hated on the Catholics who were coming in droves from Ireland, Italy, and Germany at the time.

Supporters of the proposal then turned their attention to state legislatures, where their efforts met with far greater success. Eventually, all but 12 states (Arkansas, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, and West Virginia) passed laws that meet the general criteria for designation as "Blaine amendments," in that they ban the use of public funds to support sectarian private schools.[7] Jonathan A. Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, explained in 2017 the purpose of the state constitutional Blaine amendments: “These constitutional provisions serve significant government interests — leaving the support of churches to church members, while also protecting houses of worship against discrimination and interference from the government.”[8] In some states the provisions in question were included in newly drafted constitutions, rather than adopted as amendments to an existing constitution.

The state Blaine amendments remained in effect in thirty seven states until June 2020.[9] In 2012, 56% of voters rejected a measure repealing Florida's Blaine amendment. A 60% favorable margin was required for adoption.[10] Voters have also rejected proposals to repeal their state-level Blaine amendments in New York (1967), Michigan (1970), Oregon (1972), Washington state (1975), Alaska (1976), Massachusetts (1986), and Oklahoma (2016).[11][12]
The problem with vouchers is that the people sending their kids to private schools NOW would be able to claim them. That's about 10% of all school age children. That would actually leave LESS money for education, not more.

So unless you are going to include a 10% increase education funding to make up for that... on top of the bureaucratic levels you would need to make sure that these new private schools meet standards... I don't think you have a leg to stand on.
1. So people who are NOW sending their kids to private schools should keep subsidizing the public schools?

2. Where did you come up with the 10% increase in education funding? Are you assuming that no additional students will leave the public school system?

3. Vouchers are frequently pegged at one-half of the public school cost, in which case the public schools would keep the other half for students they no longer have to teach.

4. Public school systems have more levels of bureaucracy than private schools.

I don't think you have a brain to think with.
Uh, yeah.. If little Timmy uses the N-word, he needs to be corrected.
If he calls his classmate a K***, he needs to be corrected.
If he calls his classmates a fag or a dyke, he needs to be corrected.

This isn't complicated.

but if they call him a bible-thumping freak, you would probably approve of it.
1. So people who are NOW sending their kids to private schools should keep subsidizing the public schools?

Yes. In fact, we don't spend enough on public schools.

2. Where did you come up with the 10% increase in education funding? Are you assuming that no additional students will leave the public school system?

Are you fucking retarded? I explained all that. 10% of school age children CURRENTLY attend private schools. once you impose school choice, every last one of them could rightfully claim a voucher.

3. Vouchers are frequently pegged at one-half of the public school cost, in which case the public schools would keep the other half for students they no longer have to teach.

Wrong. The problem with this number is the Public School number includes the costs of special education costs, that the private schools don't have because they don't have to take Little Corky with his Down Syndrome or Little Paco who doesn't speak English. Once you give Corky and Paco's parents vouchers, these private schools will have to accommodate them.

4. Public school systems have more levels of bureaucracy than private schools.

But once you give out vouchers, private schools become part of that bureaucracy.

but if they call him a bible-thumping freak, you would probably approve of it.

Oh, absolutely, if Johnny comes in spouting hateful bronze age superstitions, he totally needs to be corrected.
Then, there were the Reymer twins. Their treatment by John Money seems a perfect example of where the modern-day pedophile groomers seem to be trying to go.

No, that was a dumb mistake made because someone botched a circumcision (ie, mutilating genitalia for religious reasons) and his parents got bad medical advice.

Not long ago, a well-respected news caster told a long time coworker that her new dress and accessories were very nice. It was an honest compliment that both men and women have paid to each other for generations. Whether it be a fellow with a snazzy new suit or a gal with a snazzy new dress. A young me2 radical was across the room and overheard the compliment. The little biotch filed a complaint and the man with 20+ years of career was fired. The woman he paid the compliment to was horrified, they had been friends for years, and she took the honest compliment as it was intended. Two adults conversing and saying nice things to each other. But it didn't matter that the conversations was as harmless as a little white fluffy cloud on a blue sky day. The Biotch's complaint was all that mattered.

Now these deviants are trying to silence all words that do not goose step with their total perversions. Schools are trying to tell teachers they must hide students "pronouns" from their parents. Who is confusing these kids? Who is grooming these kids to even know they should be choosing different pronouns? The deviants and the socialists who want to destroy this country and destroy manhood's and masculinity, thats who

If these people cannot kill the baby in the womb, they will destroy their sanity in early childhood, and if that doesn't work these lousy blankety blanks will convince little boys to question why they even have a little dinger and convince them to call themselves girls.

One teacher has the moral fortitude to be honest with the parents of the children she teaches and the entire left wing of America has a full blown head explosion. God bless the teachers who are willing to risk it al to let parents know what's going on in the schools. Do not let the socialist's new campaign rhetoric change the subject of how they are destroying our nation and the entire social dignity the people who live here. Parents have the right to control their childrens education and SCIENCE dictates that there are two genders.

Its past time to push back very hard on these deviants, It's past time to push back on these people who want to defund and abolish the police. Its past time to tell the socialists to go have sex with themselves. Yes its hard for those of us who have jobs and respect the requirements of being responsible people, but we have to get into the streets and be as aggressive as these deviants are. If we don't then America is dead your children will be subject to the worst types of people that ever lived, controlling their every actions, every thought and even every meal. We must be aggressive, but obey the laws as we do so. Thats how we stop them.

Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught, and what they are doing in school. Groomers have a right to three hots and a cot, or three swats of a wooden Louisville Slugger to the forehead. They want choice? Let that be their choice. If they don't like those choices they can just teach the three R's and quit abusing our children. Oh and may god damn them for what they are currently doing.
I don’t believe a word of that BS rant. Hope you feel better though!

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