Title IX overhaul takes away parental rights

Or conversely this court was in error.

It was a right. That is why abortion was legal in all 50 states until this court overturned 50 years of precedent.
/——/ It was we ring to begin with. Besides, slavery was precedent for longer.
Sure I am, I'm also familiar with crap court have created out of thin air. Roe was one of those creations. I could name more, but you're not worth the effort.

Your legal opinion does not change the fact it was a constitutional right at one time.
A president can not alter the law through the EO process. Only the Congress can do that.
I wish you would tell that to Joe Biden. He doesn't seem to get it.

"The new regulatory requirements will replace the 2020 amendments, which will remain in effect until Aug. 1, 2024."

And as always the devil is in the details, the fine print explaining what all that means that the MSM does not inform the public.
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We were told we had a constitutional right to privacy, which held for 50 years.... Now we women are told, we do not.
/——/ Killing an unborn baby is not a right to privacy. Seizing presidential papers is.
Thread after thread after thread of endless Right Wing Bitching and crying.
But you will NEVER EVER see them talk about how to right the ship. Never ANY talk about plans to actually DO anything.
You see, The Right Wing consists of nothing but pathetic victims. All week long and twice on Sunday.

The Left may be hell bent on destroying America....but you have to give them credit for doing FAR more than just crying and bitching.
They actually make it happen. They JUST Do IT.

The Right? Born Losers.
You do something. Show the world how it works.

What happens if an outraged parent attacks a male using his/her daughter's locker room? Why aren't feminists up in arms about this?​

Will Now Force Women to Allow Men in Their Locker Rooms, On their Team Sports and in Their Bathrooms​


We've been sharing bathrooms with trannies all of our lives and the Trannies have never been a problem for us.
/——/ Killing an unborn baby is not a right to privacy. Seizing presidential papers is.
Being pregnant, before you are showing, is none of the government's beeswax in knowing, one way or the other

We were told for 50 years, we did have that right to personal privacy and private decision making with our own medical decisions....


50 years....and now, a majority of men, waited 50 damn years, to take it away as if we can't make our own personal decisions?

Sorry... You can kiss our grits! And we will make certain you understand that YOU are NOT the boss of us!

See you at the voting booth!
Being pregnant, before you are showing, is none of the government's beeswax in knowing, one way or the other

We were told for 50 years, we did have that right to personal privacy and private decision making with our own medical decisions....


50 years....and now, a majority of men, waited 50 damn years, to take it away as if we can't make our own personal decisions?

Sorry... You can kiss our grits! And we will make certain you understand that YOU are NOT the boss of us!

See you at the voting booth!
And I love you Prog women. You are vengeance for all of the other wrongs people experience. The death of the West. Your selfishness and self-importance is more of you and not of the greater good. The Suckie/Phukie West.
We were told for 50 years, we did have that right to personal privacy and private decision making with our own medical decisions...

And you still do, as long as it doesn’t affect the life of another. If a fetus can be removed from the womb at 24-25 weeks with a better than average chance of survival, I failed to see how anyone could argue that a woman should be able to abort a “fetus” beyond that time frame. Pro-abortion folks want no limits, including late term abortions. That is a clear violation of the right of the unborn.
Being pregnant, before you are showing, is none of the government's beeswax in knowing, one way or the other

We were told for 50 years, we did have that right to personal privacy and private decision making with our own medical decisions....


50 years....and now, a majority of men, waited 50 damn years, to take it away as if we can't make our own personal decisions?

Sorry... You can kiss our grits! And we will make certain you understand that YOU are NOT the boss of us!

See you at the voting booth!

Many women aren’t like this, only those with heavy chips on their shoulders and inferiority complexes. It is ok to be a woman and celebrate your strengths and weaknesses relative to men. Likewise, it is ok to be a man and to celebrate our strengths and weaknesses relative to women. We aren’t the same and no amount of wokeness or new laws can fix that.
Being pregnant, before you are showing, is none of the government's beeswax in knowing, one way or the other

We were told for 50 years, we did have that right to personal privacy and private decision making with our own medical decisions....


50 years....and now, a majority of men, waited 50 damn years, to take it away as if we can't make our own personal decisions?

Sorry... You can kiss our grits! And we will make certain you understand that YOU are NOT the boss of us!

See you at the voting booth!
/----/ "Being pregnant, before you are showing, is none of the government's beeswax in knowing, one way or the other"
But corporate CEO pay is your bees wax?
We were told we had a constitutional right to privacy, which held for 50 years.... Now we women are told, we do not.

Child, we all lost that during the first maobama regime when they mandated all medical records be put on line and available to the government. I even commented on it at the time, look it up.

Apparently Title IX as we know it has been completely rewritten as a 'woke' manifesto. Parents will no longer have any say over what pronouns they use with their child and gender affirming 'care' may have been taken away from the states to legislate.

I'm still researching other ramifications of this. But the above changes alone should be terrifying to any parent who isn't a woke idiot.
Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought Obama/Biden Title IX provisions went too far:

". . .In some surveys, as many as 91% of Americans, including even liberal luminaries like late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, believe Title IX went too far then. (Even Obama, criticizing wokeness and cancel culture in 2019, said, “The world is messy; there are ambiguities.”)

But it’s back — with a vengeance.

DeVos, whose reforms were far from comprehensive in restoring basic rights to the accused on campus, characterized Biden’s overhaul as a “radical rewrite” that “guts the half century of protections and opportunities for women” and an “endeavor born entirely of progressive politics, not sound policy.”

The big news is that Biden’s Title IX rules for the first time expand the definition of “sex” to include sexual orientation and transgender identity. . ."
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It says RIGHT IN THE OP ARTICLE, that the sports issue with transgender athletes was NOT addressed in this revised Title IX rules....

So no, schools are not forced to allow trans female athletes in locker rooms or on teams, through Title IX....at least not in this updated version posted in the op, which took place in 2022, 2 years ago.
It is true that sex-segregated sports participation rules were not addressed, but locker rooms and rest rooms were, and it is a violation to make biological males use the male locker room if they identify as female...

"The Department also appreciates the opportunity to clarify that § 106.31(a)(2) applies, with some limited exceptions discussed below, to any circumstances in which a recipient engages in permissible sex separation or differentiation, such as in its provision of restrooms and locker rooms (34 CFR 106.33), access to classes and activities (34 CFR 106.34(a)–(b)), and policies such as appearance codes (including dress and grooming codes)."

"The Department is continuing to evaluate comments on that proposed regulation, and will issue its final rule on this standard for criteria for a student’s eligibility to participate on sex-separate athletic teams in the future. Until that rule is finalized and issued, the current regulations on athletics continue to apply."


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