Furious parents blast Joe Biden's Title IX plans as a record-breaking 184,000 comment on 'insidious' proposal to redefine gender identity

Furious parents blast Joe Biden's Title IX plans as a record-breaking 184,000 comment on 'insidious' proposal to redefine gender identity: Christian groups warn it'll 'endanger children'
Well it is true that sex discrimination is a basic tenet of fundamentalist Christians.

Furious parents blast Joe Biden's Title IX plans as a record-breaking 184,000 comment on 'insidious' proposal to redefine gender identity: Christian groups warn it'll 'endanger children'​

12 Sep 2022 ~~ By Katelyn Caralle

  • More than 184,000 furious parents and 'concerned citizens' weighed in on a comment period for a proposed rule change on transgender students
  • It would redefine sex in Title IX in a way that allows transgender girls to compete in women's sports and use women's locker rooms in schools
  • Comments are a record-breaking number, exhibiting just how charged the issue of transgender athletes is becoming in schools
  • Some commenters claim the rule change is 'insidious' and 'vile'
  • Christian groups and pastors claimed it would 'endanger' girls at school
Parents are enraged over President Joe Biden's proposal redefining sex and allowing transgender students to compete in female sports and use women's locker rooms in schools.
A slew of parents and 'concerned citizens' flooded to comment on the proposed rule change, claiming it dismantles the whole purpose of Title IX protections for women in sports and academics.
The public comment period went live on July 12 and in two months garnered a record 184,000 posts. The comment period closes Monday, September 12.
'This legislation is vile and insidiously anti-God and anti-human,' one commenter wrote.
They added: 'Do not allow the humiliation of women at the hands of biological males masquerading as women. This is a lie and against all decency and freedom.'

Simply said, Our government is has been filled with warped people. They're called Democrats.
What part of Article II of the Constitution gives a President any power to impose something like this on the country?
None, of course. But somehow Congress found the authority to create a Federal Department of Education, which sends lots of money to local schools. The Dept. of Education can’t force schools to do anything, but they can threatened to cut off the Federal funds most schools have grown dependent on if schools don’t comply. Biden’s DoE is threatening funding for the school lunch program if pretend girls and pretend boys aren’t accommodated.
80% of Americans are now aware that Joe Biden has become a Clear and Present Danger to America, the Republic and its National Security.

The president has no authority to unilaterally redefine terms written into law, congress has to do that. Also the supreme court has said, the feds can not threaten existing funds if a State refuses to adopt a new federal policy. (see the decision on the ACA) So screw that old senile bastard, the courts will bitch slap the hell out him.


Furious parents blast Joe Biden's Title IX plans as a record-breaking 184,000 comment on 'insidious' proposal to redefine gender identity: Christian groups warn it'll 'endanger children'​

12 Sep 2022 ~~ By Katelyn Caralle

  • More than 184,000 furious parents and 'concerned citizens' weighed in on a comment period for a proposed rule change on transgender students
  • It would redefine sex in Title IX in a way that allows transgender girls to compete in women's sports and use women's locker rooms in schools
  • Comments are a record-breaking number, exhibiting just how charged the issue of transgender athletes is becoming in schools
  • Some commenters claim the rule change is 'insidious' and 'vile'
  • Christian groups and pastors claimed it would 'endanger' girls at school
Parents are enraged over President Joe Biden's proposal redefining sex and allowing transgender students to compete in female sports and use women's locker rooms in schools.
A slew of parents and 'concerned citizens' flooded to comment on the proposed rule change, claiming it dismantles the whole purpose of Title IX protections for women in sports and academics.
The public comment period went live on July 12 and in two months garnered a record 184,000 posts. The comment period closes Monday, September 12.
'This legislation is vile and insidiously anti-God and anti-human,' one commenter wrote.
They added: 'Do not allow the humiliation of women at the hands of biological males masquerading as women. This is a lie and against all decency and freedom.'

Simply said, Our government is has been filled with warped people. They're called Democrats.
What part of Article II of the Constitution gives a President any power to impose something like this on the country?
None, of course. But somehow Congress found the authority to create a Federal Department of Education, which sends lots of money to local schools. The Dept. of Education can’t force schools to do anything, but they can threatened to cut off the Federal funds most schools have grown dependent on if schools don’t comply. Biden’s DoE is threatening funding for the school lunch program if pretend girls and pretend boys aren’t accommodated.
80% of Americans are now aware that Joe Biden has become a Clear and Present Danger to America, the Republic and its National Security.
The sad part is that the kids are nothing but pawns in the Democratic/Woke agenda.

Furious parents blast Joe Biden's Title IX plans as a record-breaking 184,000 comment on 'insidious' proposal to redefine gender identity: Christian groups warn it'll 'endanger children'​

12 Sep 2022 ~~ By Katelyn Caralle

  • More than 184,000 furious parents and 'concerned citizens' weighed in on a comment period for a proposed rule change on transgender students
  • It would redefine sex in Title IX in a way that allows transgender girls to compete in women's sports and use women's locker rooms in schools
  • Comments are a record-breaking number, exhibiting just how charged the issue of transgender athletes is becoming in schools
  • Some commenters claim the rule change is 'insidious' and 'vile'
  • Christian groups and pastors claimed it would 'endanger' girls at school
Parents are enraged over President Joe Biden's proposal redefining sex and allowing transgender students to compete in female sports and use women's locker rooms in schools.
A slew of parents and 'concerned citizens' flooded to comment on the proposed rule change, claiming it dismantles the whole purpose of Title IX protections for women in sports and academics.
The public comment period went live on July 12 and in two months garnered a record 184,000 posts. The comment period closes Monday, September 12.
'This legislation is vile and insidiously anti-God and anti-human,' one commenter wrote.
They added: 'Do not allow the humiliation of women at the hands of biological males masquerading as women. This is a lie and against all decency and freedom.'

Simply said, Our government is has been filled with warped people. They're called Democrats.
What part of Article II of the Constitution gives a President any power to impose something like this on the country?
None, of course. But somehow Congress found the authority to create a Federal Department of Education, which sends lots of money to local schools. The Dept. of Education can’t force schools to do anything, but they can threatened to cut off the Federal funds most schools have grown dependent on if schools don’t comply. Biden’s DoE is threatening funding for the school lunch program if pretend girls and pretend boys aren’t accommodated.
80% of Americans are now aware that Joe Biden has become a Clear and Present Danger to America, the Republic and its National Security.
I am going on record in support of this.

Fuck women's sports. Put the nail in that coffin.

I do not consider Joe a clear and present danger, but certainly recognize, this is not a decision to be made by the government, any more than abortion is. Chicks with dicks should not be in the girls restroom or locker room or competing in girls league sports. It does not work and not fair to normal girls. It should not be encouraged out of a misplaced sense of being gender fairness and acceptance in public schools or sports leagues.

What if the whole thing is about destroying Sports,
and the ability of People from all backgrounds to Unite and Celebrate Competition and Victory?
What if it is a way they incite Division, in an otherwise common purpose to encourage Exceptionalism?

What if allowing transgenders to compete in Female Sports Leagues isn't even really about transgenders ...
And more about destroying in value in Competition and Victory?

Before you discount all that ... What do you think they were doing with the Participation Trophy?
Maybe it isn't really a new thing ... In pursuit of Mediocrity over Competition, Excellence and Exceptionalism.


What if the whole thing is about destroying Sports,
and the ability of People from all backgrounds to Unite and Celebrate Competition and Victory?
What if it is a way they incite Division, in an otherwise common purpose to encourage Exceptionalism?

What if allowing transgenders to compete in Female Sports Leagues isn't even really about transgenders ...
And more about destroying in value in Competition and Victory?

Before you discount all that ... What do you think they were doing with the Participation Trophy?
Maybe it isn't really a new thing ... In pursuit of Mediocrity over Competition, Excellence and Exceptionalism.

While I support your "what if" proposition, I am not at all sure, that is what it is about. You propose a directed social engineering move, with a specific goal. Like many things in politics, I am more inclined toward simple stupidity on the part of leaders having warped senses of fairness, warped by the subgroups, rather than the norm.

Participation trophies placate the loser's little hurt feelings of being losers, though they put forth the effort, but still failed to achieve goals of stand-out success. Easier than explaining to a crying kid that math does not allow for more than one at the top and any one given time. People placate their kids, far more than is good for the kid and society.
At least he can be voted out. We almost lost that right.
Voting people in what you call a right can and does mean nothing if agendas by the people in power are habitually to special interest both foreign and domestic. And their only course of action is to call anyone who disagrees terrorists and all the rest of the colorful names Progs come up with. There is a disconnect between the people of the United States and the controlled politicians who rule us. Enforced artificial dictums destroy nations due to cumbersome governments.
While I support your "what if" proposition, I am not at all sure, that is what it is about. You propose a directed social engineering move, with a specific goal. Like many things in politics, I am more inclined toward simple stupidity on the part of leaders having warped senses of fairness, warped by the subgroups, rather than the norm.

Participation trophies placate the loser's little hurt feelings of being losers, though they put forth the effort, but still failed to achieve goals of stand-out success. Easier than explaining to a crying kid that math does not allow for more than one at the top and any one given time. People placate their kids, far more than is good for the kid and society.

I get what you are saying, and you draw the conclusions that are easy to come to.
But do they serve the Short Game ... Or is it all part of the Long Game the Short Games take us to?

I am not saying that everything is a Great Conspiracy ...
Just that I cannot discount how things that seem to be unrelates, all serve the same purpose in one way or another ...
And when combined prove to be far more effective in serving the overall purpose on many levels.

Instead of it being a single mission, with defined objectives and a defined goal ...
It is recognizing opportunities to reinforce a current mission, bolster ranks and enforce conditions,
that ultimately serve the same goal.

If you care to accuse me of thinking too much ... You wouldn't be the first ... :auiqs.jpg:

Voting people in what you call a right can and does mean nothing if agendas by the people in power are habitually to special interest both foreign and domestic. And their only course of action is to call anyone who disagrees terrorists and all the rest of the colorful names Progs come up with. There is a disconnect between the people of the United States and the controlled politicians who rule us. Enforced artificial dictums destroy nations due to cumbersome governments.
Both parties do it and have done it. Best you can hope for is to pick on an individual level and be ready to vote their ass out, regardless of party affiliation if they break with your personal knowledge of right and wrong, rather than settle for pieces of shit, corrupting the system. A good rule of thumb in the voting booth is always, when in doubt, vote them out. It does not matter, being true to a party, only whether true to yourself.
Both parties do it and have done it. Best you can hope for is to pick on an individual level and be ready to vote their ass out, regardless of party affiliation if they break with your personal knowledge of right and wrong, rather than settle for pieces of shit, corrupting the system. A good rule of thumb in the voting booth is always, when in doubt, vote them out. It does not matter, being true to a party, only whether true to yourself.
What is in control is not of the people. It is of special interest groups costing our nation its sovereignty and our competition with other countries. If Progs complain about taxes, then give all the peasants a tax cut. Instead, groups within the peasant level get preferential treatment. Progs are controlled by someone else. And many with the power are inept.

I get what you are saying, and you draw the conclusions that are easy to come to.
But do they serve the Short Game ... Or is it all part of the Long Game the Short Games take us to?

I am not saying that everything is a Great Conspiracy ...
Just that I cannot discount how things that seem to be unrelates, all serve the same purpose in one way or another ...
And when combined prove to be far more effective in serving the overall purpose on many levels.

Instead of it being a single mission, with defined objectives and a defined goal ...
It is recognizing opportunities to reinforce a current mission, bolster ranks and enforce conditions,
that ultimately serve the same goal.

If you care to accuse me of thinking too much ... You wouldn't be the first ... :auiqs.jpg:

Now you ask the social engineering question, instead of proposing your analysis. I don't know. I am not a social engineer. Don't discount, without positive or negative proof. You are a difference engine. You have the ability balance and act on different bits of information, with incomplete pictures. You do it every day and always have.

I do not care to do that. Not a winner take all conversation and more of conversation and exchange, than any debate. You do think, which put you ahead of many on this board.
No trannies in school.

If you're too young to drive a car, vote, drink, join the Marines, own a home or anything else then you're too young to decide youre the opposite sex.

It isn't societies responsibility to play into people's fantasies. You can pretend to be what you want but it isn't a schools responsibility to help you with your cosplay. At school you are what you're born as.

It isn't fair or right to change things for everyone just because a few want to play dress up.

If trannies don't like it then they need to go to a private school that caters to them or be home schooled.

Normally when kids go through a phase adults didn't take them serious and said "you'll grow out of it" and they did. Now we perpetuate their phases and encouraging them to not grow out of it. We validate idiot kids phases and tell them they are right.
Now you ask the social engineering question, instead of proposing your analysis. I don't know. I am not a social engineer. Don't discount, without positive or negative proof. You are a difference engine. You have the ability balance and act on different bits of information, with incomplete pictures. You do it every day and always have.

I do not care to do that. Not a winner take all conversation and more of conversation and exchange, than any debate. You do think, which put you ahead of many on this board.

I get that ... You appreciate the Collective ... I appreciate the rugged Individualist.
Your appreciation for the Collective is where Social Engineering draws its Power from.


Furious parents blast Joe Biden's Title IX plans as a record-breaking 184,000 comment on 'insidious' proposal to redefine gender identity: Christian groups warn it'll 'endanger children'​

12 Sep 2022 ~~ By Katelyn Caralle

  • More than 184,000 furious parents and 'concerned citizens' weighed in on a comment period for a proposed rule change on transgender students
  • It would redefine sex in Title IX in a way that allows transgender girls to compete in women's sports and use women's locker rooms in schools
  • Comments are a record-breaking number, exhibiting just how charged the issue of transgender athletes is becoming in schools
  • Some commenters claim the rule change is 'insidious' and 'vile'
  • Christian groups and pastors claimed it would 'endanger' girls at school
Parents are enraged over President Joe Biden's proposal redefining sex and allowing transgender students to compete in female sports and use women's locker rooms in schools.
A slew of parents and 'concerned citizens' flooded to comment on the proposed rule change, claiming it dismantles the whole purpose of Title IX protections for women in sports and academics.
The public comment period went live on July 12 and in two months garnered a record 184,000 posts. The comment period closes Monday, September 12.
'This legislation is vile and insidiously anti-God and anti-human,' one commenter wrote.
They added: 'Do not allow the humiliation of women at the hands of biological males masquerading as women. This is a lie and against all decency and freedom.'

Simply said, Our government is has been filled with warped people. They're called Democrats.
What part of Article II of the Constitution gives a President any power to impose something like this on the country?
None, of course. But somehow Congress found the authority to create a Federal Department of Education, which sends lots of money to local schools. The Dept. of Education can’t force schools to do anything, but they can threatened to cut off the Federal funds most schools have grown dependent on if schools don’t comply. Biden’s DoE is threatening funding for the school lunch program if pretend girls and pretend boys aren’t accommodated.
80% of Americans are now aware that Joe Biden has become a Clear and Present Danger to America, the Republic and its National Security.
Wouldn't hurt the OP to do little research on bow to spot slanted, biased propaganda before posting absolute crap like this from a bogus "source."

But if you MAGAt Trumptards were any good at spotting disinformation you wouldn't be falling for all the (often Russian) disinformation you spread in the first place.
Would you?

One red flag you should have noticed is when the author of this piece says it is "unclear" how many of these comments are in favor.....and then goes on bloviating about ONLY the negative.

You see, that leaves all the bottom feeding, dim-witted, incurious, intellectual midgets like MAGAT's with the impression that ALL of the comments are negative.

Maybe try MSNBC rather than cheap, British tabloids.
You will appear much less misinformed and just generally STUPID.


I get that ... You appreciate the Collective ... I appreciate the rugged Individualist.
Your appreciation for the Collective is where Social Engineering draws its Power from.

Possibly, but not responsible for the aggregate, only responsible for me and you for you, individuals, remember? This started as the Biden title IX thread. I think parents should step outside the path and make individual choices regarding what their kids participate in and hold to their decisions. And, not just for kids team sport, but for support of the politicians calling the shots, regardless of party affiliation. Even among Democrats, the majority do not want their kid in mixed gender bathrooms, showers. It is a radical idea. I have met Democrats, but around here, that any radicals, but maybe I just travel in moderate to conservative circles. The demonizing of the rank and file of the two parties is pointless, as the broad brush is too sloppy with the paint, to accurately get the picture.
Possibly, but not responsible for the aggregate, only responsible for me and you for you, individuals, remember?

Well, that's exactly why it is so appealing to People ... The lack of personal Responsibility and Accountability.

As a rugged Individualist ... I am Responsible for what I think and do, and I am Accountable for any actions or failures.
I am not kicking the can to the Collective ... I am not Surrendering my Power and Obligations to the Government or Politicians.

I am not pretending I am a good person, doing what I need to do, or accomplishing anything by making it someone else's job.

Not yet, only Elvis has left the building so far.....:abgg2q.jpg:

Can you tell me which way he went . . . I'd like to take the same exit. Do I need a starship to get there? Do you know if Elvis and Bruce Campbell are one in the same? I've always wanted to raise an Army of Darkness wearing Blue Suede Shoes.
Can you tell me which way he went . . . I'd like to take the same exit. Do I need a starship to get there? Do you know if Elvis and Bruce Campbell are one in the same? I've always wanted to raise an Army of Darkness wearing Blue Suede Shoes.
Some say heaven, some say hell. Who cares he's gone....
Both parties do it and have done it. Best you can hope for is to pick on an individual level and be ready to vote their ass out, regardless of party affiliation if they break with your personal knowledge of right and wrong, rather than settle for pieces of shit, corrupting the system. A good rule of thumb in the voting booth is always, when in doubt, vote them out. It does not matter, being true to a party, only whether true to yourself.

I voted for Romney and McCain and held my nose while I did it. I didn't care for either men but it was better than the alternative.

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