put up or shut up ..

It's insane to beleive that Trump wasn't being spied on. Everyone around him including Jared Kushner's mother is being investigated.

This is a no brainer.
at least a tweet doesnt hold water with some people.
It's a package deal, it will be revealed when the Russian "connection" is revealed…
Progressives are easily confused, mistaking spineless McCain and cross-dressing Graham for conservatives…
Trump seems to have forgotten that he's the president, and that he can order the release of the evidence to back up his claims.

If it exists.

Oh, dang, that's the problem. It's all fictional.
It's a package deal, it will be revealed when the Russian "connection" is revealed…
why not just take DNA samples all over the Trump tower,,,send them all to labs, then the labs will be able to decipher what country the samples came from......example: Debbie Wasserman Visits the Trump Tower,,,she uses the ladies room,,then volunteers head into her stall to collect DNA,,,,,,then two weeks later it is identified as a typical white liberal bitch.
It's insane to beleive that Trump wasn't being spied on. Everyone around him including Jared Kushner's mother is being investigated.

This is a no brainer.

"maybe Russia can find those 30,000 emails "

Manafort, ass deep with Russians

Russians cheer/party when Trump wins

Flynn, another Trump/Russia connection ..

Kershner was with Flynn when he met with Russians at Trump Tower

Sessions " doesnt recall"

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McCain and Graham are enemies of the American people. They proved that when they bashed Michele Bachmann for her inquiry into Huma Abedin and her connection to Muslim Brotherhood. With Republicans like that who needs Lemocrats?

Putting those guys in charge of the Benghazi investigation was tantamount to putting the foxes in charge of the hen house!

John McCain Slams Michele Bachmann's 'Unfounded' Attacks On Huma Abedin, Muslim-Americans | The Huffington Post

Muslim Keith Ellison joins in the attack against Bachmann:

Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison refutes the claims made by Rep. Michele Bachmann and four of her Republican colleagues in letters sent to government agencies calling for an investigation into potential Muslim extremists. Rep. Ellison tells Anderson Cooper that Bachmann's claims of 'deep penetration' of Muslim extremist infiltration into the highest levels of the U.S. government are "not true, it doesn't exist, its a phantom" and that "it just is the worst of guilt by association, it is a stark front to American values" and "we've got to stand up for this idea that we all count in this America"
Rep. Keith Ellison on "AC360" Muslim infiltration claims 'not true'

Which side were Graham and McCain on? The Wrong Side. Just as they are on the wrong side now!
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Treat Title:

'Russians Hacked the Election' - No Evidence

'Trump Connected To Putin / Russians' - No Evidence, Proven False by FBI

'Flynn Had Illegal Contact W/Russians' - No Evidence, Proven False

'Sessions Had Illegal Contact / Lied About Russians' - No Evidence, No Charges, Proven False

'Put Up Or Shut Up' ... Great Thread Title
What is insane is that POTUS makes a wild charge against previous POTUS without evidence.

And easyt ignores what 16 intel agencies say.

'Podesta exposed as having taken cash from Russians to lobby against US Sanctions against Russia'

'Pelosi has a history of exchanging gifts with Russians'

Not need to shut up - it's already been put up. :p

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