How has your marriage been hurt?

My view of marriage hasn’t changed. It is between a man and a woman and God. It matters not what man thinks about it, they don’t define my morality.

Civil marriage, what is under discussion here, has nothing to do with any religion or deity. It is merely contract law as well as special perks and benefits the Govt gives people for being married.
Civil marriage, what is under discussion here, has nothing to do with any religion or deity. It is merely contract law as well as special perks and benefits the Govt gives people for being married.
It does with me, you can marry your gay lover, I really don’t care, I believe in a higher being and that is how I view marriage, how you view it is your own business.
It does with me, you can marry your gay lover, I really don’t care, I believe in a higher being and that is how I view marriage, how you view it is your own business.

Are you married?

Did you get a marriage license from the state?

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