Putin also making money off the Middle East


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The dumb-asses in the White House like to talk about how stupid Putin is for getting himself into a Quagmire--its their dumb-ass spin for getting the U.S.A. ignominiously run out of the Middle East.

But the price of oil has gone up $5 a barrel since Putin sent in a few plane, a few tanks, and dropped a few bombs.

Russia produces 10 million barrels a day---so that's an extra $50,000,000 a day....or 1.5 billion a month, and he's not spending that much in his Quagmire...as the really really bad dumb-asses in the White House call it.

He will do something else before long....like let one of those missiles that have mis-fired---well, he will let one mis-fire into Saudi Arabia...and the panic that will engender will likely get him another $10 a barrel and then he'll be making 4.5 billion a month extra...just for saving his ally and humiliating the U.S. A. and gradually taking over the Mid-East.

Which will put him in a position to figure out a way to get oil back to $100 a barrel and the dumb-asses in the White House will do their thing--BLAME BUSH.

Fuck Barack Obama, John Kerry, Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett and that very foolish Secretary of State who came up with that ridiculous red Re-set Button---which the Russians are still laughing about.

All fools, liars, and dumb-asses.
Putin obama pussy.jpg

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