You see, the little thingy is this, you, nor a single other fascist democrat cretin, have a clue as to what really motivated Putin to roll on into Ukraine, you see, you are gut hooked as we say, on the lying western propaganda narratives, not fucking one of which is accurate and true!

For instance, Putin is not in anyway attempting to cobble back together, the Soviet Union, that is a bald faced lie, just as Putin is not some fucking madman, he is like all high ranking KGB officers of his day, ruthless and methodical, he but fulfills his word, and his words to all of the evil democrat administrations, and everyone of them were evil, was that Ukraine was a "red line" to Russia, that they would not tolerate Nato expansion into Ukraine, period!

They(democrats)knew this all the way back in 1997, where they had repeatedly promised Russia after the reunification of Germany, that they would not under any circumstance expand Nato into the Baltics, and Ukraine, and then promptly did exactly that over the next 18-years, including multiple moves on Ukraine to be accepted into the alliance.

Its a tragedy what they did to your mind at public school, I really mean that, but that sympathy extends only so far, everything I just explained for your personal edification, can easily be verified! I do not support Putin rolling on Ukraine anymore than I supported the deeply provocative fascist democrat inspired expansion of Nato into the Baltics, and Ukraine, the latter being the absolute primary reason for Putin's aggression in Ukraine, and all of the above knew this would happen all the way back to the early 1990's, especially one obscenely corrupt longtime US senator named Joe! ;)
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :thup:
No. I think Facebook and Twitter are propaganda outlets.
Propaganda is fine as long as it is something you agree with…

People have the freedom of choice to use those tech companies and if you complain about them while using them then you are e more of the problem…
Awesome to see a world leader stand up to big tech,the rest of the world leaders should follow his example :yes_text12: :thup:
It definitely is! That's why the squeaky little butt monkeys on this board hate him so much, because he has the balls to stand up to their gods.
I just found this a moment ago, this is a damning example of just what my other post is all about, keep in mind the two guys commenting on this are flaming leftists, who obviously have seen the light, and understand exactly, just as I do more or less, what is really transpiring in the backdrop, pay particular attention to what committee Biden is ranking member of at time of video capture... Oh, and you don't need listen to entire video, the first few minutes will do it, we call this "Checkmate!"

Let me know when a super sonic bomb hits Chicago and NYC
Putin could be on to something. Maybe we should get rid of these propaganda outlets ourselves. Fat chance of that happening the brainwashing must continue.
Finally Putin does something of worth. молодец товарищ
Putin could be on to something. Maybe we should get rid of these propaganda outlets ourselves. Fat chance of that happening the brainwashing must continue.
I am now OFFICIALLY Pro-Putin and Pro-Russia.



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