Putin calls truce in sanctions battle

I wonder what would happen to these U.S. and EU sanctions if Putin retaliated by shutting off all energy supplies to Europe.


More exports for us.

And our energy costs go up dramatically. Putin's cash cow is the energy he sells. The sanctions are hurting enough without him stopping their exports.
Not necessarily. The EU uses mostly natural gas and right now the NG industry wastes 29% of its total output with flaring. That waste can be captured and sold abroad.
Does anyone really think Putin can win an economic war with Europe and the USA? It's brilliant the way the EU and USA let him play the role of braggart and big shot while they hold back and patiently inflict little nicks in his armour and stabs at vulnerable spots. Each day his economy is taking hits. He is stuck with a weak and easily made useless port in a place that will cost his country billions to maintain. He has awoken the whole of Europe who are now determined to take the time and apply resources to escape any and all control from the pagans and Rus to the east. The Czars have never been welcome in Europe, only tolerated, just barely.

Not only that, but he had a former ally in the Ukraine that he has now driven into alliance with the EU and NATO

What did he win exactly?
Does anyone really think that Russia is going to go it alone over economic warfare with western nations? have you heard of BRICS? DO you know the relaitonship between China and Russia economically?

Do we always think inside the little tiny box of a worldview we have?

And you think Michelle Obama's visit to China is a vacation, do you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If it is not a vacation, please provide a :link: as to what her trip really is. :eusa_shifty:

We'll just say it involves a whole lotta chapstick and tissues.
Dude, I used both domestic and international sources to analyze the topic. Already knew enough about BRICS to know BRICS is not even in the picture.

From the todays TIMES OF JAPAN, 21 MAR 2014
Giles Merrit front page Opinion

"The first result of the West's standoff with Russia is that it spell's the end of BRICS."

From the WALL STREET JOURNAL - MAR 18, 2014
by Timorthy F. McCarthy

"...after observing the tens of thousands of disguised soldiers shipped in the the Russian government into Crimea over the last few weeks, it is clear even to optimist that Russia is not being run based on rational economic objectives for its people or investors."

None of the BRICS members will stick with Russia, not even China. India is already talking with Japan.

Propaganda is still propaganda.

Both India and China are backing the russian move. Regardless of this western cushion piece of conjecture.

No they aren't. China abstaned from the U.N. Security Council vote to declare the move into Crimea illegal. They refused to give Russia a positive vote.
It's not propaganda. Both articles are written specifically as advice to investors. There is no political motivation. Both authors make livings out of giving accurate financial advice, not giving political opinion. The only financial advisors suggesting investment in Russia point out that it is a gamble, but since the Moscow exchange is crashing, stocks are low and hence a good time to invest if buying low and being acceptable to long term investments are attractive as an addition to your porfolio.

Both have condemned the sanctions on russia. Neither have made any statement suggesting they aren't with Russia on it. Clearly you think geo-politics is some sort of let the truth be told to all game.

Good greif.

And claiming the BRICS is done and that they will abandon Russia is not political conjecture. Clearly. :rolleyes:
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Does anyone really think that Russia is going to go it alone over economic warfare with western nations? have you heard of BRICS? DO you know the relaitonship between China and Russia economically?

Do we always think inside the little tiny box of a worldview we have?

And you think Michelle Obama's visit to China is a vacation, do you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If it is not a vacation, please provide a :link: as to what her trip really is. :eusa_shifty:

It's diplomacy, bimbo.

Russia’s stock market opened sharply lower on Friday as a second rating agency, Fitch, followed Standard & Poor’s in warning that it would downgrade the country’s credit rating in the wake of the punitive American response to Russia’s move to annex Crimea.

Visa and MasterCard ceased operations with Bank Rossiya, the only corporation singled out on Thursday by the new sanctions because it served as a “personal bank for senior officials of the Russian Federation.”

Of course he does. He has annexed Crimea and has what he wants. But I expect he is getting an ear full from the bankers and money people in the new USSR.

The EU and the US needs to keep tightening the screws on Adolph Putin....

Yes but will they?
Propaganda is still propaganda.

Both India and China are backing the russian move. Regardless of this western cushion piece of conjecture.

No they aren't. China abstaned from the U.N. Security Council vote to declare the move into Crimea illegal. They refused to give Russia a positive vote.
It's not propaganda. Both articles are written specifically as advice to investors. There is no political motivation. Both authors make livings out of giving accurate financial advice, not giving political opinion. The only financial advisors suggesting investment in Russia point out that it is a gamble, but since the Moscow exchange is crashing, stocks are low and hence a good time to invest if buying low and being acceptable to long term investments are attractive as an addition to your porfolio.

Both have condemned the sanctions on russia. Neither have made any statement suggesting they aren't with Russia on it. Clearly you think geo-politics is some sort of let the truth be told to all game.

Good greif.

And claiming the BRICS is done and that they will abandon Russia is not political conjecture. Clearly. :rolleyes:

China has made a statement of support
China Backs Russia on Ukraine | The Diplomat

So has India
India Backs Russia?s ?Legitimate Interests? in Ukraine | The Diplomat
No they aren't. China abstaned from the U.N. Security Council vote to declare the move into Crimea illegal. They refused to give Russia a positive vote.
It's not propaganda. Both articles are written specifically as advice to investors. There is no political motivation. Both authors make livings out of giving accurate financial advice, not giving political opinion. The only financial advisors suggesting investment in Russia point out that it is a gamble, but since the Moscow exchange is crashing, stocks are low and hence a good time to invest if buying low and being acceptable to long term investments are attractive as an addition to your porfolio.

Both have condemned the sanctions on russia. Neither have made any statement suggesting they aren't with Russia on it. Clearly you think geo-politics is some sort of let the truth be told to all game.

Good greif.

And claiming the BRICS is done and that they will abandon Russia is not political conjecture. Clearly. :rolleyes:

China has made a statement of support
China Backs Russia on Ukraine | The Diplomat

So has India
India Backs Russia?s ?Legitimate Interests? in Ukraine | The Diplomat

Both links are meaningless. The China comment was made of Mar 4 when the crisis was in it's earliest stage. The India statement was made on the 8th and was in regards to wishing Crimea good luck on it's referendum. Both statements were made before the UN vote and the declaration by 13 members of the UN Security Council declared the vote illegal and before confirmed reports of Russian troops and armored vehicals were entering Crimea. The UN vote meant far more than any polite comments by foreign minister spokespeople two or three weeks ago.
I wonder what would happen to these U.S. and EU sanctions if Putin retaliated by shutting off all energy supplies to Europe.


Stopped making payments on international loans
Ceased cooperation with Iran and Afghanistan
Ceased exerting influence over Assad's chemical weapons
Kicked us off the space station
Seized the assets of American companies in Russia.

President Putin won. He has what he wants. He can afford to be magnanimous.

You are suggesting actions that would cause irrepatable damage to Russia. Stop making payments on international loans? Russia would suffer for decades.
Cooperation with Iran and Afghanistan? Big deal. What cooperation in Afghansitan? What will they do, refuse to sell them helicopters?
Cease working with Syria and Assad? Fine, we can go back to the first option of air strikes.
Space station? Without us they can't afford to maintain it.
Seized American assests? Irreparable damage that goes both ways. That big Exxon deal comes off the table. No more cooperation with western oil and gas companies. Let them make their own hardware and develope their own technology.
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South Africa

China is not going to sanction the USA and Europe. They will stay neutral and continue to do business with whoever they want.
India will switch in a minute.
Brazil and South Africa don' t want to gamble and risk economic ruin over Russia crap.
And you think Michelle Obama's visit to China is a vacation, do you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If it is not a vacation, please provide a :link: as to what her trip really is. :eusa_shifty:

No link necessary. Look at the timing here. There is a reason she asked for no news reporters this time. It's not a vacation. This is an important trip. Pray for her success.

Prayers being answered. Headline news today about trip is China is Smitten with First Lady & daughters! Way to go, First Lady! They also said she made history by being the first First Lady to visit China alone on her husbands behalf - unprecedented.

This is very good news.
There is only one reason for him to call a truce at this stage in the game--because he knows he can't win.


The big tough warrior guy! The one all the rightwingers see as the Charles Bronson of the international political leaders! The one they'd all love to have as their great leader! Pussy wussy backing down before he gets trampled. Too, too funny.
Does anyone really think that Russia is going to go it alone over economic warfare with western nations? have you heard of BRICS? DO you know the relaitonship between China and Russia economically?

Do we always think inside the little tiny box of a worldview we have?

So when do we march on Moscow?

Not to worry. I'm sure that within minutes of the re-institution of the Draft, you'll be headed for Canada.

So you'll be fine. Your kind always is

funny… from your kind who bang the drums for aggression while sitting on your butts

go figure.
I wonder what would happen to these U.S. and EU sanctions if Putin retaliated by shutting off all energy supplies to Europe.


Stopped making payments on international loans
Ceased cooperation with Iran and Afghanistan
Ceased exerting influence over Assad's chemical weapons
Kicked us off the space station
Seized the assets of American companies in Russia.

President Putin won. He has what he wants. He can afford to be magnanimous.

Lordy, lordy, so many of these butthurt 'Conservatives' rooting for the success of the Russian adventure against the interest of the US. Makes it look like the red states was an accurate color choice.
I wonder what would happen to these U.S. and EU sanctions if Putin retaliated by shutting off all energy supplies to Europe.


Stopped making payments on international loans
Ceased cooperation with Iran and Afghanistan
Ceased exerting influence over Assad's chemical weapons
Kicked us off the space station
Seized the assets of American companies in Russia.

President Putin won. He has what he wants. He can afford to be magnanimous.

Lordy, lordy, so many of these butthurt 'Conservatives' rooting for the success of the Russian adventure against the interest of the US. Makes it look like the red states was an accurate color choice.
What interest do 99% of Americans have in making US, Ukrainian, and Russian oligarchs even richer at the expense of 99% of Ukrainians?

"The IMF loaned newly independent Ukraine about $3.5 billion in the mid-1990s, several years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and another $2.2 billion in 1998, an amount it later increased.

"Another one-year $600 million loan followed in 2004, and a two-year $16.4 billion loan was provided in 2008.

"The IMF last agreed to loan Ukraine $15 billion in 2010, but froze the deal in 2011 after Kiev failed to implement the required reforms, including removing gas price subsidies.

"After reviewing why the last bailout went off track, the IMF's board in December said Kiev should get less money in any future bailout, and should be required to implement more economic reforms before it gets any IMF money."

Factbox: Ukraine's history with IMF bailouts | Reuters

Russia’s stock market opened sharply lower on Friday as a second rating agency, Fitch, followed Standard & Poor’s in warning that it would downgrade the country’s credit rating in the wake of the punitive American response to Russia’s move to annex Crimea.

Visa and MasterCard ceased operations with Bank Rossiya, the only corporation singled out on Thursday by the new sanctions because it served as a “personal bank for senior officials of the Russian Federation.”

Of course he does. He has annexed Crimea and has what he wants. But I expect he is getting an ear full from the bankers and money people in the new USSR.

The EU and the US needs to keep tightening the screws on Adolph Putin....
Pootie Poot is playing a risky game here.

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