Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC

Putin kicked out Trump from Syria, now from OPEC, Europa is ongoing.
It is clear why MSM presstitutes so outraged.
Putin serves Interests of Russia and not of international banksters.

For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister could move markets with a few choice words about what OPEC may decide at its next meeting, generating millions if not billions of dollars of profit for insiders.

Not anymore. While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Since engineering Russia’s pact with the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries to curb supplies a year ago, Putin has emerged as the group’s most influential player. As one senior OPEC official put it on condition of anonymity, the Russian leader is now “calling all the shots.”

The Kremlin’s growing sway within the cartel reflects a foreign policy that’s designed to counter U.S. influence across the globe through a wide mix of economic, diplomatic, military and intelligence measures. That strategy, which is undergirded by Russia’s vast natural-resource wealth, appears to be working.

“Putin is now the world’s energy czar,” said Helima Croft, a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst who directs global commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets LLC in New York.

Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King

Putin kicked out Trump from Syria, now from OPEC, Europa is ongoing.
It is clear why MSM presstitutes so outraged.
Putin serves Interests of Russia and not of international banksters.

For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister could move markets with a few choice words about what OPEC may decide at its next meeting, generating millions if not billions of dollars of profit for insiders.

Not anymore. While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Since engineering Russia’s pact with the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries to curb supplies a year ago, Putin has emerged as the group’s most influential player. As one senior OPEC official put it on condition of anonymity, the Russian leader is now “calling all the shots.”

The Kremlin’s growing sway within the cartel reflects a foreign policy that’s designed to counter U.S. influence across the globe through a wide mix of economic, diplomatic, military and intelligence measures. That strategy, which is undergirded by Russia’s vast natural-resource wealth, appears to be working.

“Putin is now the world’s energy czar,” said Helima Croft, a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst who directs global commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets LLC in New York.

Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King

While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Pooty Poot? LOL!
American frackers are now the swing producer.
Russia pumps all out to satisfy Putin's thieving kleptocracy.

As Bloomberg writes today, "the Israelis and Turks, the Egyptians and Jordanians - they’re all beating a path to the Kremlin in the hope that Vladimir Putin, the new master of the Middle East, can secure their interests and fix their problems."

And now, none other than Saudi Arabia is the latest to make friendly overtures toward the Kremlin, when Saudi King Salman visits Moscow on Wednesday, the first monarch of the oil-rich kingdom to do so. At the top of his agenda will be reining in Iran, a close Russian ally seen as a deadly foe by most Gulf Arab states.

"Putin Is The New Master Of The Middle East"

Putin kicked out Trump from Syria, now from OPEC, Europa is ongoing.
It is clear why MSM presstitutes so outraged.
Putin serves Interests of Russia and not of international banksters.

For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister could move markets with a few choice words about what OPEC may decide at its next meeting, generating millions if not billions of dollars of profit for insiders.

Not anymore. While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Since engineering Russia’s pact with the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries to curb supplies a year ago, Putin has emerged as the group’s most influential player. As one senior OPEC official put it on condition of anonymity, the Russian leader is now “calling all the shots.”

The Kremlin’s growing sway within the cartel reflects a foreign policy that’s designed to counter U.S. influence across the globe through a wide mix of economic, diplomatic, military and intelligence measures. That strategy, which is undergirded by Russia’s vast natural-resource wealth, appears to be working.

“Putin is now the world’s energy czar,” said Helima Croft, a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst who directs global commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets LLC in New York.

Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King

While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Pooty Poot? LOL!
American frackers are now the swing producer.
Russia pumps all out to satisfy Putin's thieving kleptocracy.

Putin's 'kleptocracy' is an fantom invented by lying politicians and MSM presstitues.
You blame Putin a lot, but until now no evidences or proofs from you.
Can you show any hard proof Russia is a Putin's kleptocracy?
Not allegations of presstitutes, 'human rights activists', paid by the West 'Gussky' Fifth Column, 'thoughts' and 'meanings' of western politicians?
If not you a a liar!

As Bloomberg writes today, "the Israelis and Turks, the Egyptians and Jordanians - they’re all beating a path to the Kremlin in the hope that Vladimir Putin, the new master of the Middle East, can secure their interests and fix their problems."

And now, none other than Saudi Arabia is the latest to make friendly overtures toward the Kremlin, when Saudi King Salman visits Moscow on Wednesday, the first monarch of the oil-rich kingdom to do so. At the top of his agenda will be reining in Iran, a close Russian ally seen as a deadly foe by most Gulf Arab states.

"Putin Is The New Master Of The Middle East"

Deep State fought for Great Israel ( Eretz ) only, destroyed Arabic countries and killed millions.
No trust to Deep State by Arabs anymore.

Putin kicked out Trump from Syria, now from OPEC, Europa is ongoing.
It is clear why MSM presstitutes so outraged.
Putin serves Interests of Russia and not of international banksters.

For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister could move markets with a few choice words about what OPEC may decide at its next meeting, generating millions if not billions of dollars of profit for insiders.

Not anymore. While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Since engineering Russia’s pact with the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries to curb supplies a year ago, Putin has emerged as the group’s most influential player. As one senior OPEC official put it on condition of anonymity, the Russian leader is now “calling all the shots.”

The Kremlin’s growing sway within the cartel reflects a foreign policy that’s designed to counter U.S. influence across the globe through a wide mix of economic, diplomatic, military and intelligence measures. That strategy, which is undergirded by Russia’s vast natural-resource wealth, appears to be working.

“Putin is now the world’s energy czar,” said Helima Croft, a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst who directs global commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets LLC in New York.

Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King

While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Pooty Poot? LOL!
American frackers are now the swing producer.
Russia pumps all out to satisfy Putin's thieving kleptocracy.

Putin's 'kleptocracy' is an fantom invented by lying politicians and MSM presstitues.
You blame Putin a lot, but until now no evidences or proofs from you.
Can you show any hard proof Russia is a Putin's kleptocracy?
Not allegations of presstitutes, 'human rights activists', paid by the West 'Gussky' Fifth Column, 'thoughts' and 'meanings' of western politicians?
If not you a a liar!

Putin's 'kleptocracy' is an fantom invented by lying politicians and MSM presstitues.

Right, because Putin never stole billions, ever.


Putin kicked out Trump from Syria, now from OPEC, Europa is ongoing.
It is clear why MSM presstitutes so outraged.
Putin serves Interests of Russia and not of international banksters.

For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister could move markets with a few choice words about what OPEC may decide at its next meeting, generating millions if not billions of dollars of profit for insiders.

Not anymore. While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Since engineering Russia’s pact with the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries to curb supplies a year ago, Putin has emerged as the group’s most influential player. As one senior OPEC official put it on condition of anonymity, the Russian leader is now “calling all the shots.”

The Kremlin’s growing sway within the cartel reflects a foreign policy that’s designed to counter U.S. influence across the globe through a wide mix of economic, diplomatic, military and intelligence measures. That strategy, which is undergirded by Russia’s vast natural-resource wealth, appears to be working.

“Putin is now the world’s energy czar,” said Helima Croft, a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst who directs global commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets LLC in New York.

Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King

While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Pooty Poot? LOL!
American frackers are now the swing producer.
Russia pumps all out to satisfy Putin's thieving kleptocracy.

Putin's 'kleptocracy' is an fantom invented by lying politicians and MSM presstitues.
You blame Putin a lot, but until now no evidences or proofs from you.
Can you show any hard proof Russia is a Putin's kleptocracy?
Not allegations of presstitutes, 'human rights activists', paid by the West 'Gussky' Fifth Column, 'thoughts' and 'meanings' of western politicians?
If not you a a liar!

Putin's 'kleptocracy' is an fantom invented by lying politicians and MSM presstitues.

Right, because Putin never stole billions, ever.


There is no one trustworthy proof.

Putin kicked out Trump from Syria, now from OPEC, Europa is ongoing.
It is clear why MSM presstitutes so outraged.
Putin serves Interests of Russia and not of international banksters.

For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister could move markets with a few choice words about what OPEC may decide at its next meeting, generating millions if not billions of dollars of profit for insiders.

Not anymore. While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Since engineering Russia’s pact with the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries to curb supplies a year ago, Putin has emerged as the group’s most influential player. As one senior OPEC official put it on condition of anonymity, the Russian leader is now “calling all the shots.”

The Kremlin’s growing sway within the cartel reflects a foreign policy that’s designed to counter U.S. influence across the globe through a wide mix of economic, diplomatic, military and intelligence measures. That strategy, which is undergirded by Russia’s vast natural-resource wealth, appears to be working.

“Putin is now the world’s energy czar,” said Helima Croft, a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst who directs global commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets LLC in New York.

Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King

While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin.

Pooty Poot? LOL!
American frackers are now the swing producer.
Russia pumps all out to satisfy Putin's thieving kleptocracy.

Putin's 'kleptocracy' is an fantom invented by lying politicians and MSM presstitues.
You blame Putin a lot, but until now no evidences or proofs from you.
Can you show any hard proof Russia is a Putin's kleptocracy?
Not allegations of presstitutes, 'human rights activists', paid by the West 'Gussky' Fifth Column, 'thoughts' and 'meanings' of western politicians?
If not you a a liar!

Putin's 'kleptocracy' is an fantom invented by lying politicians and MSM presstitues.

Right, because Putin never stole billions, ever.


There is no one trustworthy proof.


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