Putin feels the heat as Erdogan stokes the Caucasus flames


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
one for sure Moscow´s ulus (a primitive form of Asiatic empire) is badly outstretched, Ukraine, Belarus , NATO, China, Syria, Libya, CAR, and today south of Caucasus , no chance that poor and backward gas - station can fight Erdogan in Azerbaijan so what we see in Azerbaijan is pure capitulation of Moscow´s ulus , and its just begging , Natshas are not enough anymore for Turks , new its vanias turn ))) LOL


“The time has come to end the occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan by Armenia,” he thundered.

Patrolling Turkish F-16 fighter jets have attacked Armenian targets. Even without Turkish support, Azerbaijan has used its oil revenues to cultivate a huge military advantage, with 2009-18 military spending totaling $24 billion, compared with a minuscule $4 billion for Armenia. ...

While Turkey has drawn attention to its own participation in the conflict through overheated nationalist rhetoric, Israel has been playing a quieter role in arming Azerbaijan. Between 2006 and 2019 Israel supplied Azerbaijan with about $825 million worth of weapons, while depending heavily on Baku for oil. ...

These events have likewise converted a deeply unnerved Putin into a model multilateralist, meekly holding Zoom meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron and other leaders and issuing statements calling for calm and adherence to international law. What a contrast with Putin’s past proclivities for devouring territories in Ukraine and Georgia! Putin’s instincts for capitalizing on political chaos in Belarus are similarly tempered by his fears of how easily Minsk’s mass protests could be replicated in Moscow.

Erdogan’s provocations are a rude shock to Russian pretentions to being the supreme arbiter between Azerbaijan and Armenia (with Moscow being obligated to the latter’s defense). It would be ironic if the price of Moscow’s shock-and-awe adventures throughout the Middle East was leaving Russia’s Caucasus back door open to Turkish saber rattling. There would be incendiary consequences for Russia if this volatile region again went up in flames.




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