Putin is seeking revenge as his battle plans are being leaked...loses more commanders in Ukraine


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Russian forces face running out of food and the war could be over in weeks

Putin's demoralised and frostbitten troops revealed they thought they would be met with a "victory party" in Ukraine

Putin is reported to even growing wary of his close ally and vacation friend Sergei Shoigu, Russia’s defence minister, in overall charge of the bloody military operation.

His public appearances have been significantly curtailed in the past week, while his younger daughter Ksenia, 31, was seen posing in Ukrainian colours of blue and yellow.

The war is not going good for Putin. Judging from the past, Putin better have a food taster and lots of body guards. This war was a mistake. Putin thought it would be over in days...but how is he getting out of this mess. As the Chinese proverb says:

If you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off
I can't stand Biden....but this is one of the reasons he was hesitant to send arms....the Russian Generals will end up with them.
They have checked only 5 of the 300 stockpiles yet. Very old stuff. I saw bombs and missiles. Some arms were checked in 2021. They will let us know, if they find Nato stuff.
They said they blew up Nato stuff in Odessa, destroyed one of the airport´s terminals full of newly arrived arms.
They have checked only 5 of the 300 stockpiles yet. Very old stuff. I saw bombs and missiles. Some arms were checked in 2021. They will let us know, if they find Nato stuff.
They said they blew up Nato stuff in Odessa, destroyed one of the airport´s terminals full of newly arrived arms.
I am so disgusted with this totally unnecessary war. The poor innocent people of the nation! Who speaks for them? Certainly not Zalensky.


Russian forces face running out of food and the war could be over in weeks

Putin's demoralised and frostbitten troops revealed they thought they would be met with a "victory party" in Ukraine

Putin is reported to even growing wary of his close ally and vacation friend Sergei Shoigu, Russia’s defence minister, in overall charge of the bloody military operation.

His public appearances have been significantly curtailed in the past week, while his younger daughter Ksenia, 31, was seen posing in Ukrainian colours of blue and yellow.

The war is not going good for Putin. Judging from the past, Putin better have a food taster and lots of body guards. This war was a mistake. Putin thought it would be over in days...but how is he getting out of this mess. As the Chinese proverb says:

If you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off
Did you even LOOK at the date of your propaganda, or are you doing this shit on purpose???


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The Russian Army has already re-deployed, this is old ass news, it is irrelevant.

Let's try something on the tactical situation a bit more up to date, shall we? :dunno: (note, this is a pro-Russian source that is interpreting a pro-western analysis, so when he uses the word, "enemy," in terms of the guy he is interpreting, it gets confusing. IMO? I believe he views Ukraine as the "enemy." I don't think there are any enemies in this, except, maybe the Azov battalions.

Strelkov Thinks Russia Doesn’t Have Enough Troops to Pull Off a Donbass Encirclement​

Not enough troops for a deep encirclement, but a shallow one takes them across fortified terrain​

Igor Strelkov 21 Apr 22

A strategic operation without even partial mobilization? Strelkov has doubts
Editor’s note: Strelkov is a notorious naysayer but there is no arguing that the man knows war and he argues his case well. (Even when he takes it a little bit too far.)

". . . If the enemy had few forces, the protection of communications could be partially ignored. But the Armed Forces of Ukraine (thanks to mobilizations) already have enough forces — comparable to the number of our troops in the theater.

Moreover, the enemy has the ability to reduce the frontline and transfer freed forces towards endangered directions – RF does not have complete supremacy in the air simply due to a lack of numbers in attack aviation, and tiny numbers of attack UAVs.

At the same time, the enemy can hold the front line near Donetsk with relatively small forces due to the excellent engineering equipment that has been produced for many years, while our genius politicians were ‘chewing Minsk snivel:

In this regard, I assume that the general lack of forces will not allow the Russian command to carry out “deep coverage in the area of the Dnieper (Dnipropetrovsk). — There simply will not be enough forces for this.. . . "


The optimal deep operation Strelkov is talking about in red (there are no bridges between Dnipro and Zaporozhye so no need to link-up fully) and the shallow operation he thinks will be attempted in purple

". . . Therefore, the offensive will be carried out “along the shortest directions”
— from the north — to Slavyansk-Kramatorsk (maximum on Barvenkovo), from the south — on the Ugledar-Kurakhovo line. Both mentioned operational lines will inevitably lead our troops to face the large, highly fortified, and well-prepared defensive garrisons in numerous city agglomerations. In fact, the enemy still retains control over roads between them, which they can use to continue supplying their troops.

Thus, after some time in these areas, the situation will repeat itself, which already exists in the areas of Rubizhnoye-Severodonetsk, Popasnaya, Avdeevka and Marinka, where the Allied forces are moving forward very slowly and with very heavy losses (especially in the infantry). Or they don’t advance at all (Avdeevka).

The enemy is more than happy with such a way to conduct combat operations. Why? – Because the Armed Forces of Ukraine need another 1.5 to 2 (maximum 3) months to prepare large reserves — not in the form of constant reinforcements into existing forces (they are already happening, supporting on a very decent level the numbers of troops directly engaged in combat), but in the form of detachments that can be used in other strategic directions, while Russian forces are ‘bleeding; storming fortified cities in Donbas.. .. . "

They have no voice.
It pisses me off man! Ukranians are good people.... smart and hardworking! They have suffered under the current leadrship as victims of political bullying by the AZOVS whom the Ukranians are terrified of. Now because their leader is nothing more than a NATO puppet they have no home left. It's bullshit. NATO sucks.
Pootin is supposed to be an Intel expert. But I read today that his army is not even encrypting their messages. They are being duped on the battle field with more determined and more intelligent fighters.

Did you even LOOK at the date of your propaganda, or are you doing this shit on purpose???


View attachment 635289

The Russian Army has already re-deployed, this is old ass news, it is irrelevant.

Let's try something on the tactical situation a bit more up to date, shall we? :dunno: (note, this is a pro-Russian source that is interpreting a pro-western analysis, so when he uses the word, "enemy," in terms of the guy he is interpreting, it gets confusing. IMO? I believe he views Ukraine as the "enemy." I don't think there are any enemies in this, except, maybe the Azov battalions.

Strelkov Thinks Russia Doesn’t Have Enough Troops to Pull Off a Donbass Encirclement​

Not enough troops for a deep encirclement, but a shallow one takes them across fortified terrain​

Igor Strelkov 21 Apr 22

A strategic operation without even partial mobilization? Strelkov has doubts
Editor’s note: Strelkov is a notorious naysayer but there is no arguing that the man knows war and he argues his case well. (Even when he takes it a little bit too far.)

". . . If the enemy had few forces, the protection of communications could be partially ignored. But the Armed Forces of Ukraine (thanks to mobilizations) already have enough forces — comparable to the number of our troops in the theater.

Moreover, the enemy has the ability to reduce the frontline and transfer freed forces towards endangered directions – RF does not have complete supremacy in the air simply due to a lack of numbers in attack aviation, and tiny numbers of attack UAVs.

At the same time, the enemy can hold the front line near Donetsk with relatively small forces due to the excellent engineering equipment that has been produced for many years, while our genius politicians were ‘chewing Minsk snivel:

In this regard, I assume that the general lack of forces will not allow the Russian command to carry out “deep coverage in the area of the Dnieper (Dnipropetrovsk). — There simply will not be enough forces for this.. . . "


The optimal deep operation Strelkov is talking about in red (there are no bridges between Dnipro and Zaporozhye so no need to link-up fully) and the shallow operation he thinks will be attempted in purple

". . . Therefore, the offensive will be carried out “along the shortest directions”
— from the north — to Slavyansk-Kramatorsk (maximum on Barvenkovo), from the south — on the Ugledar-Kurakhovo line. Both mentioned operational lines will inevitably lead our troops to face the large, highly fortified, and well-prepared defensive garrisons in numerous city agglomerations. In fact, the enemy still retains control over roads between them, which they can use to continue supplying their troops.

Thus, after some time in these areas, the situation will repeat itself, which already exists in the areas of Rubizhnoye-Severodonetsk, Popasnaya, Avdeevka and Marinka, where the Allied forces are moving forward very slowly and with very heavy losses (especially in the infantry). Or they don’t advance at all (Avdeevka).

The enemy is more than happy with such a way to conduct combat operations. Why? – Because the Armed Forces of Ukraine need another 1.5 to 2 (maximum 3) months to prepare large reserves — not in the form of constant reinforcements into existing forces (they are already happening, supporting on a very decent level the numbers of troops directly engaged in combat), but in the form of detachments that can be used in other strategic directions, while Russian forces are ‘bleeding; storming fortified cities in Donbas.. .. . "

Comrade Pootin Lover
It pisses me off man! Ukranians are good people.... smart and hardworking! They have suffered under the current leadrship as victims of political bullying by the AZOVS whom the Ukranians are terrified of. Now because their leader is nothing more than a NATO puppet they have no home left. It's bullshit. NATO sucks.
The attack on Odessa has likely caused civilian losses as a house was hit, most likely by the remains of an intercepted missile.
I am so disgusted with this totally unnecessary war. The poor innocent people of the nation! Who speaks for them? Certainly not Zalensky.
would a lying SCUM demonRAT work 4 you?
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Unfortunately the article is old.

Right now, fighting is still going, but seems to be at a draw. Russian forces are completely bogged down, but the Ukrainians are not pushing forward either.

The big news as of late is the Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, stuck in a steel factory while the Russian close in. This isn't completely bad news though.

During the battle of Stalingrad, Soviet forces were outnumbered, outgunned and were being terrorized by total German air superiority. The soviet defenders crawled into the bombed out ruins of the Barrikady gun factory, the Red October plant, the Tractor Factory, the Grain Elevator, etc. and fought from those positions from September, all the way through December and January until relieved by Russian forces coming across the Volga. They held out for a VERY long time. Those in the grain elevator were starving, and dropping dead of thirst. But they kept shooting, and the nazis were held back. The more they shelled, the more rubble the soviets had to hide in. The rubble was actually a help to the soviets, and a detriment to the German invaders. This is what I believe is happening here.

Personally, if I were Zelensky, I'd cede the Donbass to Putin and just say "t' hell with it" and call it a day. However, he deeply cares about Ukrainian pride and national patriotism, so he is going to fight for every square inch of what is known now as Ukraine.

The defenders of Mariupol are fanatics, they will fight to the last.

As for the rest of the Ukrainian army, they just need to keep using innovative tactics and use their knowledge of the land to their advantage. A peace deal, if not a victory can happen if the Ukrainians are smart, and play their cards right.

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