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Putin kicks out 755 American Diplomats...is this part of the Trump collusion?

Now it will be even amount (if I'm not mistaken, 455) of Russian diplomats in USA and American diplomats in Russia. Russia gives American diplomats over a month to pack and to leave. Compare to Obama: just a few days before the New Year Eve he sent out Russian diplomats and gave them only tree days to leave.
US compounds in Moscow: What they lose and what they get to keep (PHOTOS) (a lot of photos!)

The majority of those 755 American "diplomats" were CIA agents anyway.
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Russia Russia Russia.

And NOW THE PLOT THICKENS..............

Congress and the Senate now place Sanctions on Russia for tainting the elections...........psst because Hillary lost.

And so Russia throws out our diplomats...........and we do also..............

Pisses everybody off until our forces start shooting each other.

Tune in tomorrow as WWIII starts and we blow the planet to Kingdom Com...........

Stay turned for another episode of AS THE LUNACY TURNS.

You will blame a war that begins next week on Hillary? Is that it?
You need to get off those meds...............

Sarcasm just flew by you....................I could discuss again how many elections we have meddled in again...........and call them hypocrites but you and your sort would simply ignore it..........or say how the DNC did it in Ukraine but that's okay.........it's Hillary.............

Useless to point out information to a MOB hell bent on burning the place to the ground.

These actions are STUPID..............I don't care that the GOP went down this path as well.

Fuck your sarcasm. You were not being sarcastic when you said: "pssst because Hillary lost". You were being dense.

That is not the reason for the fucking sanctions. The sanctions are a measured response to Russia hacking into private
email accounts and attempted hacks into voter databases.
The question IS? Will the Orange Douche do the signing show on these new Russia sanctions?
NOPE, I say, he will hide behind closed doors during this signing.

But here's a LEAKED Photo for us, seems he's groveling.


We have the Trump/Putin smoking gun.
Russia Russia Russia.

And NOW THE PLOT THICKENS..............

Congress and the Senate now place Sanctions on Russia for tainting the elections...........psst because Hillary lost.

And so Russia throws out our diplomats...........and we do also..............

Pisses everybody off until our forces start shooting each other.

Tune in tomorrow as WWIII starts and we blow the planet to Kingdom Com...........

Stay turned for another episode of AS THE LUNACY TURNS.

You will blame a war that begins next week on Hillary? Is that it?
You need to get off those meds...............

Sarcasm just flew by you....................I could discuss again how many elections we have meddled in again...........and call them hypocrites but you and your sort would simply ignore it..........or say how the DNC did it in Ukraine but that's okay.........it's Hillary.............

Useless to point out information to a MOB hell bent on burning the place to the ground.

These actions are STUPID..............I don't care that the GOP went down this path as well.

Fuck your sarcasm. You were not being sarcastic when you said: "pssst because Hillary lost". You were being dense.

That is not the reason for the fucking sanctions. The sanctions are a measured response to Russia hacking into private
email accounts and attempted hacks into voter databases.

Did Obama sanction himself for spying on AP reporters?
We sabotaged Trump's collusion. You can thank us later.

Cool, so the alleged collusion isn't the reason Trump won because you sabotaged it.

Collusion is how Trump got elected. His fat, dumb ass was caught, and we were able to stop Russia from getting their spoils.
Aaaaat the ongoing Trump debacle
Yep, and it's finally come for Trump. Excuse me while I throw my head back in laughter. :lmao:
Russia Russia Russia.

And NOW THE PLOT THICKENS..............

Congress and the Senate now place Sanctions on Russia for tainting the elections...........psst because Hillary lost.

And so Russia throws out our diplomats...........and we do also..............

Pisses everybody off until our forces start shooting each other.

Tune in tomorrow as WWIII starts and we blow the planet to Kingdom Com...........

Stay turned for another episode of AS THE LUNACY TURNS.
Same thread yesterday, and my same answer--we're not going to start WWIII over a couple of diplomatic compounds and some out of work embassy workers. Trump had no choice but to sign the legislation, since the Congress was going to override his veto if he didn't, and that would be embarrassing. Putin had no choice but to show his anger (some theater there for his rubes) and put on his "how dare you" routine, but all reports are that in important areas, Russia continues to work with us on solutions.
Russia Russia Russia.

And NOW THE PLOT THICKENS..............

Congress and the Senate now place Sanctions on Russia for tainting the elections...........psst because Hillary lost.

And so Russia throws out our diplomats...........and we do also..............

Pisses everybody off until our forces start shooting each other.

Tune in tomorrow as WWIII starts and we blow the planet to Kingdom Com...........

Stay turned for another episode of AS THE LUNACY TURNS.

You will blame a war that begins next week on Hillary? Is that it?
You need to get off those meds...............

Sarcasm just flew by you....................I could discuss again how many elections we have meddled in again...........and call them hypocrites but you and your sort would simply ignore it..........or say how the DNC did it in Ukraine but that's okay.........it's Hillary.............

Useless to point out information to a MOB hell bent on burning the place to the ground.

These actions are STUPID..............I don't care that the GOP went down this path as well.

Fuck your sarcasm. You were not being sarcastic when you said: "pssst because Hillary lost". You were being dense.

That is not the reason for the fucking sanctions. The sanctions are a measured response to Russia hacking into private
email accounts and attempted hacks into voter databases.
You ready to do the same to Obama, Hillary and the rest...........for doing the same damned thing......

Countries throughout history spy on each other.......and they try to do things to get people elected that would better the interests of countries trying to influence...............

We have a long history of it...........China does it........Hell everybody does it and suddenly it's so shocking.

Obama administration spied on German media, government - CNNPolitics.com

On Thursday, Germany's intelligence coordinator, Günter Heiss, testified before a parliamentary investigative committee of the German parliament, the Bundestag, focused on the activities of the U.S. National Security Agency's spying on Germany and whether the German intelligence agency BND had any knowledge of it.
That the NSA was spying on German officials is not new, though it continues to upset free press advocates and those with memories of repressive governments both Communist and Nazi. In 2013, the German magazine Der Spiegel, using information gleaned from files stolen and leaked by Edward Snowden, first reported that the NSA was intercepting German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cell phone communications.
On Thursday, WikiLeaks released more information, presumably from that surveillance, from a conversation between Merkel and her personal assistant in October 2011, saying the Chancellor "professed to be at a loss" between two courses of action to take in the Greek financial crisis. The WikiLeaks release also suggested that the NSA was spying on German ministers in addition to Merkel. The U.S. ambassador to Germany, John Emerson, was summoned to meet with the Chancellery chief of staff, Peter Altmaier, to discuss the news.

Less observed this week was news that the NSA was eavesdropping not only on Merkel, but also in some capacity on Germany's free press, specifically Der Spiegel.

Is Germany Sanctioning us for Obama doing the same damned crap
Trump is being dragged by Congress, kicking and screaming, to sign those sanctions into law.

The collusion has nothing to do with this. You think Putin wanted Trump in office so he could
play nice with America? He wanted him there so he could fuck with us...and so we'd have a dumb
shit as POTUS.


If I was Putin, I would kick ever fucking one of those "diplomats" out. Putin isn't under obligation to let them squat in his country.....especially since their employer is trying to put as many financial restrictions on Russia as possible.
But it’s not just the Russians who are upset with the sanctions. As we wrote last month, Germany and Austria have fumed that the sanctions threaten European energy interests, by targeting (among other European-Russian ventures) the Gazprom co-financed Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany. For the bill’s European enemies—among them the Netherlands and France, who have been quieter in their opposition than Germany—the sanctions are a thinly veiled excuse to promote American LNG exports and meddle in the European energy market. And top German business leaders are already mulling retaliation, as Reuters reports: The Sanctions Blowback From the EU Begins
The Obama Administration Allegedly Spied on Pro-Israel Activists. Did They Do the Same to Trump?

The accusation that the Obama administration used information gleaned from classified foreign surveillance to smear and blackmail its political opponents at home has gained new traction in recent days, after reports that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice may have been rifling through classified transcripts for over a year that could have included information about Donald Trump and his associates. While using resources that are supposed to keep Americans safe from terrorism for other purposes may be a dereliction of duty, it is no more of a crime than spending all day on Twitter instead of doing your job. The crime here would be if she leaked the names of U.S. citizens to reporters. In the end, the seriousness of the accusation against Rice and other former administration officials who will be caught up in the “unmasking” scandal will rise or fall based on whether or not Donald Trump was actively engaged in a conspiracy to turn over the keys of the White House to the Kremlin. For true believers in the Trump-Kremlin conspiracy theories, the Obama “spying and lying” scandal isn’t a scandal at all; just public officials taking prudent steps to guard against an imminent threat to the republic.
Can someone please explain why the US taxpayer should pay for 700+ Russia diplomats?????????

We can get along fine with 30.

BIG GOVERNMENT must be cut. Thank you, Vlad Putin, for finally cutting it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Putin is expelling American diplomats to cover up the collusion. We know...
The Obama Administration Allegedly Spied on Pro-Israel Activists. Did They Do the Same to Trump?

The accusation that the Obama administration used information gleaned from classified foreign surveillance to smear and blackmail its political opponents at home has gained new traction in recent days, after reports that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice may have been rifling through classified transcripts for over a year that could have included information about Donald Trump and his associates. While using resources that are supposed to keep Americans safe from terrorism for other purposes may be a dereliction of duty, it is no more of a crime than spending all day on Twitter instead of doing your job. The crime here would be if she leaked the names of U.S. citizens to reporters. In the end, the seriousness of the accusation against Rice and other former administration officials who will be caught up in the “unmasking” scandal will rise or fall based on whether or not Donald Trump was actively engaged in a conspiracy to turn over the keys of the White House to the Kremlin. For true believers in the Trump-Kremlin conspiracy theories, the Obama “spying and lying” scandal isn’t a scandal at all; just public officials taking prudent steps to guard against an imminent threat to the republic.

Trump should do the same thing for the 2018 elections.

Obama was the perfect POTUS, so it will be amazing if Trump does exactly what Obama did and use the intelligence apparatus to spy on political opponents.
The Obama Administration Allegedly Spied on Pro-Israel Activists. Did They Do the Same to Trump?

The accusation that the Obama administration used information gleaned from classified foreign surveillance to smear and blackmail its political opponents at home has gained new traction in recent days, after reports that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice may have been rifling through classified transcripts for over a year that could have included information about Donald Trump and his associates. While using resources that are supposed to keep Americans safe from terrorism for other purposes may be a dereliction of duty, it is no more of a crime than spending all day on Twitter instead of doing your job. The crime here would be if she leaked the names of U.S. citizens to reporters. In the end, the seriousness of the accusation against Rice and other former administration officials who will be caught up in the “unmasking” scandal will rise or fall based on whether or not Donald Trump was actively engaged in a conspiracy to turn over the keys of the White House to the Kremlin. For true believers in the Trump-Kremlin conspiracy theories, the Obama “spying and lying” scandal isn’t a scandal at all; just public officials taking prudent steps to guard against an imminent threat to the republic.

Trump should do the same thing for the 2018 elections.

Obama was the perfect POTUS, so it will be amazing if Trump does exactly what Obama did and use the intelligence apparatus to spy on political opponents.
In the same article and others like it Obama used the NSA to spy on Israel and tried to influence the elections there.............


Carson: Spying on Israel 'truly disgraceful'

Ben Carson is lashing out at the Obama administration over National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance of Israel.

“It is truly disgraceful that the Obama administration has spied on [Israeli] Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu, his colleagues and pro-Israel lawmakers in Congress,” the GOP presidential candidate said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Instead of focusing on deterring the Iran nuclear threat and fighting against the mullahs who chant, ‘death to America,’ President Obama has treated Israel, our staunch, democratic ally in the Middle East, as his real enemy,” Carson continued.
“Not only did he not curtail surveillance of our close friend, he has once again proven himself to be a president that our enemies need not fear and our friends cannot trust.”

Carson tied Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton to the surveillance.

“No doubt President Obama’s former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew of the administration’s spying efforts on Israel,” he said. "It is shameful that she participated in undermining the U.S.-Israel relationship
The Obama Administration Allegedly Spied on Pro-Israel Activists. Did They Do the Same to Trump?

The accusation that the Obama administration used information gleaned from classified foreign surveillance to smear and blackmail its political opponents at home has gained new traction in recent days, after reports that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice may have been rifling through classified transcripts for over a year that could have included information about Donald Trump and his associates. While using resources that are supposed to keep Americans safe from terrorism for other purposes may be a dereliction of duty, it is no more of a crime than spending all day on Twitter instead of doing your job. The crime here would be if she leaked the names of U.S. citizens to reporters. In the end, the seriousness of the accusation against Rice and other former administration officials who will be caught up in the “unmasking” scandal will rise or fall based on whether or not Donald Trump was actively engaged in a conspiracy to turn over the keys of the White House to the Kremlin. For true believers in the Trump-Kremlin conspiracy theories, the Obama “spying and lying” scandal isn’t a scandal at all; just public officials taking prudent steps to guard against an imminent threat to the republic.

Trump should do the same thing for the 2018 elections.

Obama was the perfect POTUS, so it will be amazing if Trump does exactly what Obama did and use the intelligence apparatus to spy on political opponents.
In the same article and others like it Obama used the NSA to spy on Israel and tried to influence the elections there.............



Obama interfered with Israeli elections to undermine Netanyahu and also Brexit.

No one listened to him.

He is a massive fucking hypocrite.
So Putin kicked out 755 "diplomats..."

Thanks, Vlad. I had no idea our state dept was so incredibly overbloated. I wonder how many of those "Russian diplomats" were present in Ferguson to riot about Michael Brown....

WE DO NOT NEED 700 DIPLOMATS in any country.

40 is plenty.

24 years of traitors in the WH has produced ridiculous "overstaffing" of cushy "jobs" at taxpayer expense.

Thank you, Vlad Putin, for doing what is best for America that the GOP and Dems will not...

1. exposing BIG GOVERNMENT waste
2. cutting it
Well I must say Putin has had more patience than I would have had all these years with Obama trying to poke him and piss him off. Pay back is a bitch finally with this insane sanctions bill all based on the lie that the "Russians hacked the election".

A complete and utter fucking lie that now has us in a new Cold War because the fucking D's blame their loss on the Russians WITH NO PROOF.
reports that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice may have been rifling through classified transcripts for over a year that could have included information about Donald Trump and his associates.

The police can stake out a whore house. But they can't force innocent people to break the law. They catch who they catch. And ther Trump associates visited too many russians, and then lied about doing it. If their meetings were innocent, they would have told us about them, rather than risk perjury and obstruction charges for lying.

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