Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

The Ukraine has shot down a civilian airliner. The Ukraine is the one with a history of shooting civilians out of the air.

And they have admitted it. A Russian airliner.
Putin would have absolutely no reason to shoot down a civilian airliner.
On the other hand the Ukrainians shooting down the airliner and blaming it on Russia and or the pro Russian rebels have everything to gain by keeping the anti Russian sentiment going world wide.

Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner

By Ben Aris in Moscow

12:01AM BST 13 Oct 2001

Ukraine finally admitted yesterday that its military shot down a Russian airliner that crashed into the Black Sea last week, killing all 78 passengers and crew.

Evhen Marchuk, the chairman of Ukraine's security council, conceded that the plane had probably been brought down by "an accidental hit from an S-200 rocket fired during exercises".

Russian investigators believe a missile exploded near the plane, spraying it with shrapnel.

Ukraine admits it shot down Russian airliner - Telegraph
Putin, being Russian, constitutionally would not be eligible to be U.S. President. "Would not" if things hadn't been changed by Marxist-leaning liberals to allow their boy to ascend.
Still ignoring the fact that circumstances have changed in Iraq since 2011, I see. Oh well, can't help you when you are so committed to remaining stupid. :dunno:

Yes, they HAVE changed. Just like everyone with a brain said it would. That's called having VISION, anticipating things before they happen, and doing something about it.

Unlike this campaigner-in-chief that couldn't manage a snowball stand.

First of all, it's because the circumstances changed that the Iraqi's willingness to accept an immunity agreement changed, something which is beyond your limited comprehension -- and secondly, if everyone with a brain had the vision this would happen, then why did Bush decide to end the war? What happened to his own policy of "when the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down?"



Actually, whatever is happening in Iraq today is still "Iraq after Bush". Bush didn't finish or win Iraq. He left it and Afganistan unresolved. We all knew this shit would happen. It is why HW Bush didn't go into Bagdad in the first Iraq war. He said this would happen.

Fact is, no one but Saddam could run Iraq. We need Saddam back or someone like him. Hopefully the next one doesn't have two sicko sons like Uday and Koosay Hussain.
The Ukraine has shot down a civilian airliner. The Ukraine is the one with a history of shooting civilians out of the air.

And they have admitted it. A Russian airliner.
Ukraine apologized for a possible mistake, never admitting it was certain to have been their doing, made during military drills over the Black Sea. No one than or now, including the Russians made a case that it was done on purpose. Many problems arose over the incident, such as why was the aircraft flying in the airspace known to be used during the training drills.

Russia has a long history of purposeful targeting of civilian aircraft starting with the downing of a Finish passenger carrier in 1940. More recently are the shoot downs by military jets of Korean Airlines 902 and 007. There has never been a dispute that these planes were targeted and purposely shot down by USSR warplanes and pilots.

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