Putin: Obama 'weak', Maybe I'll Defeat Isis....

This SHIT, you fucking pond scum subversives keep posting, does get tiring after awhile. Because many of us admire Putin's ABILITY, DEFINITIVE POSITIONS on issues, and his support of TRADITIONAL RUSSIAN VALUES, keeps the mother fucking gays, religion haters, multi-culturists, and the fucked up morals of you subversive scum, under his thumb, doesn't mean we've made him a hero. It means we compare him to the obumanation, and see a ruthless man, who deals with all subjects that comes his way, in an immediate, and unmoving way, while the half white douchebag, in the White House, flip flops, lies, talks out of one side of his mouth and does something else, refuses to take action on pressing matters, and would rather play 18 rounds of golf, then do the job that he supposedly fought so hard to win. One is a man, I wouldn't want to fuck with, the other is a BOY that is spoiled, and a narcissists!

But you little subversives keep dreaming your wet dreams, and enjoy your delusion!

And again, that the OP and most others on the right have made a brutal, ruthless dictator such as Putin their hero comes and no surprise, it's indeed consistent with the authoritarian nature of conservatives.

Since when is an elected President of a country a dictator? I expect more from you.

Agreeing with Putin's criticism of Obama is hardly calling him a hero. Many of his (Putin's) remarks are cheap shots, but he is spot on with others.
Obama is building a strong Russia, just wait until Obama's last year in office.

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