Putin Orders Withdrawal Of Russian Forces From Syria

Catherine Shakdam is a political analyst, writer and commentator for the Middle East with a special focus on radical movements and Yemen:

The world stood still this week when Moscow said it would begin withdrawing its forces from Syria. The question on everyone’s lips: What made Russia abandon its position in the ME?

Without political dealing, leaning and wrangling, Russia did what Russia set out to do in the first place: create a space within which Syria would be able to safely negotiate, devise and carve its future - away from foreign interventionism, latent neo-colonialism, and of course the danger of radicalism.

There are two main factors most have lost sight of when considering Russia’s Syrian exit strategy: First, Putin’s intervention in Syria was never about winning the war against ISIL, or even asserting President Bashar al-Assad’s position over his people. Second, Russia entered the military fray under a strict invitation from Damascus for a predetermined period of time.

Russia, it needs to be remembered, is not guided by America’s exceptionalism playbook, but international law. There is no underlying Russian territorial ambitions, no desire to utilize Terror to better chip away at a state’ sovereignty – and this in itself is marvelously refreshing.

Make no mistake here, Putin’s decision, however sudden and seemingly unpredictable, does not underline a change of strategy or political flip-flopping. No power scared Russia away… Russia’s withdrawal is neither a military defeat, nor is it a sign of political taming.

I would venture to say that Putin’s move out of Syria, like his decision to get in, is rooted in sheer strategic genius … yes, you read that right: genius. Rather than allow for his country to be dragged into neocons murky waters, Putin carved a way through, reinventing foreign policy outside the system. How many countries can claim political innovation at such a level? How many heads of state have managed to not just look beyond, but above to find an alternative to global war?

Before I delve into what I believe to be Putin’s magic chess move, allow me to level the field a little on what is turning out to be THE political gossip of the month: Russia’s grand demobilization.

If Russia has recalled its planes and its personnel, Moscow is not exactly abandoning Damascus to the fury of ISIL - nothing that dramatic. I would argue that realities on the ground completely lack sensationalism. For starters, Russia did not just take-off to greener pastures – military continuity has been secured through a carefully laid out military cooperation plan, whereby the Syrian Arab Army was granted temporary custody of Russia’s S-400 missile system.

But back to President Putin’s master plan. His Syrian gamble could soon be remembered as THE one defining moment which allowed for Syria to win its war against both neo-colonialism and terrorism. In one smooth political stroke, Russia flipped one grand narrative of war on its head, literally stealing the wind from belligerent military powers’ sails. Not without irony, President Putin also deprived Western politicians from their favorite scapegoat: Russia. Who will the world blame now for Syria?
Putin’s Syrian strategy: Not guided by playbook of American exceptionalism
Russian fighter jets leave Syria - for dummies: Back to the original script: Turkey on the ground to crush the rebels
Back to the original script, changed in 2013. Russia bombing since Sept 2015 was part of the alternative script.

Turkey replaces Russia in attempt to crush freedom loving syrians
To let the fake sunnis of turkish gov put officially boots on the ground to do what iranian/hezbollah on the ground and russian and US jets were not able to do.

The orginal script that was first modified in 2013
It was the fake sunni government of Turkey that was oringally scripted to supress the revolt in Syria.
Reason: the enemy is much easiert to destroy if it perceives the incoming force as friends (alias traitors) rather than enemies.
The script was modified because after the rebels abandoned Al-Qusayr first and Homs later, illuminati became convinced that it was possible to defeat the rebels with iranian and lebanese Hezbollah alone.
As in Sep 2014 it became clear that this would not be the case the Illuminati were forced to
- start the air strikes by the US led coalition, supposedly targeting ISIS but in fact the real rebels.
- increase yet again the number of sh'ia militias, resorting even to iraqis.
As despite all this one year later it became clear that things were in fact getting worst (Idlib, Ariha) illuminati had to resort to Russia instead of Turkey.
Reason: there were already too many iranian, iraqis and lebanese shia on the ground.
This made it less grotesque to have for the first time attacking the same enemy the first rather than the second of these alternatives:
1. both Russia and the US for the first time air bombing in the same skies
2. supposedly sunni Turkey and the shis shock troops on the ground.

Crushing syrian rebels script same as disarm citizens at the end of the day
2013 Syria: Increasing the number of foreign shi'a troops (and adding russian Sukhois, MIGs and cruise misssiles since Oct 2015) instead sending the turkish army:
this was exactly what happened with the orginal "Disarm US citizens" script.
it was McCain who was oringally scripted to becomes president 2008, same for with Romney, when the act had to be repeated in 2012 because the script had to be changed.
After having disarmed US citizens the actor in the role of "republican impostor" would be stripped, to let "democrat" Hitlery Clinton become the 44th president, successor of Bush.
At the end of the day it's Obama who had to start playing this role.

Turkey downs russian jet hoax computer graphics video same as 9/11 planes or almost all videos "Russia and US led coalition bombing ISIS oil wells trucks".
Exceptions: grain silos in rebel held areas marketed as ISIS refineries, trucks supplying oil to rebel held areas (Azaz) marketed as attacks to ISIS trucks exporting oil to Turkey.
To what lengths illuminati mock human cattle with agents Erdogan, "Putin", Netanyahu:
Illuminati Theater: Turkey downs russian jet hoax computer graphics video same as 9/11 planes

Disarm the US citizens - the ONE and ONLY task that still must be completed in the US and EU, ever since systemic collapse in July 2007.
The changes in script ever since show
- how weak the illuminati are;
- how totally brainwashed the human cattle is, allowing the illuminati, despite their weakness, to transport them to the slaughterhouse.
Citizens Disarmed Agenda: TRAITORS role in DISARM SCRIPT: NRA to republican impostor

March 16, 2016 - Kremlin announces that russian jets will immediately start vanishing from syrian skies.
This suggested that the script was modified to "Turkey replaces Russia in attempt to crush freedom loving syrians".
Goal: to let the fake sunnis of turkish gov put officially boots on the ground to do what iranian/hezbollah on the ground and russian and US jets were not able to do.
In other words: revert to the original script, changed in 2013. Russia bombing since Sept 2015 was part of this ongoing alternative script.

Four days later: It's now clear that
"Russian jets leave Syria" was NOT reverting to the oringal script
It was a remake of the Ides of March 21015, again a Moscow related satanic mockery.

Ides of March 2016: Russia retreats from Syria: Leonardo di Caprio, Oskar, Wajda, fake plane crash at Rostov-on-Don

Ides of March 2015:
Illuminati stage a satanic mockery of the ongoing destruction of Russia from within the Kremlin, using "Putin" as main suicide bomber.
The climax of "Putin vanishes for two weeks of March": fake Putin torches Novodevichy monastery next to the Kremlin during the Ides of March.
A detail that was referred by Last Prophet when exposing this in March 2015 and as stated in Wikipedia:
"The Novodevichy Convent was founded in 1524 to celebrate the taking of Smolensk from Lithuania, an important step in Moscow’s conquest of the old Kyivan Rus lands."
Smolensk is also a KEY to get how the Kremlin related Ides of March would be staged one year later:

Ides of March 2016: satanic mockery of syrian genocide and Putin as classic bomber
Syrians gassed in parallel, with chemical weapons in Syria and since Sep 25, 2015, also in Europe, in gas chambers of the extermination camps for refugees:
- Moscow announces Russia fighter jets to immediately vanish from Syrian skies.
- European Council president Donald Tusk is about to announce ""We agreed that all irregular migrants coming from Turkey into Greek islands as from 20 March, this Sunday, will be returned to Turkey".

Ides of March 2016: Rostov-on-Don and Smolensk fake crashes, two sides of the same coin
March 19, 2016 - Six years after Smolensk, Illuminati stage the second fake airliner crash in Russia, again near Russia's border.
This as Poland's president is the twin brother of most famous among the "96 mostly senior officials" in the list of the 2010 "victims": Lech Kaczynski, president at that time.
But this time the crash isn't in the west, near Poland, but in the south, near Novorussia, that "Putin" continues to call Ukraine.
The "dead" this time are only "russian tourists". But don't be mislead by the fact that this time the rewriting History agenda is not what explains the choice of the "passengers".

Rewriting History was again the decisive factor to chose not only the location but also the timing for the Rostov-on-on fake crash:
Earlier in March: "Poland marked the 90 birthday of leading filmmaker Andrzej Wajda" while "93 years old SS Auschwitz guard Oskar Groenig on trial" is still ongoing.
A good start point to get the picture is another related event staged on the first day of March: "Leonardo di Caprio finally gets his Oscar".

ALL this exposed first by Last Prophet:
Satanic celebrations: Ides of March and Moscow: from 1917 to 1939 and 2015: fake Putin torches Novodevichy monastery next to the Kremlin.
From simply destroying yet another historical church to passing truth in plain sight about "Putin" setting the Kremlin on fire since 2010.
Satanic Celebrations: Ides of March: "Putin" torches Novodevichy monastery - Moscow 1917, 1939, 2015

March 6, Poland marks 90 birthday of leading filmmaker Andrzej Wajda, four days after "Leonardo di Caprio finally got his first official Oscar", a script exposed in 2014:
SS guard Oskar Groening on trial really is Poland's star filmmaker Andrzej Wajda.
Illuminati Actors: Poland filmmaker Andrzej Wajda ris also SS guard Oskar Groening on trial

March 19 - Rostov-on-Don FlyDubai low-cost operator: Timing for fake Putin to again host a fake airliner crash
Vladimir Putin and family murdered and replaced by impostors: Timing: '"Putin" hosts fake plane crash again: Rostov-on-Don FlyDubai

Leonardo di Caprio finally gets oscar: the end is nigh alias impossible result script exposed 2014
Simulated reality terminated NOW: Christian Bale alias Tom Cruise will get LAST OSCAR for actor in a leading role
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Chief of the main operations department of the Russian General Staff Sergey Rudskoy said in a statement published by RT website that the Russian-US consultations, which took place in Amman on March 18, demonstrate that “the American side is not ready for a focused discussion and work on the agreement’s text.” “The delays with bringing into force the agreed rules for reacting to violations of the cessation of hostilities in Syria are not acceptable. Every day, provocations and shelling there kill civilians,” he added.

“After receiving the US position on this document, we developed and sent a compromise draft agreement to the United States on March 5,” the official noted, adding that the Russian side proposed holding “expert consultations within the shortest time possible on agreeing its text.”

And as the consultations in Amman showed the US lack of readiness, the Russian side has decided to take moves.

“If the Russian Federation gets no response from the United States to these proposals, it will proceed starting March 22 to unilateral application of the rules specified in the Agreement,” Rudskoy. “We emphasize that military force will be used only after we receive credible evidence of systematic violations by armed groups of the commitments made within the framework of the Joint US-Russian statement on the cessation of hostilities in Syria as of February 22, 2016. Military force will not be used against the groups, observing the cessation of hostilities, as well as against the civilian population and civilian facilities,” he added.

In a relevant context, head of the Russian Federation Council’s defense committee Viktor Ozerov said on Monday that Russia will strike terrorist groups breaching the cessation of hostilities agreement in Syria even if they claim to belong to the “moderate opposition”. “If terrorists disguise themselves as moderate opposition and declare that they have joined the cessation of hostilities agreement, while only doing so in order to achieve favorable conditions for new attacks, of course, Russia cannot overlook this,” he added.

Russia to Directly Strike Violators of Syria Ceasefire
America does not want to be associated with a victory like the one Putin had in Ukraine. He left Donetsk a shit hole that will take decades to recover from.
Well, Camp, Obama and his administration created, breeded and supported both ISIS in Syria and Nazis in Ukraine. In 2014 many people believed Western propaganda about “Russia occupied Ukraine”, but not as many in 2015 and 2016.

* By New Cold War.org, April 24, 2015–As many as 1,000 people rallied on April 22 outside the U.S. embassy in Kyiv condemning the war in eastern Ukraine and the intervention of foreign militaries in support of that war. View a video of the rally here or by clicking the screen below.

Placards held by protesters at the rally included “USA: Thanks for poverty” and “We are not cattle”. The latter slogan refers to the military conscription of the Kyiv government as well as the NATO-driven war in eastern Ukraine for which conscription was implemented one year ago. ‘Ukrainian media completely ignored the protest’(as did Western media!)

Ukrainian citizens were demanding to stop the war and the economical catastrophe in their country from the representatives of a foreign country: it may look like nonsense but it is a cruel reality for Ukraine, which is totally under the external control from USA now.
One thousand people rally at U.S. embassy in Kyiv against war in Ukraine - New Cold War: Ukraine and Beyond

* Of course, Washington’s conventional wisdom is that America only wants “democracy” for the people of Ukraine and that Russian President Vladimir Putin provoked this confrontation as part of an imperialist design to reclaim Russian territory lost during the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. But that “group think” doesn’t withstand examination. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Who’s Telling the Big Lie on Ukraine?”]

The Ukraine crisis was provoked not by Putin but by a combination of the European Union’s reckless move to expand its influence eastward and the machinations of U.S. neoconservatives who were angered by Putin’s collaboration with President Barack Obama to tamp down confrontations in Syria and Iran, two neocon targets for “regime change.”
Behind Washington’s Demonization Of Putin: Graft For Hunter Biden, Shaft For Collaboration On Iran & Syria

* Caught in the act: German state channel accused of faking Russian soldiers in Ukraine
Caught in the act: German state channel accused of faking Russian soldiers in Ukraine

* On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko, who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Poroshenko was trying to throw so much BS, I couldn’t help laughing at each answer of his.

(Min. 9 of the video attached): Journalist to Poroshenko: Have you ever considered the possibility that Europe needs Russia more than it needs you? It needs Russia for an agreement with Iran, it needs Russia to get an agreement on Syria, it needs Russia to combat ISIS. May be it needs Russia more than it needs Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that they care more about offending Russia than pleasing you?

(Min. 10.47): Minsk agreements.
Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?
Why are your Grads missiles launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.
So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.
So, they got it wrong?
But you and OSCE can’t both be right.
So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

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