Putin sent a message of disrespect and dominance to D. Trump by broadcasting naked photos of Trump’s wife and US First Lady Melania Trump on RT 🇷🇺TV

The images on Russia 1 are taken from a French "documentary" called Looking for Melania.

It was produced by "political journalist" Laura Haim, who makes it very clear she hates Melania and all things American. Just a typical euro-leftist hack job and not very well done at that.

Old news...

I haven't seen a translation of the segment, but I would not be surprised if the purpose was to point out to Trump that a French film maker went after Melania.
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MAGA: The pee tape doesn't exist!

Putin releases the pee tape.

MAGA: Who doesn't have a pee tape?

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Fuck you're stoopid, MAGAtard. Putin is humiliating your Orange God.

But keep on whoring for him, cultist

TDS has rotted your brain.

I find it very entertaining that lefties are trotting out Scott Ritter and Russia1 now.

I guess the irony escapes you.

Fact is, if Biden and NATO wanted to push Russia out of Ukraine, it would have happened the winter of 2022. Biden has always been cowed by Putin, and has consistently been the last one to the party.
so It is a reminder to Trump that despot , ex KGB agent Saddam Putsein is the boss...and that he can just easily send something else....
Gullible Democrats and their fake media operatives are a far greater threat than Putin's puppets.
whether she is humiliated.

Funny, that you think she should be humiliated by doing the same thing that half the "actresses" you all idolize so much have done, flagrantly.

Don't act shocked. We know you better.

Sorry you Ho Chi Men Harris.

So you need to lash out.

Bless Your Heart
Lol, lash out. Hilarious. Your first lady is a ho plain and simple. Not my problem you are either a retard or a liar. Ole Donny likes himself women of easy virtue doesn't he? Lol. Hey to each his own. You would have thought daddy would have told him not to wife them up though. Hilarious
Democrats have done it already. Several times. Far more viciously.
we talk here about 🇷🇺 RT vs Trump, if you dont mind. Moscow imperialists do care about pictures of Melania from her modeling days but Everything (in Moscow) happens for a reason. Why was tsar 🇷🇺 Putin authorizing this? What does he want to achieve with it?

we talk here about 🇷🇺 RT vs Trump, if you dont mind. Moscow imperialists do care about pictures of Melania from her modeling days but Everything (in Moscow) happens for a reason. Why was tsar 🇷🇺 Putin authorizing this? What does he want to achieve with it?

I don't care. Why would you?
Trump has a Hot Wife.

Yes we know.
i war right ...that was a Kremlin massage to Trump

I don't care. Why would you?
you dont, but many in US AND IN 🇷🇺 MOSCOW DO CARE

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