Putin's no-show at BRICS summit testifies to Russia's isolation – CNN


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The non-appearance of Vladimir Putin at the BRICS summit testifies to the isolation of the Russian Federation and the very limited opportunities for the Russian president to move around the world.

Source: CNN

Details: Putin will not go to the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, which will be held this week, the media writes.

Putin's non-participation eloquently testifies to the isolation of Russia and the narrowing of the horizons of the Russian leader, CNN states.

The media says that Putin used to be a person to be noticed. However, the world perceived him differently after he invaded Ukraine. Now the Russian leader is absent from the world political arena.

In March, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin for his participation in the scheme to deport Ukrainian children to Russia.

In almost every way imaginable, Russia is worse off today than it was before Putin ordered his ill-fated invasion of Ukraine.
lol BRICS was touted as Duh End Of Duh U.S. Dollar n Stuff. Putin didn't attend because it's dead; none of the countries in it are solvent, and their banking systems are all dependent on the dollar almost exclusively.
lol BRICS was touted as Duh End Of Duh U.S. Dollar n Stuff. Putin didn't attend because it's dead; none of the countries in it are solvent, and their banking systems are all dependent on the dollar almost exclusively.
Never underestimate the adversary, the world changes on a dime in the new global economy.
Never underestimate the adversary, the world changes on a dime in the new global economy.

Massive corruption always has the same results, always has, always will. Nothing new under the sun. Boom and bust cycles are not accidents. Shitholes like Africa and North Korea are not accidents.
That is because South Africa is the host nation. Had it been China or even India, that asshole would have been invited.
Massive corruption always has the same results, always has, always will. Nothing new under the sun. Boom and bust cycles are not accidents. Shitholes like Africa and North Korea are not accidents.
For decades the West laughed at China, than we propped them up and see the danger they pose way too late.

I am here at this hour due to a major headache, but I am still wise enough to know the threats that loom to U.S influence, you underestimate their objectives at your own peril. Yes Putin is not popular, but this goes beyond him alone.
Wow, this thread is full of garbage and misinformation.

Many of the leaders are participating via remote access, as is Putin. Of course, the west, and a standing INTERPOL warrant out for him, so going in person, would be a risk for the leader of Russia.

His not going, has nothing to do with political isolation though.

Nor are the economies of BRICS necessarily doing poorly. IN fact, many nations, including France, are applying for inclusion, and the Anglo-American, forced uni-polar world order, would seem to be dissolving?

IMO? Folks should expand their sources of news, and not limit themselves. The future is coming up quick, and one might not want to be taken by surprise. In the modern era, there should be no excuse for it.

22 Countries to Attend BRICS Summit​

France Says Macron Hopes To Attend BRICS Summit​

BRICS Confident in New Expansion Criteria Ahead of 2023 Summit​

BRICS and Nukes and LNG – the energy transition few are expecting​

July 11, 2023

". . . Here’s a quick rundown of some of the bigger components that are largely met with unease, hostility, or shouting, and yet they are the future.

The first is the global rise of LNG as a fuel of choice for the coming decades. Country after country is signing LNG supply deals for 20 years or even more, contracts which are supporting the construction of infrastructure at either end – terminals to load LNG onto ships, and receiving terminals to distribute it to energy-starved countries. The US is expected to go from exporting zero LNG a decade ago towards exports of up to 30 billion cubic feet per day by the end of the decade, and the list of consuming nations is long and desperate to get what they can.

Emissions-wise, this makes total sense, because for much of the developing world the choice is coal, LNG, or nothing. Offers of endless solar fields are not amusing when the population wants refrigerators and air conditioners, at a minimum. But these developing countries must face the juggernaut of policy emanating from the west that does not want them to develop hydrocarbons of any sort. What to do?

And that brings us to BRICS, one of the big developing geopolitical entities that is being forced into existence.

Ten or fifteen years ago, a group of countries – Brazil, Russia, India China, and South Africa – formed what should have been BRICSA but for whatever reason they settled on BRICS. The original group took shape only as a method of attracting investment by highlighting opportunities, but over time it morphed into a more concrete organization, with their governments meeting regularly to develop policies that would benefit all members.

All well and good, however one would think – particularly here in the west – that the BRICS organization would be somewhat on its back heels and hiding behind a shrub with Russia being one of the key members. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been the biggest, worst setback to global peace in a long time.

It was with some surprise then that stories appeared in the news earlier this year about how multiple countries were looking to join BRICS. Bloomberg ran a story in April 2023 outlining 19 countries that submitted bids for membership.

In a startling sign of some of that change people talk about, the number of BRICS applicants reading for the hazing rituals has grown to a shocking 41 countries. The original BRICS group had about 3.2 billion citizens; the new applicants will add another 1.7 billion bringing the total BRICS population – if all join – to almost 5 billion people.

Compare this total to ‘the west’s’ population; if one includes philosophical teammates like Japan and Australia in the count along with western Europe, the US and Canada gives a population of under 1 billion.

The rush to join BRICS is from everywhere. South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia… even Mexico. The group is holding a summit in August with plans to potentially introduce a new currency.

This group is willing to join with the west’s pariah, Russia, because it sees a path towards defining its own future, and you can bet that energy is a large part of that. Why should 5 billion people take orders from the west with regards to what is and what is not allowable in terms of energy development?

Western stances on energy are absolutely bizarre, and from the other side of the developmental wall, must be at best perplexing and at most infuriating. Activists groups from Europe and the US push to prevent development of the East African Oil Pipeline, while Canada builds one, President Biden urges American producers to drill more, and Europeans build LNG terminals and burn coal. . . ."
I could be wrong, but I think all this BRICS shit is a joke. The Russians and chinks ARE NOT "friends". Friendly nations do not stage armored vehicles and troops on their borders and occasionally clash, and the chinks are also in conflict with India. Brazil is just one step above a failed state and South Africa will never see the prosperity it once enjoyed. All the wealthy productive people fled decades ago.

So the idea that these 5 shitholes are going to replace the dollar sounds asinine.

Just my perception.
Wow, this thread is full of garbage and misinformation.

Many of the leaders are participating via remote access, as is Putin. Of course, the west, and a standing INTERPOL warrant out for him, so going in person, would be a risk for the leader of Russia.

His not going, has nothing to do with political isolation though.

Nor are the economies of BRICS necessarily doing poorly. IN fact, many nations, including France, are applying for inclusion, and the Anglo-American, forced uni-polar world order, would seem to be dissolving?

IMO? Folks should expand their sources of news, and not limit themselves. The future is coming up quick, and one might not want to be taken by surprise. In the modern era, there should be no excuse for it.

22 Countries to Attend BRICS Summit​

France Says Macron Hopes To Attend BRICS Summit​

BRICS Confident in New Expansion Criteria Ahead of 2023 Summit​

BRICS and Nukes and LNG – the energy transition few are expecting​

July 11, 2023

". . . Here’s a quick rundown of some of the bigger components that are largely met with unease, hostility, or shouting, and yet they are the future.

The first is the global rise of LNG as a fuel of choice for the coming decades. Country after country is signing LNG supply deals for 20 years or even more, contracts which are supporting the construction of infrastructure at either end – terminals to load LNG onto ships, and receiving terminals to distribute it to energy-starved countries. The US is expected to go from exporting zero LNG a decade ago towards exports of up to 30 billion cubic feet per day by the end of the decade, and the list of consuming nations is long and desperate to get what they can.

Emissions-wise, this makes total sense, because for much of the developing world the choice is coal, LNG, or nothing. Offers of endless solar fields are not amusing when the population wants refrigerators and air conditioners, at a minimum. But these developing countries must face the juggernaut of policy emanating from the west that does not want them to develop hydrocarbons of any sort. What to do?

And that brings us to BRICS, one of the big developing geopolitical entities that is being forced into existence.

Ten or fifteen years ago, a group of countries – Brazil, Russia, India China, and South Africa – formed what should have been BRICSA but for whatever reason they settled on BRICS. The original group took shape only as a method of attracting investment by highlighting opportunities, but over time it morphed into a more concrete organization, with their governments meeting regularly to develop policies that would benefit all members.

All well and good, however one would think – particularly here in the west – that the BRICS organization would be somewhat on its back heels and hiding behind a shrub with Russia being one of the key members. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been the biggest, worst setback to global peace in a long time.

It was with some surprise then that stories appeared in the news earlier this year about how multiple countries were looking to join BRICS. Bloomberg ran a story in April 2023 outlining 19 countries that submitted bids for membership.

In a startling sign of some of that change people talk about, the number of BRICS applicants reading for the hazing rituals has grown to a shocking 41 countries. The original BRICS group had about 3.2 billion citizens; the new applicants will add another 1.7 billion bringing the total BRICS population – if all join – to almost 5 billion people.

Compare this total to ‘the west’s’ population; if one includes philosophical teammates like Japan and Australia in the count along with western Europe, the US and Canada gives a population of under 1 billion.

The rush to join BRICS is from everywhere. South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia… even Mexico. The group is holding a summit in August with plans to potentially introduce a new currency.

This group is willing to join with the west’s pariah, Russia, because it sees a path towards defining its own future, and you can bet that energy is a large part of that. Why should 5 billion people take orders from the west with regards to what is and what is not allowable in terms of energy development?

Western stances on energy are absolutely bizarre, and from the other side of the developmental wall, must be at best perplexing and at most infuriating. Activists groups from Europe and the US push to prevent development of the East African Oil Pipeline, while Canada builds one, President Biden urges American producers to drill more, and Europeans build LNG terminals and burn coal. . . ."
Bullshit. SA told Putin he would be arrested if he came, showing us that SA is more concerned with its relations with the West than it is with its relations with Russia.

BRICS has no political significance. It is he name a Goldman Sachs analyst gave to the five fastest growing economies in the world in 2001, however only two of them are fast growing now, China and India, and both China and India are heavily dependent on trade with the West for their economic growth, so the idea that the BRICS will set up some sort of alternative economic "pole" is ludicrous.
Bullshit. SA told Putin he would be arrested if he came, showing us that SA is more concerned with its relations with the West than it is with its relations with Russia.

BRICS has no political significance. It is he name a Goldman Sachs analyst gave to the five fastest growing economies in the world in 2001, however only two of them are fast growing now, China and India, and both China and India are heavily dependent on trade with the West for their economic growth, so the idea that the BRICS will set up some sort of alternative economic "pole" is ludicrous.
Will BRICS bring the US dollar to its knees this year or next ?All the top experts agree but resident Troll Toomuchbooze knows better . Clown .
The dollar has been 'collapsing any minute now' since the 1970's. Too bad for the morons parroting this every day since that most other currencies are doing worse, lol. There is no 'Global economy' when the U.S. economy collapses.
Many of the leaders are participating via remote access, as is Putin. Of course, the west, and a standing INTERPOL warrant out for him, so going in person, would be a risk for the leader of Russia.

His not going, has nothing to do with political isolation though.
As I wrote, the west is FORCING BRICS to arrest him, it is not like they want to. . .

Putin would be arrested at summit, South Africa warns Russia: 'We have to'​

“The only option we have is for him to connect via Teams or Zoom from Moscow,” the unnamed official said.

That’s an undesired impediment for Putin because Russian officials have condemned the indictment as “outrageous and unacceptable” while attempting to downplay the influence of the ICC.

“For Russia, this body has fallen off the map of international judicial institutions,” the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Roman Kashayev said Friday during an informal meeting of the U.N. Security Council, per state-run Tass. "It has finally turned into an obedient instrument of Western countries.”

Ramaphosa’s likely deference to the ICC runs contrary to that narrative, at risk of Putin’s embarrassment. South Africa is a founding member of BRICS, a bloc that Russian and Chinese officials regard as a platform for challenging the influence of the United States and its allies.. . .

SA's quiet push for 'virtual' Putin visit to solve ICC arrest warrant dilemma​

As I wrote, the west is FORCING BRICS to arrest him, it is not like they want to. . .

Putin would be arrested at summit, South Africa warns Russia: 'We have to'​

“The only option we have is for him to connect via Teams or Zoom from Moscow,” the unnamed official said.

That’s an undesired impediment for Putin because Russian officials have condemned the indictment as “outrageous and unacceptable” while attempting to downplay the influence of the ICC.

“For Russia, this body has fallen off the map of international judicial institutions,” the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Roman Kashayev said Friday during an informal meeting of the U.N. Security Council, per state-run Tass. "It has finally turned into an obedient instrument of Western countries.”

Ramaphosa’s likely deference to the ICC runs contrary to that narrative, at risk of Putin’s embarrassment. South Africa is a founding member of BRICS, a bloc that Russian and Chinese officials regard as a platform for challenging the influence of the United States and its allies.. . .

SA's quiet push for 'virtual' Putin visit to solve ICC arrest warrant dilemma​

All the leaders from the BRICS countries traditionally attend its summits, and Chinese Premier Xi Jinping is making a rare trip overseas to be at the bloc’s first in-person summit since before the COVID-19 pandemic.

But Putin’s indictment by the International Criminal Court in March charging him with war crimes over the removal of children from Ukraine left South Africa with a significant diplomatic conundrum.

South Africa and Russia share strong ties and have an historically close relationship, but South Africa is also a signatory to the international court’s treaty. That meant it would be obliged to arrest Putin on the ICC warrant if he set foot on South African soil.

South Africa lobbied for months ahead of the summit to persuade Putin to stay at home so it could avoid the problem, South African officials say. South African Deputy President Paul Mashatile said last month that Putin was determined to come before an agreement for him to participate virtually was finally announced.

“It’s almost like you invite your friend to your house, and then arrest them,” Mashatile said at the time. “That’s why for us his not coming is the best solution. The Russians are not happy, though. They want him to come.”

So your claim that other BRICS leaders would not attend in person is also untrue.
Selinja may be the future prime minister of Latvia
She dreamed of becoming a porn actress, went through auditions and literally begged on her knees to be taken into "adult movies", and now she wants to become prime minister of Latvia.
Will they take her? The best candidate for Europe!!!, Prostitutes, faggots, clowns and trained political puppets
Any of you bizness jeenyuses want to exchange your dollars for Rubles and Rupees and Yuan pm me; I'll sell you fools all you can handle.
You miss the point . When a country is fully self sufficient , its currency exchange rate can become meaningless -- it can simply stop all trade that involves dealing with countries where its value is deemed to have fallen . This is precisely the situation that The Federation is in right now . If required , it can produce everything it needs itself or from fellow club members ( BRICS ).As for Dear Uncle flying to South Africa , why would any sane person take that risk ? The more so when your deputy ( Sergey Lavrov) eats nuisances for breakfast .
Ukrainian refugees living in a hotel in Ireland have staged a riot. They were denied free meals
The Irish authorities have officially stated that the refugees have to pay for their meals themselves. The amount is €10 per adult and €5 per child at the Breaffy Woods hotel.
Ukrainian refugees living in a hotel in Ireland have staged a riot. They were denied free meals
The Irish authorities have officially stated that the refugees have to pay for their meals themselves. The amount is €10 per adult and €5 per child at the Breaffy Woods hotel.

So get a box of radioactive waste and some umbrellas from your Uncle Pooty Pussy and go get them.

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