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Quassam rockets not as big a deal as Israel claims

Oh, the UN recognition, and what were the borders? Now, do the Twist!

We have come a long way from your bizarre assertion that the "Western Powers" screwed the Arabs by creating Israel to your equally bizarre suggestion that Israel does not exist because some of its borders remain in dispute.

Right...When did I assert that Israel does not exist? It was you who said the UN had nothing to do with Israel's creation backed by the Western Powers...

Now do the BosaNova!

Okay, I'm going to go talk to the grownups now.
We have come a long way from your bizarre assertion that the "Western Powers" screwed the Arabs by creating Israel to your equally bizarre suggestion that Israel does not exist because some of its borders remain in dispute.

Right...When did I assert that Israel does not exist? It was you who said the UN had nothing to do with Israel's creation backed by the Western Powers...

Now do the BosaNova!

Okay, I'm going to go talk to the grownups now.

Good boy! Maybe you'll learn to speak honestly.
Now you're just lying. I said Israel was created by the 600,000 Jews living there and you restated what I said as by force of arms and then claimed, either because of perfidy or ignorance, that if Israel had been created by force of arms it would have been illegal under international law.

The state of Israel was formed by the 600,000 Jews living there by forming a fully functional government while still under the British administration which was prepared to assume all the duties of government as soon as the British left. This state was preserved by force of arms when the Arab nations attacked it, not created by force of arms.

What government entity was created by the 600,000 Jews while 1.2 million Muslims resided there? Was there an election?

Keep dancing!

The government entity that was quickly recognized by the UN and admitted to full membership as soon as the ceasefire was implemented in 1949. Elections were held as soon as the fighting ended and each Knesset has had Arab Israelis as members.

Only about 1/4 of the Palestinians were allowed to vote.

Things would be quite different if everybody could vote.
The government entity that was quickly recognized by the UN and admitted to full membership as soon as the ceasefire was implemented in 1949. Elections were held as soon as the fighting ended and each Knesset has had Arab Israelis as members.

Oh, the UN recognition, and what were the borders? Now, do the Twist!

We have come a long way from your bizarre assertion that the "Western Powers" screwed the Arabs by creating Israel to your equally bizarre suggestion that Israel does not exist because some of its borders remain in dispute.

What borders are in dispute?
What government entity was created by the 600,000 Jews while 1.2 million Muslims resided there? Was there an election?

Keep dancing!

The government entity that was quickly recognized by the UN and admitted to full membership as soon as the ceasefire was implemented in 1949. Elections were held as soon as the fighting ended and each Knesset has had Arab Israelis as members.

Oh, the UN recognition, and what were the borders? Now, do the Twist!

Good question. You won't get an answer though.
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

So in your eyes it's nothing more than a numbers game when firing rockets at innocent civilians... What a complete moron you have exposed yourself to be.

Under international law, Israeli citizens are not considered "civilians."
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

So in your eyes it's nothing more than a numbers game when firing rockets at innocent civilians... What a complete moron you have exposed yourself to be.

Under international law, Israeli citizens are not considered "civilians."
Under International Law, you're a hazard to yourself, Tinmore.
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

So in your eyes it's nothing more than a numbers game when firing rockets at innocent civilians... What a complete moron you have exposed yourself to be.

Under international law, Israeli citizens are not considered "civilians."

Under UNIVERSAL LAW tinnie---and all allied with him, are PILES OF SHIT

no entity which touches him is UNDEFILED
P F Tinmore, pbel, toomuchtime__, et al,

I believe our friend "P F Tinmore" is correct to the extent, you probably will not get a good answer. I have been studying the Middle East and the anomaly we call Israel and the associate lands of Palestine for more than 40 years; when I was a very young Counterintelligence Agent. Then, you had two kinds of people that taught the history and politics of the Middle East: those that hated the Jewish People - and - those that hated the Arab People. It was remarkable how these preset conditions affected the interpretation of history. I had a much more romantic view of the Middle East. My very first serious love was from Haifa, although she was born in Lebanon. And Lebanon in those days was more beautiful than the French Riviera.

The notion of a Jewish Homeland emerges in the later part of the 19th Century. This notion is most closely associated with Theodore Herzl, who is often called the "Farther of Israel" but, should be remembered as the "Father of Zionism." I guess, from the standpoint of some official paper trail, the Balfour Declaration (made near the end of WWI and the fall of the Ottoman Empire) might be the fatal trigger for the great mistake.

The Balfour Declaration (the idea) and the British Mandate (the instrument of authority) crushed the idea of national independence for the area of Palestine at the outset of post-WWI. And the mandate begins to set the stage for principal obligations outlined in Article 2:
  • The creation of conditions which would secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home;
  • The creation of conditions which would secure the development of self-governing institutions;
  • The safeguarding of the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants
It should be remembered that this was the time that the Great Powers promised a number of Ethnic groups independence in the Region, including the Kurd.
The government entity that was quickly recognized by the UN and admitted to full membership as soon as the ceasefire was implemented in 1949. Elections were held as soon as the fighting ended and each Knesset has had Arab Israelis as members.

Oh, the UN recognition, and what were the borders? Now, do the Twist!

Good question. You won't get an answer though.

The "great series" of Arab-Jewish conflicts starts, not in 1948, but between 1917 and 1920. It was then that the first of a series of riots is ignited from the desire of the Arabs for national independence; the influx of Jewish immigrants into the region; and the growing opposition (some say hatred) and fear of the creation of the Jewish National Home. There were significant uprising in 1921, 1929 and 1933. The UK was about to launch a second Royal Commission when WWII intervened.

If we say the Balfour Declaration was "the trigger," then the "Termination of the British Mandate" at the end of WWII was the "mussel flash."

The favorable consideration of the Jewish claim to have a majority of Palestine seemed to have been based on:
  • The association that is made between the Jewish People and Palestine (not that the High Commission ignored the Arab association - they saw it as a near 50-50 split).
  • The religious connection between the Jewish and Palestine.
  • The business capacity of the immigrant (especially in the tea trade) and the economic prosperity they had brought to the region.
  • The WWII persecution of the Jewish population and the "homelessness" that resulted; and the fact that none of the world powers wanted a reoccurrence of a holocaust.
  • And the promise made in the Mandate; and the success of the illegal immigration into Palestine --- culminating in the Exodus of 1947 fame.

Some would say that the creation was a cascade failure. Others say it was fate. And still others see it as a continuation of a clash that has been ongoing for centuries. But the outcome is what it is. I don't think it has a single answer that you can point out.

Most Respectfully,
As usual diaper boy gets his news from false propoganda sites. And now for the truth:

Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip have occurred since 2001. Between 2001 and January 2009, over 8,600 rockets had been launched, leading to 28 deaths and several hundred injuries,[1][2] as well as widespread psychological trauma and disruption of daily life.[3] According to research done by the Social work department at the Sapir Academic college, an estimated 15,000[4] people from Sderot suffer from PTSD and an estimated 1,000 are undergoing treatment.[5]
The weapons, often generically referred to as Qassams, were initially crude and short-range, mainly affecting the Israeli city of Sderot and other communities bordering the Gaza Strip. However, in 2006 more sophisticated rockets began to be deployed, reaching the larger coastal city of Ashkelon, and by early 2009 major cities Ashdod and Beersheba had been hit by Katyusha, WS-1B[6] and Grad rockets,and in 2011-2012 to the cities of Kiryat Gat,Gedera and Ramat Negev.[7] In 2012, Israel's capital Jerusalem and commercial center Tel Aviv were targeted with locally made "M-75" and Iranian Fajr-5 rockets respectively.[8] A few projectiles have contained white phosphorus.[9][9][10][10][11][12][13][14][15]

Attacks began in 2001. Since then, nearly 4,800 rockets have hit southern Israel, just over 4,000 of them since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005. The range of the rockets has increased over time. The original Qassam rocket has a range of about 10*km (6.2*mi) but more advanced rockets, including versions of the old Soviet Grad or Katyusha have hit Israeli targets 40*km (25*mi) from Gaza.[1]

Hamas co-founder Mahmoud Zahar has said that the goal of the attacks is to force mass migration in Israel and disrupt the daily life of its citizens. Explaining why his group had moved from suicide bombing to rocket attacks, he said:
Which do you think is more effective, martyrdom operations or rockets against Sderot? Rockets against Sderot will cause mass migration, greatly disrupt daily lives and government administration and can make a much huger impact on the government. We are using the methods that convince the Israelis that their occupation is costing them too much. We are succeeding with the rockets. We have no losses and the impact on the Israeli side is so much.[148]
According to the BBC,
Hamas views the attacks as legitimate because it regards the whole of historic Palestine (roughly coterminous with Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Jordan) as Islamic land, and thus sees the state of Israel as an occupier.
So your link brings the death toll down to 28 Israeli's.

maybe if one fell by your house...

i can't help it if the terrorists have terrible aim.
They can't aim the rockets, that's why they're war crimes.

Maybe you should do a little homework first, before saying something stupid?
Let me have you 12 years under rocket fire, then tell you to suck it up!

You have no idea how we live here! stop the hypocrisy!
Why don't you go live in Gaza and put the shoe on the other foot, you fuckin' hypocrite?
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

So in your eyes it's nothing more than a numbers game when firing rockets at innocent civilians... What a complete moron you have exposed yourself to be.

Under international law, Israeli citizens are not considered "civilians."
That would be under Islamic and Hamas animal laws. Not international law, you fucking Jew hating lunatic.
So in your eyes it's nothing more than a numbers game when firing rockets at innocent civilians... What a complete moron you have exposed yourself to be.

Under international law, Israeli citizens are not considered "civilians."
That would be under Islamic and Hamas animal laws. Not international law, you fucking Jew hating lunatic.

Why do you bother to post on this board with so little knowledge of the conflict?
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

Let me have you 12 years under rocket fire, then tell you to suck it up!

You have no idea how we live here! stop the hypocrisy!

poor li'l sweetherat. my heart breaks and my tears are falling or you.

hey, i have an idea. maybe you should convert to islam and go live in gaza where life is good and you will prosper beyond your wildest dreams...and don't worry, hon, because you will be perfectly safe. israel planes only bomb the bad, bad men with pinpoint precision.

but you do have to be a little careful. just don't let children go out to play soccer or go out to the elementary shcool plaaygroud for recess because those IDF snipers are crack shots but they realise that the HAMAS bad, bad men often disguise themselves as little kids in athletic team colours and schoool girl uniforms and you know the iDF mantra..."better safe than sorry, and if that means killing 100 kids to get one bad bad, man, then that is G-d's will, and we are his chosen people."

let me know how that works out for you? K?

Why should I ever do that?

Hamas should stop firing rocket and then nobody in Gaza will have a "bad life"

All I see in the opening post is someone trying to say "the rockets are not that bad" which means they can fire more, on civilians, on children, in the name of "resistence" is all ok.

Poor little Hamas.

The made war crimes for the last 4 years, and the previous 12, then they get pissed when Israel is not keeping quiet anymore.

Screw Hamas.
Loinboy, since it's not the clean debate Zone, I wish you, and all who agree with you on that hypocrite thread, let it be that a Grad missile falls DIRECTLY ON YOUR LIVINGROOM, and THEN let's see you say it's no big deal!~

Not gonna happen, sadly.

So you can keep on barking, hypocrite!
No big deal, they say....
































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