Question about drinking and minors

That 1 in 5 number is pure propaganda.

It is based on a survey, where women were asked if they were ever sexually assaulted, so it's based on the opinion of the person being asked.

So it could vary from catcalls from construction workers on campus to actual rape or assault.
It's classic 'never let a crisis go to waste", especially one you created out of thin air. OMG look look....we need money to combat this or you too are a rapist. Oh and that ethics thing forget that ...that's patriarchal part of the problem. Friends get enriched, the taxpayer gets fleeced and the problem never gets solved so we need more money.
Catcalls are not assault. It is Harassment.

and is usually done by lower class individuals, so check your own privilege, you bougie bastard.

Yet, you are the one here trying to minimize it and defend it.

Again, Marty- defending white male straight privilege to be jerks since 2000.
Catcalls are not assault. It is Harassment.

and is usually done by lower class individuals, so check your own privilege, you bougie bastard.

Yet, you are the one here trying to minimize it and defend it.

Again, Marty- defending white male straight privilege to be jerks since 2000.

No, you are the one with your bougie privilege unchecked.

JoeB at home:

No, you are the one with your bougie privilege unchecked.

JoeB at home:

Not sure what a "bougie" is, but never mind...

Marty, living in mortal fear that white males might have to deal with equality. And then he'd be truly mediocre.
No, you are the one with your bougie privilege unchecked.

JoeB at home:

Not sure what a "bougie" is, but never mind...

Marty, living in mortal fear that white males might have to deal with equality. And then he'd be truly mediocre.

What you want isn't equality, it's revenge, and considering you are a white male, it's kind of pathetic in a self loathing way.

People who support Identity Politics don't want equality, they want superiority based on what they are, not what they do.
When I was a young man, I was at a party, in a hot tub, and this girl I barely knew grabbed me and gave me a big non-consensual kiss on the lips.

Maybe she raped me, who can tell.

I didn't report it.
REPORT IMMEDIATELY. She may be a multi-millionaire~ess by now and you could buy a new truck. It's the American way.........and one more reason every Joo Liar in the country should be shackled and sent to IsNtReal so they can share special moments with their Bolshevik relatives ahead of The Big Flash.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
Lets get some thing straight Rapes are real they happen at what frequency is debatable. Alcohol I believe will increase the likely hood. Alcohol does not need to be present for it to happen obviously. As far as sexual appitites go there are girls out there with large sexual appitites and with out so large a sexual appitie. I have date women with larger appitites than mine.
What you want isn't equality, it's revenge, and considering you are a white male, it's kind of pathetic in a self loathing way.

People who support Identity Politics don't want equality, they want superiority based on what they are, not what they do.

Naw, man, what is pathetic is watching white males continue to vote against their own economic interests because they live in mortal fear they'll have to treat women, minorities and gay decently.... all while the rich continue to fuck them.

Kavanaugh is a great example. He nearly rapes a white girl 35 years ago, and you guys want to put him on SCOTUS
I hear in the lower 48 they don't have DD's, not a thing or something idk, but yeah... without us DDs I have zero doubt there'd have been way more sex going on.

The 10 most and least educated states in 2018


What exactly is your point?

The study you post relates to "They considered statistics about the educational attainment of adults over the age of 24, the quality of local education and the racial and gender education gaps." Their own source notes: "In this study, WalletHub examined the key factors of a well-educated population: educational attainment, school quality, and achievement gaps between genders and races. We compared all 50 states across 15 total metrics grouped into two categories. The data set ranges from share of adults aged 25 and older with at least a high school diploma to average university quality to gender gap in educational attainment."

The report has very little bearing on the designated driver habits of kids at HS parties, and only relates a limited number of college kids (maybe a quarter of them?)
What you want isn't equality, it's revenge, and considering you are a white male, it's kind of pathetic in a self loathing way.

People who support Identity Politics don't want equality, they want superiority based on what they are, not what they do.

Naw, man, what is pathetic is watching white males continue to vote against their own economic interests because they live in mortal fear they'll have to treat women, minorities and gay decently.... all while the rich continue to fuck them.

Kavanaugh is a great example. He nearly rapes a white girl 35 years ago, and you guys want to put him on SCOTUS

What a warped worldview you have. You are an old fart SJW, which is kind of pathetic.

There is zero actual proof he did anything of the sort. But you don't like his politics so any smear is acceptable.

What you want isn't equality, it's revenge, and considering you are a white male, it's kind of pathetic in a self loathing way.

People who support Identity Politics don't want equality, they want superiority based on what they are, not what they do.

Naw, man, what is pathetic is watching white males continue to vote against their own economic interests because they live in mortal fear they'll have to treat women, minorities and gay decently.... all while the rich continue to fuck them.

Kavanaugh is a great example. He nearly rapes a white girl 35 years ago, and you guys want to put him on SCOTUS

You sound like you actually believe that.
There is zero actual proof he did anything of the sort. But you don't like his politics so any smear is acceptable.

we throw black kids in prison all the time on less evidence than Kavanaugh has against him.

check your privilege, buddy.
You sound like you actually believe that.

That we treat white folks differently than black folks? Um, yeah, we do. Some fun examples.


When I was a young man, I was at a party, in a hot tub, and this girl I barely knew grabbed me and gave me a big non-consensual kiss on the lips.

Maybe she raped me, who can tell.

I didn't report it.
Well, how many decades does it matter? No problem. Just cry "ME TOO" and get your 15 minutes. Better yet, say it was Trump and get $130,000!

Women are Sirens who lure men into marriage where men meet certain doom.
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
drink in front of your parents; it is ok, with adult supervision.
You sound like you actually believe that.

That we treat white folks differently than black folks? Um, yeah, we do. Some fun examples.



Liar. From Wikipedia.

Despite the nature of the crime and the continued usage of capital punishment in Texas, 17-year-old Pagourtzis is ineligible for the death penalty if convicted, due to the 2005 Roper v. Simmons Supreme Court ruling declaring that the death sentence for minorsconstitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

On May 24, 2018, it was confirmed McIntyre wasn't facing the death penalty or life imprisonment under Miller v. Alabama.[56] McIntyre's accomplice, Latharian Merritt was sentenced to life in prison on May 26, 2018.[57] Merritt was accused by the prosecution as being the one who pulled the trigger and killed the victim.[58] McIntyre's accomplice Megan Holt testified in the trial as part of a plea bargain where she would be promised a 20-year-sentence.

Santa Fe High School shooting - Wikipedia

Tay-K - Wikipedia
The recent accusations against Kavanugh have got me thinking. I did not start this thread to talk about that particular case, rather, I would like to talk about under aged drinking in general. This thread is about people who actually give a damn about sexually victimizing women rather than just stopping a political opponent from obtaining one of the highest political positions in the world.

I read recently that 1 in 5 girls in colleges across the US get sexually assaulted, and as we all know, colleges tend to have a culture of drinking and partying. As a culture, we have celebrated it as a right of passage, and not a door opened that leads to sexual violence.

My thinking is this, men have a much higher sex drive than women. In fact, women tend to throw a wet blanket on males, or we would be knee deep in new born babies and aborted fetus'. It is especially hard for immature males to handle these biological urges, so powerful they actually do brain damage. However, add alcohol to the equation, and you remove much needed inhibitions. And if the girl is drunk as well you have virtually no inhibitions. It's not about males being bad and females being good, it's just simple biology. Much of what people do when they do get drunk they can't even remember, let alone be able to control themselves.

So shouldn't the Metoo movement be focused on college drinking rather than keeping silent about sexual assault unless they are a Republican who is about to be appointed to the Supreme Court?


This guy thinks everybody was born last Monday!:aug08_031::aug08_031:

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