Question About Herb Cain For The Republicans

That would require you guys actually wanting to unite behind a President.
That would require you guys actually wanting to unite behind a President.

If you guys are the example, then you know exactly what you can expect.

I thought you people were all about leadership. Why don't you try LEADING by example for a change?
Look what happened with the last guy they called a "Uniter?" Obama and Democrats are not interested in uniting anyone. So no,i wouldn't call Cain a uniter. And he's not claiming to be one either. And that's cool with me. No more "Uniters" who promise to part seas. We need real solutions.
That would require you guys actually wanting to unite behind a President.

If you guys are the example, then you know exactly what you can expect.

I thought you people were all about leadership. Why don't you try LEADING by example for a change?

We are. We are leading people away from marxism and toward personal responsibility.
Look what happened with the last guy they called a "Uniter?" Obama and Democrats are not interested in uniting anyone. So no,i wouldn't call Cain a uniter. And he's not claiming to be one either. And that's cool with me. No more "Uniters" who promise to part seas. We need real solutions.

Agreed. We need leadership, not consensus. guys are TOO FUNNY.

All those snide remarks about Obama NOT being a uniter and all this criticism of him being a divider instead.

Seems like it was all HOGWASH, as you people aren't interested in uniters, unity or anything of the sort.

You're just interested in Right Wing Rule.

Isn't that it?

Just fess up and be blatant and upfront about it. You've already spilled the beans.
That would require you guys actually wanting to unite behind a President.

If you guys are the example, then you know exactly what you can expect.

I thought you people were all about leadership. Why don't you try LEADING by example for a change?

We are. We are leading people away from marxism and toward personal responsibility.

Red Herring.

Start a thread about Personal Responsibility and Marxism then.

This thread is about a leader that is a Uniter.

Unless of course, you are ready to admit that all that claptrap you and your ilk have been spewing for the last three years about unity was all BS.

So are you ready to do that now?
We believe in freedom. Why on earth would we unite with someone who wants to rob us and control us? Seriously, we aren't stupid.
That would require you guys actually wanting to unite behind a President.

This guy is united behind the office of the President- any President.
I also belive the current President is out of his league and totally wrong in the majority of his policies and goals, and that for the sake of our country's future he must be replaced- preferably by a Republican.
We believe in freedom. Why on earth would we unite with someone who wants to rob us and control us? Seriously, we aren't stupid.
Is this your admission to never being sincerely interested in unity then? guys are TOO FUNNY.

All those snide remarks about Obama NOT being a uniter and all this criticism of him being a divider instead.

Seems like it was all HOGWASH, as you people aren't interested in uniters, unity or anything of the sort.

You're just interested in Right Wing Rule.

Isn't that it?

Just fess up and be blatant and upfront about it. You've already spilled the beans.

You asked a question and i answered it. Cain isn't claiming to be a "Uniter" or promising to part seas. And i'm ok with that. There is no such thing as a politician being a "Uniter" anyway. Unless their name is Ron Paul. Obama and the Democrats don't want unity. They've instead only tried to divide the people. So in my book,"Uniter" = Bullshitter. guys are TOO FUNNY.

All those snide remarks about Obama NOT being a uniter and all this criticism of him being a divider instead.

Seems like it was all HOGWASH, as you people aren't interested in uniters, unity or anything of the sort.

You're just interested in Right Wing Rule.

Isn't that it?

Just fess up and be blatant and upfront about it. You've already spilled the beans.

I don't want to live in a communist country, so anything to keep that from happening, I will of course do and fight for. I'm not totally against helping people and believe in ssi and state programs, but believe that a over powerful government is not something we should work towards. The government should fear its people. Our founders knew what they were talking about as they had to live under fear. Don't give the government the power of Cuba, China, USSR my friend...You will not like it...

we can control our borders
balance our budget. Who sane wouldn't?
Get our troops out of the middle east
Legalize weed
cut the epa
pretty much give some of the centralize power to the states. Like I said above...You don't want to have this in the hands of the central Government. Ask Franklin or Jefferson.
Drill and mine for our resources...Without the middle east we will have to.

Why do you disagree with the above?
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We believe in freedom. Why on earth would we unite with someone who wants to rob us and control us? Seriously, we aren't stupid.
Is this your admission to never being sincerely interested in unity then?

No. It's a statement that you don't unite for the sake of unity. You unite for a cause and purpose.

I will not unite with those who's goal is to overthrow the liberty of me or anyone else. I am not going to unite with those who want to overthrow the Constitution. I am not going to unite with corruption. Nor will I unite behind movements who are going to try to take away my right to serve God.

Who on earth blindly unites behind someone who has the intentions to make things worse for society?
Let me ask you a hypothetical:

If someone gets elected President saying he is a uniter and begins to murder the [insert favorite group of people here] in America, would you unite behind him for the sake of unity or would you oppose this man/woman with your dying breath?

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