Question for rtwng

Yes, and it's not like my money was the governments' to take anyways

There are times when people need assistance. That assistance should not be given by the government. It should be given by people through private organizations, charities and churches.

Damn right. The government shouldn't be a business, leave the businessing to the businesses and business folk. Or something like that...
Apparently, conservatives are more driven towards making money, I was told yesterday.
Originally posted by JohnGalt
Damn right. The government shouldn't be a business, leave the businessing to the businesses and business folk. Or something like that...

Actually i think it might be an interesting experiment to have a government run like a business. let them offer goods and services and compete with other companies and fund the government that way. then we dont have to be taxed at all.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Actually i think it might be an interesting experiment to have a government run like a business. let them offer goods and services and compete with other companies and fund the government that way. then we dont have to be taxed at all.

That is disturbing to me... but I would get a kick out of watching it fail.
Originally posted by JohnGalt
There you have it ladies and gentlemen!
The reason why socialists and capitalists won't combine is because capitalists refuse to combine and conform their beliefs.

Right, because capitalism works and socialism doesn't. Maybe momentarily the envious are whipped into revolution, and stealing feels like progress for a few years. But ultimately the economy degrades and the society fails.
Why not use socialism for a couple of years and then switch to capitalism?
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Why not use socialism for a couple of years and then switch to capitalism?

Ask the soviets how well socialism worked..
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Why not use socialism for a couple of years and then switch to capitalism?

Oh, for that fleeting illusion of progress I mentioned? No thanks.
Then why not set up a big, capitalist, charity organization that teaches people how to function in society?
They come to you with a problem, and you help them fix it?
Like, I live in a poor community, I have no right arm, my kids are subject to racism, and I drink. Please help me live like you want me to.
And you can help them out?
And turn them into a capitalist.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Then why not set up a big, capitalist, charity organization that teaches people how to function in society?
They come to you with a problem, and you help them fix it?
Like, I live in a poor community, I have no right arm, my kids are subject to racism, and I drink. Please help me live like you want me to.
And you can help them out?
And turn them into a capitalist.

What if they don't WANT to live the way I do? What if I don't want to live the way YOU do? Don't we have a bit of freedom to choose what and how we live our lives?
So I CHOOSE to continue staying at home, drinking, bemoaning my amputated arm.

Can I live with you? I mean is your house nice enough for me? Your kids can sleep on the sofa, ok?

I mean I'm being facetious, but not by much.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Then why not set up a big, capitalist, charity organization that teaches people how to function in society?
They come to you with a problem, and you help them fix it?
Like, I live in a poor community, I have no right arm, my kids are subject to racism, and I drink. Please help me live like you want me to.
And you can help them out?
And turn them into a capitalist.

Everyone knows the answer. Get a job and quit drinking. That's just not an answer they like. They'd rather steal.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Well, then there shouldn't be a problem.

The problem is with a socialist system you are asking people to subidize some of your poor choices.

You drink - that is a choice you have made thus potential.y
effecting your life and the life of your children.

You have children - again your choice (unless concieved by rape, unlikely though) bringing a human life into this world takes responsiblity.

Your children face racism - we all face challenges in life nothing should be taken for granted. There are law to protect people.

You have no right arm - if born in that condition it would be likely that some form of government assistance in this capitalistic system would be available. Also prothesis are availble to regain maximum normal usage. I have been to and donated to several fundraisers for people and their medical condition, it happens people have compassion.

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